The meaning of an interesting and mystical tattoo mandala


Tattoo today is a very popular way to decorate your body. In addition to decorative, each tattoo has a certain semantic value. Therefore, it is not recommended to make a tattoo thoughtlessly if you do not know what it means, you first need to get all the necessary information about it. In this material we will tell about the meaning of the unusual tattoo mandala.

Tattoo Mandala photo

What is the magic tattoo with mandala?

The mandala squint has not only external attractiveness and mystery, but also is a powerful magic charm and a magnet that attracts positive energy into human life. Thanks to this, it is very popular with tattoo studios clients, they often decorate their body using this symbol similar to Cosmos map. Next, consider the origin of the mysterious mandala.

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If you translate the word "mandala" from an ancient language, it means "circle" or "sphere" and is associated with a sacred schematic image. Initially, the symbol and the concept of mandala arose in the culture of Buddhists and Hindus, where they personified the divine world.

The mandala performs a complex geometric symbol, a space map and a model of our universe. It is always depicted in the form of a circle, which fits the square, and in it there is another circle - the inner plan. At the same time, the square is focused on the directions of light, and in the central part of the inner circle, the main sacral symbol is depicted - some kind of deity, animal, plant, or sample writing.

Value that has a tattoo with mandala

Tattoo "Mandala" is a symbol of wisdom and spiritual integrity, which is why the drawing is always portrayed sharpened in the circle. From the inside, there is also a square with triangles facing all four directions of light.

All the details of the mandalas have a connection with different spiritual characteristics: comprehension, the firmness of the spirit and intentions, spiritual integrity. In most cases, the mandala circle is decorated with beautiful patterns, thanks to which the lotus flower begins to resemble his delicate petals.

Mandala can be configured to each individual personality. In the wheel of the world (this is another of the names of this wonderful symbol) a labyrinth with a zodiacal circle or a dial. As a rule, the mandala is created from patterns and symbols chosen by each person based on its taste and preferences. Each person gives this intricate pattern a part of his own soul, gives it its meaning that in the end helps to get real pleasure from this process.

The main task of the tattoo with Mandala is to protect the inner world of its owner. The symbol has the action of the overawe, maintains spiritual integrity and contributes to the acquisition of internal harmony with its subsequent expression into the world around.

How will the Tattoo "Mandala" work?

It should be noted that the tag with a mandala will be effective exclusively in cases where you originally believe in it. By tradition, the bulk of the fans of this symbol - people approximate to Buddhism and Hinduism. They fill an ancient symbol with a special sacred value.

Then we list some varieties of mandala with a description of their healing effects:

  • Healing mandalas - are designed to attract a healthy mind, increase the vitality and human energy.
  • Protective mandalas - help stop and successfully eliminate negative energy streams.
  • Mandala mills (differently called "turntables"). Mandalas of such a plan helps to transform the energy of one quality to another. For example, if a person is characterized by activity and anxiety, then the mandala of such a plan will add to him peace and prudence.
  • Mandalas for men and women - filled with energies of both began and contribute to the normalization of hormonal background in the body.
  • Paired Mandalas are designed to configure and balance the partnership relationships, contribute to the world and harmony in the family.

Beautiful mandala tattoo girl

What impact on your life will be acknowledged with mandala

  • Mandala is an oldest magical resonator that has a strong impact on a person and capable of creating powerful informational biological fields. Fields may have protective, activating, harmonizing properties and adjust to each specific person.
  • An important aspect - you must pay special attention to the selection of the picture so that it causes you to have a real sympathy. Tattoo Mandala has a very strong energy that will influence its owner, especially if he sincerely believes in it.
Then we will give examples of the most common sketches of the mandala, indicating their properties and influence on the human body and his life.

Examples of the mandala with their meaning

Mandala Love

The mandala of love acts as a symbol of peace and harmony. It is believed that it attracts a soul mate into a person. This mandala consists of petals and buds, also there is often a peacock image.

Mandala Happiness

This mandala is designed to awaken in man a sense of integrity, allows you to better feel the taste of life, contributes to the harmonization of the mental state.

Mandalas of such a plan are mainly formed by curls, petals and flowers - that is, symbols of flowering life.

Mandala luck

Mandala programms a person to fulfill all his desires. She also represents a kind of charm. Due to the strict geometric figures, the mandala of luck is very similar to a crystal absorbing all the troubles with adversity. Another version of the mandala of good luck - lotus flower.

Mandala of wealth

It is called upon to attract cash energy. Of course, you should not count on getting immediately golden mountains thanks to this symbol, but it will configure you to work and improve the moral mood. In this mandala, wealth symbolize leaflets and flowers, as well as a bunch of grapes.

In general, the deep meaning of the mandala will not change from the place of application of the drawing. Also does not play a significant role of the version of the mandala - you can portray it exactly like in a Buddhist book, or in an outstanding form.

But what exactly will affect the value of the tattoo mandala - this is the addition of new characters, figures and even the most miniature elements.

Guided by purely aesthetic considerations, Tattoo experts advise to apply the mandala image on the elbow fold or on the forearm area. Often you can also meet the mandalas deposited from behind on the feet, the external and inner side of the palms, wrist, back, shoulders, chest and other parts of the body.

In addition, the figure is often divided vertically half and applied part of the figure for one hand, and the second part is to another. Similarly, the mandalas are placed on the feet or even on two fingers if a very small image is performed.

tattoo mandala from a guy

Features of the color tattoo mandala

The triangle, which is divided into the inner square of the mandala, is focused by different directions of light, and each square corresponds to its color:
  • Northern - green;
  • southern - yellow;
  • Western - red;
  • Eastern - white.

The central figure, as a rule, make blue, although there are also variants of a bright red or emerald background. In some cases, an image of meditating divine entities can be seen on the inside of the mandala.

Modern tattoo culture does not pay too much importance to the color scheme of mandala. In most cases, customers stop on the most "suitable" side of light or on their favorite color.

And when the style of "Watercolor" became popular, characterized as well as vague paints, the mandala began to be depicted absolutely black, but surrounded by a bright background.

In conclusion

It is absolutely not necessary to give the tattoo mandala a particular sacral meaning. It may well be perceived in the form of just a beautiful image or an interesting geometric shape. And an additional bonus - your tattoo will not just be a beautiful art on the body, but also protects from poor impact, it will give creative inspiration and will help concentrate on something large.

At the end of the topic it is worth viewing an interesting video review of sketches Tattoo Mandala:

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