Adultery - what it is, the sin of adultery and fornication in Orthodoxy


Adultery is a voluntary sexual intercourse of one of the spouses with a person who is not consisting of it in the official (secular) marriage and is not crowned with him in the church. In other words, this is non-fulfillment of marital loyalty.


General notions about marriage in Orthodoxy

The Union of Men and Women, concluded in compliance with all Christian traditions, is a church sacrament. This means that two loving person (bride and groom) by mutual agreement promise to love, respect and keep loyal to each other.

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For this, they receive blessings in the Church and God's grace for the birth of healthy children, at the increase in the well-being of the family. "The Great Mody of Marriage ..." - so called the Apostle Peter Marriage in Orthodoxy. "... and there will be two one flesh ...", as Jesus loved his believers and shed blood for faith in the church, so the husband should love his wife, and she should obey him.

Both spouses should bear equal responsibility for well-being, stability and harmony in the family. Adultery is a moral crime in front of its loved ones and, above all, before its second half. This is considered a great sin in the Christian commandments "not adultery (do not commit adultery)" - says the seventh commandment of the Old Testament of the Bible.

Union gap

Ignoring biblical laws by a believing person leads to betrayal of his faith, loss of mental balance. Sometimes instant lustful thoughts dulp the moral feelings, corrupting his kind knife.

Church believers are confident that the body of a believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit living in it. The sin of adultement or crushing kills chastity. Love is born from the chastity, and all the other benefits are born.

What is the difference in for the adultery

Blud is a constant satisfaction of its physiological needs with different partners. The moral behavior, actions and thoughts of such a gloomy person have nothing to do with Orthodox traditions and religion.

Blud has a wider sense in Christianity, but this act is considered to be less sin (compared to adultery), as it happens outside of the marital status. So, does not violate the seventh commandment of the Old Testament.

In Bluda, they can blame vulgarly dressed female frivolous behavior, everyone who is trying to draw the attention of unfamiliar men. The desire to be the center of attention, catch the lined glances for their own vanity, cynicism and lust.

A man can get under the status of croping due to his frivolous behavior with the opposite sex. The uncontrolled desire of sexual proximity with different women is also a big sin, takes away from the Orthodox his God's blessing, energy and strength.

Adultery implies a violation of many commandments. This is not only a married betrayal, betrayal of a loved one. The priests believe that the Eighth Commandment is also disturbed here - not steal. After all, your body now belongs to your second half, offering himself for sexual jellows to another person, you stole from your own wife or husband.

The ninth commandment is disturbed - not false witness. Usually the one who changes, begins to hide and lie in every way. It is a lie in family relationships becomes the first reason for the divorce.


The church urges not to communicate and is not at the same table with the crop and adultery, openly about this claiming. Such pride and glory is the path to the plant's crust and body. This is doomed to destroy the Union of Love, deprives children of the parent.

In order for the lust to another woman, his wife should always be attentive to her husband and extinguish the flame of passion, drawing the attention of the spouse to her appearance, beauty, affection, humility and love. Husband, in turn, should be extremely sensitive to the welfare of his wife.

The couple in the sacred union of marriage should not shy apart from each other. The exception can only be a post and prayer. Only so you can avoid the temptation of Satan from your own confrontation.

What loses the fallen in the blob and adultery

  • A person not only destroys his family, he puts a huge wall among himself and God. And this means that in the moments of despair you (and even priests) will be difficult to pray for the health, the lives of loved ones, as well as about your own blessing.
  • Immorality is the way to oblivion. If a person is managed only by natural instincts and the need for physical pleasure, it means that he is not able to give love and do someone happy. Such personalities finish alone, forgotten by loyal relatives and those who once divided the bed of debauchery with them.
  • The authority and reputation of such sinners becomes very unstable. Such behavior condemns and is not accepted by a healthy society. In the business environment, a major financial transaction with a person, not stable in family matters, will not conclude. If he easily betresses close, he just can simply deceive partners.
  • The rampant lifestyle of a family man leads to spiritual concern, nervous breakdowns, mental instability, gives rise to distrust of others, deprives the opportunity to enjoy simple human joys.
  • The wrong husband (or wife) begins to hurt more often and can go to the light earlier than its partner. It affects his early energy wear. The body does not have time to replenish physical and emotional resources, and simply closed doors for such replenishment. The habit of living "without brakes" gives rise to early death.
  • Married infidelity can cause a loss of mind, logic and business grip. And this will be the reason for the loss of the main source of income. For many, such life ends with a bench and lonely old age.

How to avoid punishment and return to Orthodox faith

The first way to salvation is awareness of your own sin. Only the deepest repentance and humility can return God's blessing. Blud is not considered an invalid, impulsive offense. To sin so much, you need some calculation and preparation. An early man always has time to come to come and stop.

Thus, the terrible sin of adultery is that a person is consciously consciously, and not in a state of affect or stress. Having considered on his impunity, the wrong husband (wife) does not take into account the fact that the redemption for his misconduct can go to the future offspring.

No one is insured against temptation and temptation, especially this is common among the secured segments of the population. But avoiding punishment will not be possible even with a fabulous state.

Many people repenting, looking for salvation in prayer. To strengthen your desire to atone for sin, you need to go to church and confess. Especially effective presence in the morning service, when your thoughts have not absorbed urgent problems and everyday bustle.

In such a period of rethinking reality, human values ​​change, and rather, they return to the right direction. Rassowing helps a person on the path to enlightenment, it can open up new faces of existence for him.

Returning to the family, a person begins to realize that he could lose and how hard he was alone. But you should not stop at the visit of the Church once. Visit Sunday service, distribute alms, hurry to help those who need your support.

Metsenate, charity, patronage of orphans and large families - everything will be important when rapprochement with God. The grace of God will begin to act at the moment when you begin to experience joy and happiness from your actions. Immersion in the implementation of good deeds take time to search for physical conditions and jeads.

But you should not forget about your own households. Pay attention to your spouse (spouse), remember that I conquered you in your half, made the heart beat more often and faster. Why did you decide to tie your life with this man.

For such perception of the moments of the past, we will fit joint walks in the fresh air, sports games, travels. Create your own family traditions, rituals. Make a joint pastime more diverse and cognitive.

Traditions and facts of world practice

In the history of the Church, cases mentioned when the priests were degraved for the facts of adultery of priests, and the simple people were eliminated from the visit of the Church, confessions and the communion for fifteen years.

Sophisticated treason in modern lifestyle - the first reason for the marriage process. In some countries, such a fall could be deprived of life, but, as a rule, it concerned exclusively women. Such inequality was associated with the fact that the man was after not confident of his relationship with blood children.

Not all global cultural traditions condemn the extramarital sexual bonds. For some, this lifestyle allows you to preserve the freedom of personality in sexual behavior. In Russia, family relationships are regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

In our country (according to the law) adultery is not a good reason for termination of marriage. The final decision on the dissolution of marriage takes personally each of the spouses. But at the same time, the law can free one of the spouses from paying alimony for another if its unworthy behavior in the family has been proven.

In Judaism in the Old Testament, it is forbidden to live with an unfaithful wife. And in Christianity, even a lustful look at someone else's wife will be considered a great sin of adultery and fornication. In Islam for such extramarital connections could be punished in a hundred shocks. In Muslim countries, even today, they can execute a woman for the Blud and adultery (although nothing is said in the Qur'an).

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