Icon sv. Moscow Matrones - meaning, story, what helps, how to pray + photo


Holy Matrona is the most beloved and especially revered by the people of Holy. From the very birth, the Lord awarded the girl with a miracle, having deprived her the most important thing - the opportunity to see the world with his own eyes. But this did not prevent the girl to devote himself spirituality and share his knowledge with other people. She could quickly read the thoughts of people, saw the pictures of their sins, treated the prayers of the disease, strengthened faith in God, saved from an imminent death. Her path on earth is a lot of great feats of patience, devotion and faith.

Moscow Matrona icon is in every Orthodox church, it also protects the house of believing families. Every year on the second May, all VERICS celebrate the Day of the Great Holy Day.



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Matronushka was born in the poor, but religious family. Even before her birth, Mom decided to give a child to the shelter, because she had nothing to feed the baby. But at night a woman came a vision: a white bird with big wings sat on her chest and silently looked straight in the eyes. Oddly enough, but the bird could not see anything - she was blind. This vision has become a sign for the family, and the parents immediately refused the sinful intention. A few days later the girl appeared in their family.

Matronushka, like a bird from Visiony, was deprived of the opportunity to look at the world with his own eyes. Moreover, she did not even have been formed eyeballs - eyelids as if they increased to each other. At the breast of the baby, the parents immediately noticed several convexities in the form of a cross. In the days of the post, the child refused to eat maternal milk. The baby these days could sleep all day, the parents put a lot of effort that it was wake up. And when she became a little adult, I found a unique way icons in the house, I shot them and talked to the lips of the saints.

As soon as the girl turned 8 years old, she opened the gift of negligence, and a little later she predicted the future, could have read what people think about. A year before the majority in the life of the Matronushki, another tragic event occurred: the girl was denied legs, and since that time she could no longer move on their own. But she did not fall in spirit and considered the cause of their ailments spiritual power. One day after the service in the Holy Temple met a woman. Over she has been shown that it is communication with her will deprive her opportunities to walk. So soon and happened.

In 17 of the last century, the Matronushka was obliged to leave the native house, because her close in difficult times became difficult to care for her. The girl, not having where to go, wandered around familiar, spent the night where it would come: Often it was a temple, other people's apartments, cellars. But it was she who saw that war will soon begin, Joseph Vissarionovich himself secretly turned to her to learn the future of Russia.

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A few days before the death, the Matronushka already knew that he would soon leave this world, but it was not scarecrow.

Important! The holy before death applied to all parishioners with a request not to forget her and ask for help. Even being in heaven, she will help everyone who turns to her.

What helps

Before asking for help from the old man, it is necessary to refer to Jesus and the Virgin Mary with a prayer. Only after that you can pray to the mother, so that it will be helped by the execution of prayers in front of the Lord.

You can contact the saint not only during worship, the strength of prayer does not become less at home near the icon of the saint. It is important not atmosphere that surrounds a person, but a firm faith in the Lord and that he heard him.

  • Very often, the Matronushka helps women that they cannot find personal happiness. They ask for holy help to meet with a decent spouse and give birth to healthy children.
  • Mother will help keep marriage, even if the ties are already cracked.
  • They ask for help from the miracle, women dreaming to give birth to a child. If their faith is really sincere and they have a good heart, they will soon become mothers.
  • Holy helps to heal from various diseases, despite the fact that they are physical or spiritual.
  • The miracle helps to solve financial problems and asks Christ to help those in need.
  • Protects from enemy conspiracies, intrigues of ill-wishers.
  • It is often often devoted to prayers for help in acquiring their own living space.

The holy population is considered a notable patronage. It is treated with any unresolved question, and it will definitely help find the right path. Prayer for its strength is very effective.

Important! During the lifetime, the holy did not refuse to anyone, fulfilling every household or serious request. But it categorically prohibited people asking for help, at the same time pray to God and go to the magicians, psychics and other supporters of the dark power. Otherwise, the Matronushka will not help and turn away from such a family.

It is often treated by the parishioners who have committed a terrible sin, with a request to pour forgiveness from God. Especially the Holy Protects orphans, which is devoid of maternal love from birth. She will help everyone to get their home and fill it with love.

Initially, the Holy will help those who need her help and cannot continue to live without faith in a miracle. Different wonders happen to prayer.


On any photo or icon, the holy is depicted blind. Previously, such faces have never been created. It was believed that the saint was pictured on the icon - this is a prototype of Christ, a devotee in eternity, and there, of course, there is no place for various diseases.

But the image of the Matronushka allows people to understand that she had something more - spiritual vision and a big faith in God. If you compare it with simple people who can see, but at the same time do not understand anything, the blind girl saw everything that she needed, and a lot of things knew, could foresee. Therefore, blindness is very symbolicly displayed on the icon and has an absolutely opposite value.


You can find other saint liks, where the mother painted with open eyes, which introduces some parishioners into a stupor - after all, everything was wrong with life. Therefore, many people do not consider such an icon of effective and do not turn to her.

The icon paints are often painted by the saint in green tones. This can be explained by one canonical tradition: before the faces were painted only in green clothes. In the hands of the healer, the rosary, symbolizing her faith in God and following him in the earthly life. The right hand holy arm is always disclosed - it symbolizes openness in front of people and a sign of faith.

Holy head covers a white handkerchief, which symbolizes the holiness of the image, the purity and the blamelessness of the woman depicted on the icon.

How to place an image in the house?

Saint Lick necessarily put on the iconostasis in the red corner, which is placed on the eastern side of the house and is located opposite the entrance. The icon should be located so that the person, which is included in the house immediately drew attention to the saint face.

Often the icon is covered with white cloth out of two sides, decorated with embroidered flowers. Near the face is allowed to keep holy scriptures, candles and other items, which are important for committing daily prayer.

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