What is Kundalini Yoga, how to prepare beginners


India draws attention not only to its special spiritual worldview, but also the fact that amazing practices have emerged and developed in it, aimed at ensuring that the person harmoniously develops physically and mentally. In particular, special attention is paid to the direction like Kundalini Yoga. More detailed about it you will learn in this material.

What is Kundalini yoga

A little about the creator of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga began to spread widely around the world in the 60s of the last century. The first who began to promote and advertise this course became the famous yoga teacher and the Yoga Businessman Bhajan.

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Yoga wrote: "Kundalini Yoga acts as a yoga awareness formed by simple yogan techniques who are pleasant for every person, regardless of age-related category or level of physical training. This is a doctrine consisting of breathing exercises (Pranas), Yogan poses (Asan), interaction with sound energy, use of mantras and meditative practices. The main goal of Kundalini Yoga is to open for a person the possibility of experiencing the experience of the highest consciousness by increasing the creative energy of Kundalini. "

Kundalini Yoga is an effective method of body work and consciousness, which is valid even from the most skeptical beginners.

At the same time in Kundalini Yoga, strict asceticism is not supposed - it is quite suitable for people looking for the opportunity to realize their potential in this world, and not to renounce him.

What is actually kundalini

To understand why Kundalini Yoga needs, you need, first of all, to establish, what is in fact Kundalini in reality?

Kundalini is the energy that is the basis for the birth of everything in our world, as well as for spiritual perfection.

The literal translation of the word "Kundalini" from Sanskrit sounds as follows: "A similar snake that sleeps, curling the ball, reliably hidden power."

And the truth, Ayurveda and Yoga compare Kundalini with the snakes, dorming in each of us from the moment of the appearance of the world, located in the Chakra district of Mladjara (base of the spinal column).

Performing special practices, it becomes possible to awaken this energy, as well as its movement up through all human energy centers to Sakhasrara Chakra (upper energy center, located in the area of ​​the Mc).

Thanks to this, the personality is developing and improved spiritually, it is possible to be implemented creatively, as well as get rid of pathologies arising due to violated circulation of vital energy in chakram.

Distinctive features of this technique

  • At the beginning and end of the lesson, mantras come across - special divine songs.
  • The exercises of Kundalini Yoga, performed in statics and dynamics, are characterized by technical simplicity, but at the same time they have a very powerful effect largely due to long-term execution - from sixty seconds to an hour and even more.
  • At the same time, a lot of attention is paid to Bandham (locks), wise men (are symbolic arrangements of hands) and respiratory techniques.
  • The basis of the discipline is Sadhana, serving with training and meditation until dawn, when the human energy channels are the cleanest and really feel like a thin energy moves.
  • To become a practice of Kundalini, there is no need for pre-physical training, special flexibility or super-health. At the same time, the clothing of white should be selected for classes.

Action Kundalini Yoga on the human body

Kundalini Yoga is a rejuvenating and health practical practice, which gives the body of vigor, vital energy and a wonderful mood. Already from the first workout, it contributes to the best realization of his thoughts and feelings, and also helps to be honest with himself.

The initial goal of Kundalini Yoga is spiritual improvement, but today it is successfully practiced when it is necessary to achieve specific goals relating to health, communication and business issues.

Kundalini Yoga absorbed the culture and religion of Sikhov, which at the same time do not impose it around it. In this practice, the disciples receive not religious knowledge, but energy with the determination of the implementation of what the shower seeks.

Kundalini improves soul

What is the goal of Kundalini Yoga, an overview of her features

Thanks to Indian spiritual practice Kundalini Yoga, it is possible to simultaneously resolve several purposes. Since this area of ​​yoga is also known as "Yoga awareness", its main meaning will be to concentrate on its self-knowledge, enhance the spirit and disclosure of the highest meaning of his life.

The main goals of Kundalini Yoga are as follows:

  • eliminate the inner duality that prevents person to become higher than the material world;
  • fully awaken your mind, clean and expand it;
  • Encourage inner calm, achieve a high result in affairs.

Unlike part of the directions of yoga, promoting care from public life and celibacy, Kundalini Yoga is intended for family and working people, and this is noted by the yoga of Bhajan.

