Prayers from drunkenness and alcoholism husband


Alcohol addiction can be called one of the worst disasters not only a separate family, but also of the whole of modern society. Most often a man suffers from alcoholism who does not consider addiction to alcohol addiction and does not want to be treated. The Orthodox Church refers drunkenness to terrible sins, to which the man is inclined by the demons attacking the soul. A woman can help her husband by contacting strong Orthodox prayers, but they need to read them with all the soul.


Alcoholism and healing power of prayer

The result of abuse of alcoholic beverages becomes fast degradation of the personality, not only in the physical plan, but also mental. The drinker has a change in interests and life values, he becomes aggressive and evil, drinking husband makes the wife and children suffer. Alcoholics do not hear prayers of their loved ones, do not want to start treating. Even if they agree to be treated, then often therapy is powerless against alcohol thrust.

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The last saving step for relatives of pleasant becomes the appeal to help to the Orthodox faith, the power of the prayers of which works wonders. The generally accepted symbol of alcoholism, presented by the green serpent, is associated with the biblical character of the Zmia-Tesp. According to the legend, it was he who showed humanity to sin. To this day, people reap the fruits of ancient temptation, and the cooking drunkenness, which ruined a lot of human souls for centuries, can be compared with epidemics.

It is important to consider that the life of a person becomes alcoholism. In addition, the situation can be viewed as a punishment by the whole family, so all its members need to get rid of sinful behavior faster.

Not only alcoholic himself suffers from his fearful addiction, his surroundings suffer, so the wives of drinkers are treated for help from the Lord against demonic effects. Prayers from drunkenness are not only hope, but also the real help of the saints to which the sacred texts are addressed. After all, the person himself does not realize that he is sick, so a woman will read a prayer, and for the help of the highest strength she will have to observe some conditions.

At icon

What to do to gain help

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Without complying with some rules, even the strongest prayer or conspiracy from the binge will be powerless. The main condition for praying - he must be baptized, and to start a prayer against drunkenness of a loved one with a positive attitude and faith in success.

How to pray

Prayers from drunkenness of her husband or son are read by certain days of the week, they are called "Male" - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. The priests advise for a drinking husband to order a special health service in the church, and the drinking can be refrained from alcohol and smoking. How to act:

  • start a charter after confession and repentance in their own sins;
  • contact the highest forces with pure thoughts, deep faith in humans and the help of the Lord;
  • I sincerely realize the strength of phrases facing the Most High and his companions, holy aspirations;
  • in front of the way to which you contact, burn three candles and read prayer without being distracted by worldly affairs;
  • The strongest will be the ritual committed in the temple, but no one should know about these actions.

Important: You should not expect instant action from prayer, this is not a medicine and not formula for the fulfillment of desires. The result of living appeal to God will definitely manifest itself with time, and a drinking husband will feel a strong psychosomatic message to the abandonment of alcohol.

Tips of folk healers

Medicase treatment of alcoholism is not prohibited to support the struggle in the energy (higher) level. But here, without faith in the effectiveness of the methods applied against demonic influence, do not do. What you need to consider:

  • Conspiracies and prayers from the rustling of her husband read on a decreasing moon on generally accepted male days;
  • Before reading the prayer, the woman covers his head with a handkerchief, getting rid of jewelry;
  • If water requires a rite, it should be clean and fresh, but not boiled or quiet.

In the days of the prestone holidays and on Sundays, as well as during the great post, conspiracy is prohibited. Strying people should not be aware of the healing rituals, and from the closest relatives require help for successful cure. Examples of effective conspiracies:


Recommendations Batyushki

If you can lead to the temple of a drinking husband, he must sincerely repent of his sin. It is necessary to attend three days at each of the three worship services. After three-day prayers, you should proceed to the 40-day post for cleansing the soul and body from evil. During the observance of the post, the suffering should be indifferent to pray, and the morning of the new day began with the reception of the holy water on an empty stomach.

To store healing water, choose only glass dishes, it does not disturb the healing properties of the water consecrated in the church. With open soul and clean thoughts, read prayers, keep God's commandments, then the Lord will help you, give my husband healing from alcoholism.

