Bull and Monkey Compatibility


The compatibility of the bull and monkey on the Eastern Horoscope promises a couple of happy future. But there are also problem points that it is important to know to keep harmony and love. We will deal in all nuances.

Monkey Woman and Bull Male

Marriage between these two people is likely to be happy. They fully satisfy each other's needs and look equally for the relationship.

Bull Monkey Compatibility in Love

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What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. Male - Nature is purposeful. He sees the goal and does not notice obstacles on his way. It is able to achieve a lot, and having enlisted with the support and inspiration of his companion, can generally roll the mountains and become an incredibly successful person.
  2. Woman attracts chosen by her incredible charm. It is difficult for him to achieve her, but he will do everything possible, because the result is worth it. He will take a beautifully care for and can perform real feats for its location.
  3. It is worth noting that this girl is rather rational and practical looks at marriage. She does not hide that it will be married to come out only by calculation. A man must be successful enough to interest her. Only then can she respect him.

The attack of the relationship is that a woman can start looking for a man better if the bull will cease to correspond to its ambitions and satisfy material requests. Treason can happen because of the shortage of attention. Therefore, a man will always have to ensure that the elect in relationships did not bother to pour it more often.

Female bull and man-monkey

This version of the Union is less promising than the previous one. Both partners are inborn leaders, so they will always compete and fight for a dominant place in a pair.

Bull monkey compatibility in relationships

The initial period of love promises to be passionate, filled with emotions. They will enlive each other almost immediately, and a rapid romance will be tuned. If partners fail to save feelings, the fire will quickly go out, and they will break up.

In order for a short novel to become something more serious to walk to a family and marriage, a man will have to take responsibility for themselves, to take a companion with all its disadvantages and sometimes imply.

If he is patient enough, learn to respect the spouse, she will repay. It will be loyal, caring and loving, will be to keep homemade hearth and inspire a spouse, give him his female energy.

A woman will also have to come to compete with some disadvantages of the satellite. It can be windy and frivolous, it easily spends money and can make decisions on emotions. If she is enough wisdom to extinguish the emotional gusts of the chosen one, everything can work out quite safely.

If this couple can take each other with all the shortcomings and learn how to search for compromises in conflict situations, they can live together for a long time and happily to deep old age, build true love to everyone to envy.

Cons of Union

The eastern horoscope promises a couple of conflicts that cannot be avoided. But it is possible to successfully overcome life tests if both partners are able to be quite wise and will be able to extinguish quarrels on time.

Compatibility Bull Monkey

What is the "noise" of relations between these two signs:

  1. Both partners are jealous enough. And not always jealousy is objective. They are owners who do not tolerate encroachment on their territory. This can be a sick problem.
  2. If the bull begins to pay less attention to the partner, the monkey immediately visits the side of other candidates for the role of a life satellite. Not a fact that treason will happen, but you need to be on guard and not give reasons.
  3. Partners are also quite temperamental and passionate nature, because of which their quarrels rarely pass quietly.
  4. Monkeys are very active, in them life beats the key. The bull often does not have time for such a tempo, it is restored alone, it is simply vital, it is sometimes necessary to be alone with him. The monkey should give the chosen one such an opportunity, not customized and not forcing it to act at the moments of rest. Otherwise, parting is inevitable.

Bull loves to command what is detrimental for a relationship if a woman was born under this leader's sign. She should be more wise and not to protrude his "I", be softer, feminine and sometimes submissive.

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Sexual compatibility

As for intimate relations, in this area of ​​relationships of problems in the pair practically does not occur. The similarity of temperaments allows both of both the tremendous pleasure from proximity. And it is precisely sex often helps to settle quarrels, quicing partners.

It is very important that sex from them is diverse. Otherwise, one of the pair will certainly bore and can start looking for entertainment on the side. Therefore, it is worth not afraid of experiments and listen to the desires and needs of each other.

Friendship and business

They can create a successful tandem in friendship, work and business. But also extremely dangerous to others - they are capable of all for the sake of achieving common goals, which often causes a lot of trouble to other people.

Friendship will be a strong, interesting, rich in interesting events. These are not the people who will arrange a quiet life. They love sports, outdoor activities and extreme entertainment. Adore risk. They can be found in the mountains, campaigns, on the tarzanka, they jump with a parachute, and if they go to the cinema, it is necessary to horror.

In friendly relations, the quarrel almost does not occur. Partners, on the contrary, learn from each other much. The monkey becomes more patient and tolerant, the bull acquires a better sense of humor, becomes liberated.

Excellent if love relationships begin in this pair from friendship. Then the likelihood of building happiness, love and harmony is much higher. But this version of the development of events is rare enough.

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