Chinese calendar for determining the child


It so happened that in China with antiquity, the boys were more valued. What is not surprising, boys are future assistants, they are always needed in a country with developed agriculture. Girls were considered a source of waste.

Chinese emperors, especially the more striving to have more heirs, because the power has always been passed away from the Father to the Son.

This entertaining find with valuable information appeared even during the reign of the Chinese Qing Dynasty (17 V. - 20 century)

According to the current Chinese scientists, the table shows efficiency up to 90%. However, you should remember that the connection between the month of conception and the floor of the future child is not scientifically proven. Believe it or no table data, your business.

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Even if you do not believe that you will prevent try to check your child's floor? Follow the instructions from the article and in 5 minutes you will receive the result.

Pay attention that with multiple pregnancy, this method is not applicable.

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Chinese calendar for determining the child 5206_1
Chinese calendar for determining the child 5206_2


By itself, the calendar looks like a table with a multitude of columns:

  • horizontally columns 12, these are months from January to February;
  • Vertical - the number of age of the future mother - from age of majority up to 45 years.

Calendar Kit

You ask why exactly the age borders are indicated, and all because the fertile age of women is about within these limits.

The table takes into account many factors such as the phases of the moon, the location of the stars and others.

How to use Table

It would seem that difficult? Just determine your age and month of conception. But the use of its age on the passport will not be quite correct. The fact is that in the east (as well as, in other Asian countries), nine months are added to the age of metrics. Probably you have already guessed that these are months spent in the maternal womb.

Moreover, this table indicates the lunar months, and not Gregorian. Therefore, you need to be attentive doubly.

How to calculate the age of the future mother

If you were born not in the first and not the second month of the year (January and February), add 9 months to your age. And what, you ask, do those who were born at the beginning or end of the year? Answer: Look at the lunar calendar of the year in which you were born. And if the child has concealed shortly before the universal holiday, the whole year was added to his age.

In this case, the baby was almost 2 years older than his actual age (12 months + 9 months).

If the child appeared on the light after the new year's attack, 9 months was added. Thus, to accurately determine your age on the Eastern calendar, you need to find it for the year of your birth.


  • Woman was born on July 20, 1991. In May 2018, a woman and her partner decided to become parents. Her age is 26 years and 8 months. I add for another 9 months. It turns out 27 years and 5 months. This will be the age of a future mother. In the table, she will need to look at the line with the value of 27 years.
  • Born on January 25, 1987, a woman in the lunar calendar was born in 1986, as the Chinese celebrated the New Year on January 29. Therefore, add 9 months to the date on January 25, 1986.

Take a look at the table, a woman from the first example, taking advantage of the Chinese calendar, perhaps, give birth to a girl.


Lunar Calendar 2018 and 2019

2018 and 2019.

Should I believe the Chinese calendar

Many people believe in such tables and calculations. And no matter how much the method of determining the gender of the future baby you use (traditional or unconventional), remember that, regardless of the child's floor, you love it with all the soul.

Oddly enough, this calendar does not take the data of the Father, although the role of the father here is no less than the mother. As you know, fruit genes contain y-chromosomes, which determine the male floor. Therefore, the science and questioning such a method of determining the sex of the child, like an ancient Chinese conception calendar. Most likely, the method of such a calendar is still based on coincidences. Of course, no one forbids you to engage in this kind of calculations.

Some statistics and real reviews

No one has been calculating coincidences on this ancient calendar, but a small survey was held at one of numerous forums for mothers:

"Prediction turned out to be true?":

  • Yes - 274 people. (77.84%);
  • No - 66 people. (18.75%);
  • Partly (because twins, triple was born) - 12 people. (3.41%).

Feedback number 1: EM, for the most part it is the coincidence, but learn the gender

it is probably possible only on an ultrasound (and it happens with errors), but not Chinese

Calendars of dubious origin.

Feedback No. 2: I have two sons, the third calendar is also a boy. We wait).

Feedback No. 3: A strange calendar, 21 years old almost always have to give birth to girls!

Feedback No. 4: I saw this calendar probably since 100 online. But I didn't even know that you need to add 9 months to your age. Therefore, the first calculation showed the boy, and the second girl. And came up! Girl!

Pros and cons of such calculations

Although this method does not determine the twins or triple floor, but it will definitely help you if:

  • You do not want to wait for an ultrasound, because such a survey doctors are prescribed only from 20 years of fetal life;
  • As can be seen here in RuNet, many couples have already rated the accuracy of the ancient Chinese calendar;
  • The lunar calendar can fulfill the dream of future parents - to conceive a child's child;
  • In the family, where there is already a child of a certain floor, you can plan a child of the floor of the opposite, and this calendar is useful as it is impossible by the way.

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