Wonderful power of prayers against drunkenness

In the arsenal of the Christian faith there are several strong prayers that help with alcoholism. The most effectively prayer read in front of a miraculous icon in the church. You can also contact God at home, imaging the domestic images, lighting the candles in front of them. The sincere request about healing from the drunkenness of the most alcohol addicted is the strongest effect.

Protective Power Lick Nicholas Wonderworker

The righteous elder is considered the most revered in Russia, because during his lifetime he did not refuse to suffer in help. Therefore, Nicholas Wonderworker, whose earth's life was permeated by miracles, are called the people a mediator between people and God.

Before the icon of the intercession, put three church candles purchased on Thursday. Also prepare a container with holy water to which the words of strong prayer will be checked by Nikolai Wonderworker:

Wonderworker Nikolai

Before holding the ritual, the icon of St. Nicholas, surrounded by other icons - an infallible bowl, the face of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Starith Matron Matrova. With burning candles, read the water of the prayer to the saint, protecting from alcoholism, carefully peeping into the liquid. The rite ends when the candles will dig up to the end.

What the wife should do: a liquid conspired by sacred words, pour a drinking husband into drinks or food for 40 days. But remember, he should not know about this ritual. You should also visit the temple daily at this time, and for her husband, order a health service - Sorokoust.

Help Icons of the Mother of God "Insprivitary Bowl"

It is this icon that people choose to appeal for help from addiction to the alcohol husband or son. The icon's prayer is considered to be particularly strong due to the unusualness of the image of Our Lady. If, on other canvases, God's Mother holds a little Jesus on his hands, then on this icon, the baby is in the sacred bowl used for communion.

According to the legend, an amazing vessel contributes to the consolation and thickening spiritual thirst, and from history it is known about the help of an icon in the healing of the physical illness of the heavily peak peak. What words to contact the miraculous icon to protect her husband from the feed:

mother of God

The ascension of the prayer to the icon "Inspromandable Bowl" should be sincere, the text of the prayer should be read several times, having enlisted the blessing of the priest. The one who took the feat of the appeal to the Virgin Music, has to adhere to strict post 40 days. Also during regular visits to the temple, you must submit a note on the health of a person, obsessed with alcohol demons.

Handling prayer from drunkenness to Moscow Matron

The powerful effect is famous for the prayer faces facing the face of the Holy Matronushki. Creation of prayer forever relieves a man from an obsessive desire to make it to alcohol, from suffering without a detrimental drink and long-term drunkenness. Power of prayers in front of the icon The miracle is explained by the fact that the Blessed Stari itself helped people in troubles during his lifetime, without refusing protection before God and after his death.


The famous Russian blissful, blind from birth, was counted to face the saints for the cure of patients and prayers about the suffering. The healer, from childhood, endowed with the gift of foresight, consider the defender of family bonds, so it is precisely to face the miracle to deliver the husband or son from the binge.

IMPORTANT: Calling to Mother Matron about help, it is impossible to simultaneously use the services of psychics and healers. People drinking people save through prayers of their loved ones, even if the suffering is not near, but very far.

Strong measures

Getting Started to read the prayer against drunkenness, we should begin the action from the prayer of our Father, and then during the day repeatedly repeating these cherished words with powerful power. Strengthen the help of the suffering alcoholism will help reading additional sacred texts.

  1. Akathist. Reading the liturgia poems dedicated to the Most High, the Virgin or someone from the saints takes place next to the icon. 12 praise songs are completed by the 13th, in which they ask for healing from drunkenness.
  2. Psalter. In the sacred collection of chants you can find psalms that save from drunkenness. The versatility of the prayerbook is that it is not even rebeling to himself for himself.

The psalm selected is allowed to repeat at any time and anywhere, in contrast to prayers. The ritual reading Psalms in monasters is particularly strong. If a person suffering from the feed is aware of the fatal danger of demonic addiction to alcohol, he is entitled to ask for help from the Lord to our Jesus Christ with the words:

Prayer from ailment

If you pray, but there is no result, do not fall into despair, it is considered a sin. The action of prayers is not manifested instantly, do not stop contacting God, he will hear you and make merit.

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