Exaltation of the Cross, when happened, what it means for Christians


The Orthodox Church considers this festival one of the most important among the 12 per annum. However, many believers are nothing at all to know about Krestovozdvizhenii. Why this day is so important to us? And for what reason we do not want to miss the celebration of the Exaltation of the September 27 (in contrast to Easter, the date of the holiday does not change annually)?


Where there was a finding of relics?

We all know that Jesus Christ was crucified on Mount Calvary. Once the spirit of the Son of God was thrown to the sky, his body was taken to the cave, which is sealed and protected ... But what happened to the cross?

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According to the ancient rules of execution gun dispatched to the tomb of the body of the deceased. But the apostles left the cross on the hill. And later, so people are not remembered here was executed Lamb Gentiles filled cross the land, and the place itself is flattened, erecting on it a temple of the pagan goddess Venus. Although, of course, many people would prefer not to forget the cross, passing from generation to generation the secret of its storage.

It was only 300 years later, during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great, when the persecution of Christians ceased, it was uncovered.

It happened all the way:

  • Finding there was no accident. The Emperor (who often appeared in a dream Jesus Christ himself, ordering the fight under the banner embroidered with a cross) has organized an expedition. It was headed by the governor's mother.
  • Empress Elena (after death Equal to the Apostles name) from the Judas old Jew heard about cavern under old Gentile temple built at some distance from Jerusalem. He assured that this is where you can find one of the main Christian shrines.
  • When the cave dug inside were three wooden cross and a plaque with a known each veryaninu inscription, "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." But it was difficult to understand which of the crosses - the same. The solution came by itself: everyone was asked to touch a sick woman. Only one of the crosses could heal her. And therefore, he was the one who passed on part of the Lord's grace.
  • When St. Helen, the Patriarch Macarius and other people carried the cross on the street, they met a funeral procession. Inspired recently seen a miracle healing, they decided to attach it to the deceased man ... and he began to breathe!
  • The mass of people, having heard these wonders, rushed to the place. At first, everyone wanted to touch the shrine, but the crowd grew everything. In the end, Patriarch simply came upside down and began to raise the cross over his head, so that all believers would at least see him. It is this moment that it is customary to be called the erection of the Cross of the Lord.

The Saints

A little later, the Empress divided the shrine: part left in Jerusalem (so that people could come and worship the cross, the temple was erected here), and the second was lucky to his vengeous son.

Return of the captive cross

  • In 614, misfortune happened to the city: he won Persians. All treasures (as well as a cross, who is considered the shrine) King Josrov's second took from Jerusalem.
  • However, the relic remained shortly for long - only 14 years. Already in 628, Emperor Irakli won the Persian army, returning his people the most important symbol of Christian faith.
Unfortunately, to this day, a cross in the form in which was gained, not preserved. However, in the Jerusalem Temple of the Resurrection of Christ in the Altar still resting part of this relic.

Some fragments of the cross are in Russia, in the temples of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Ivanovo. And part of the relic even was sent to the orbit of our planet (this happened in 2006).

Christian traditions related to this holiday

Each Orthodox church is carried out all-part and liturgy. Moreover, the father makes a cross from the altar, becoming with him in the center of the temple, and Vyrayn worship him.


On this day, believers can go to the church, where the preaching was performed for them, devoted to the acquisition of the Cross of the Lord. You can take part in the procession with prayers and non-carriers or bypass.

Prayers on this day are joyful. People ask the Lord about family happiness, health for themselves and relatives, well-being.

Folk customs

Exaltation is a strict holiday: food on the tables should be extremely expensive. Our ancestors most often prepared cabbage (baked cakes with her, grown it, fry), so the catalog of this day became the peoples.

The day after the holiday in the villages, the currants were traditionally started to plant, as well as an apple tree. But the garden harvest, on the contrary, was in a hurry to clean up to the crust, as the future nights had already thrown serious frosts.

What can I do?

  • Pour the house with water, which you were consecrated in the church in the morning. This ritual will protect your "nest" from all evil, which is in the world.
  • Draw in the house crosses. By the way, because of this, the holiday was also called the Stavrovy Day (from the Greek word "Stavros", meaning "Cross").
  • The livestock rods placed small wooden (purchased or homemade) crosses even near their livestock, believing that they would protect cows and sheep from demonic strength and damage.

Also, many believe that when he saw the wedge of migratory birds on this day, it is worth a desire, which will come true ... Although, of course, it's just a superstition that has nothing to do with the true faith.

And what is impossible?

  • Start doing something new: people believe that nothing good will succeed.
  • Swear, especially in the family circle.
  • Do hard physical work. But a light cleaning in the house not only was not rebeling, but even welcomed - it was believed that such actions were expelled from the dwelling the ugly power in it.
  • Go to the forest. Our grandmothers, who believe not only in God, but also to the otherworldly power, scared their grandchildren as follows: "Let's get his own possessions on his eyes, looking at the winter," he will take you to myself, you can't turn home! "
  • Keep the open door, especially in the villages. The fact is that just during this period, the snakes lie in a hibernation to wintering. Who will want, the gadines get to winter in their home!

Old folk signs

The people believed that this day warns about the imminent parish of autumn. It is for the emission of not only the snake goes into hibernation, but also bears, and birds finish their departures to the south.

  • Began freezing? So, spring will come early in the coming year.
  • Is the cold wind rushes? Future summer will delight warmth.
  • Migratory geese fly very high? In the spring you should wait for the flood.

Cross - one of the main Christian shrines. Therefore, there are even prayers addressed to the life-giving cross. We suggest listening to the most popular. Some believers read it many times, asking for the Lord to strengthen them in the sorrow and calm the rebellious souls.

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