This teaching consists of special techniques and exercises, for example:

  1. "Halasana" - promotes the strengthening of spinal muscles, preserving the flexibility of the spine;
  2. "Pashchyottanasana" - enhances the gastric fire, allows you to get rid of fatty sediments on the stomach;
  3. "Suryya Namaskar" - reveals the heart chakra and fills it with divine love.

But with all this, Kundalini Yoga can carry some danger in itself. It is determined by the fact that when the very powerful energy of Kundalini is awakening, the human energy membrane faces serious changes. And when changes occur in the physical body, the quality of consciousness perception changes, as well as many life priorities.

As the strength of Kundalini awakened, the person becomes more confident in its own power, getting rid of fear and anxiety. But only the person who has a sincere desire to know the Divine Love and share his love and energy with all alive, will be able to get the best results, practicing Kundalini yoga.

Why criies are important in Kundalini yoga

Before the development of the practice of Kundalini Yoga, a preparatory stage will be required, which includes bodily and moral and moral cleansing.

This is explained simply - the awakening of the stream of the powerful energy of Kundalini in a person who overcomes negative thoughts and qualities (even if its body is healthy enough), will negatively affect, first of all, on it.

The insufficiently purified mind from the residues of old karma and the non-modified perception of themselves and the surrounding reality together with the active use of the nogistic practices quickly contributes to the development of different violations, in particular, mental.

It is in order to cleanse bodily and spiritually, curls are used in Kundalini-yoga - special techniques. In particular, cleaning air, water and energy practices.

With the help of exercises such as spending, bastic, dhind, and others, it becomes possible to develop endurance, the development of flexibility, strengthening the body, giving the body of large vitality.

In addition, it is possible to use special nutritional modes or even hunger strikes that allow you to clean the body, eliminating toxins and slags.

To cleanse the mental body, the establishment of harmony between the perception of oneself and the surrounding reality must be learned to contact with them and with the surrounding people on the spiritual level through meditative practices, the singing of mantras, concentration, as well as imaging techniques.

How long there is a phase of cleansing and its component depends on the personal characteristics of each individual.

Kundalini cleans the human energy

Information that those who want to try Kundalini yoga must know

You have already understood that Kundalini Yoga is a serious practice, so it needs to be perceived with full responsibility and with knowledge of the case. All who are just starting practicing yoga should take into account the following recommendations:

  • The main thing is to remember, - contraindications to Kundalini-yoga classes. Of these, it is necessary to mention the following: hypertension, epilepsy, the presence of a congenital heart defect, consumption of strong medicines (antidepressants, tranquilizers), narcotic or alcoholic besified, biliary disease. If you have any cardiovascular pathologies, there is often dizziness or fainting, hypotension, allergic reactions, depressive states, or you recently transferred serious injuries, before starting practice, we advise you to get advice from a specialist, will she not hurt you harm.
  • It is important that the tempo of classes is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of each person. With each new occupation, it is possible to increase the time reserved for exercise. It is impossible to endure pain or uncomfortable sensations that arise in the process of performing exercises.
  • You should use a sufficient amount of water during classes.
  • For training sessions, choose the most free clothes, the basis of which is natural fabrics. Before yoga class, free from any jewelry to minimize the risk to be injured.
  • During classes, put the pillow, plaid or rugs for more convenience.
  • Refrain from eating three hours before training. In general, the yoga is not recommended to drink coffee or drinks with caffeine content, because it increases blood pressure. In addition, it is certainly necessary to eliminate alcohol and narcotic drugs, tobacco from its diet.
  • In case of Kundalini-yoga, it is important to pay enough attention to Mantram. Do not refuse to read Divine songs, even if you do not believe in them, you can still make sure of their effectiveness.
  • The representatives of the finest gender should abandon the exercises of yoga, in which the press is involved, during critical days, and from the turned poses and respiration with the help of the abdomen.
  • Do not try to eliminate your thoughts that appear in the head when you do exercises or meditate. In this struggle you only reduce the concentration of attention, but will not reach a positive result.

But the most important point is to get ready for the Kundalini yoga possesses a fairly rapid result. If you fulfill all the techniques correctly, the person acquires a powerful tool for spiritual development and improvement.

Now you know what Kundalini Yoga is, as well as how to start using this practice beginners. At the end of the topic, we recommend that you contact an interesting thematic video:

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