Icon of the Mother of God "Power": description, meaning, history + photo


The most important shrine of Russian monarchists - the holding icon of the Mother of God is gained in the twentieth century. Although her history originates much earlier. It is considered one of the most revered images of Our Lady. It is believed that the "detection" is strongly significant for those endowed with great state power and is a patronage of the rulers of the country. In fact, not everything is so simple. Not only the rulers are addressed, but also the usual Orthodox.

Description of the image of the Queen of Heaven


The gaze appears a somewhat unusual image. Traditionally, Christians are accustomed to the image of humble, here are a little different. On the knees of the mother - the infant Christ blesses all the sharp hand. Ladyman sends on the throne of the sovereign, holding the signs of power in his hands (Scepter, Power).

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Stern face strict. The photo shows that on the head of the royal crown, and around the glowing nimb. Red mantle is thrown - another symbol of power. Everything indicates that the Russian people now have their divine caregiver.

History of appearance

mother of God

In 1917, when Emperor Nicholas Second (March 15) renounced the throne, the image of Mother of Lord of our Jesus Christ was suddenly revealed in the Kolomensky near Moscow. A certain Orthodox woman named Evdokia Andriyanov from the neighboring village several times saw the same strange dream, where a quiet voice appeared to her with the command to go to the White Temple, find the icon there and make her red. The believer peasant tried to fulfill the order. She shared his visions with the abbot of the Ascension Church by Father Nikolai.

The father believed the hallway, deciding that the sleep was proper. Foreign searches began throughout the temple. All corners and walls were inspected. For a long time they could not discover the icon, but when they got to the donated basement of the church, then among the choping boards it was found, the largest and black stood in a number of other icons, as if waiting for something. There is a version that, perhaps, was exported from the capital was hidden during the war with the French in 1812 and the all-consuming fire.

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Dust with a thick layer covered an invisible image. When with difficulty, the soot and dirt with difficulty, then they saw the most preching in red. She sacked on the throne, the signs of power held in his hands, and the head was crowned with a magnificent crown. Little Jesus sat on his knees. Snoviditsa immediately recognized the face, which was broadcast in a dream voice.

The fact that the Mother of God appeared in a new image, soon flies to many mantis mantis in different corners of Russia. This event was attached great importance among all the segments of the population, allegedly came to the Mother of God for the help of long-suffering Russia in a difficult hour, and now, when she has a legitimate ruler, it will be necessary to finish the destiny of the country.

Others believed that the emergence of a forgotten image again before people - a warning about the upcoming terrible events for the people and the Orthodox Church and punishment for grave pregnursions. Many still adhere to this opinion, remembering the persecution of churrents in the first years of Soviet power and bloody revolutionary events.


Icon helped weakly heal. In Kolomensky itself, suddenly scored a spring with healing water. People from different cities and provinces began to come to him. Before the face, the intercession prayed not only about bodily health, but also about the refund.

Since then, the icon has repeatedly been engaged in other temples to enable as many people as possible to the shroves. On days dedicated to the wonderful image, he is left in Kolomensky, where rites are committed in honor of him.

What pray about


First of all, Christians are asking for recovery of their loved ones or giving strength after severe illness. Practically with any request comes the Bogomols to a miracle of creative. They are mentally reading prayers

  • For help in search of the second half, getting rid of painful loneliness.
  • Financial affairs restored, issues related to debts and loans were resolved.
  • About peaceful life and spiritual peace, consent between relatives of friends.
  • About salvation in the years of troubles and wars from death, hunger and illness.
  • On the pacification of the evil enemy, the peace of mind and goodwill to the calmness of the spirit and goodwill.

All who are looking for help can come up and pray. The main thing is that there is no negative on the heart, the negative send even towards his sworn enemies.

Location Today Icons "Holding" God's Mother

50 years old Historical Museum held an original script in his reserves. If some lists were in the Soviet era, they disappeared or purposefully destroyed. However, in 1990, the icon was returned back to Kolomenskoye.


Today it can be prayed in the same place in the Church of the "Kazan" icon of the Mother of God, where she is basically and dwells.

The most famous lists


From the original from time to time numerous lists were made, but only a few old workers managed to save. There are several of them, and they are in different places, the most popular of them are the following.

  • In the Moscow Church of Much. John the Warrior in Moscow.
  • Miraculous. Nikolo-Percevinsky Monastery. Got a monk of Agnia.

Days of West

The holiday is celebrated by the Mother of God's holding icon in March, the 15th of the new style. In the monastery at this time necessarily committed in honor of her the procession. The image is made from the church, along with the people is made bypassing the building.

Once again celebrated in Kolomensky itself in July, a day when the icon was gained. 27 numbers.

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