Overview of the signs of the zodiac by months and numbers + Table


To date, astrologists enjoy four different zodiac calendars: the Chinese zodiac, a tropical zodiac, a Siderician, numbering in twelve constellations, and a new astronomical zodiac, which involves the presence of thirteen zodiac signs. In this material, we will look at the signs of the zodiac by months and numbers describing their properties and the table.

Symbols of zodiac signs

Overview of the classic signs of the zodiac

In traditional astrology, only twelve signs of the zodiac stands out, each of which is assigned to a person based on the date of his appearance on the light - that is, finding the Sun in one of the constellations at that moment.

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At the same time, the celestial sphere (conditionally represented in the form of a circle) is divided into twelve sectors, each equals thirty degrees. These sectors correspond to the months of the calendar year, and therefore the signs of the zodiac.

The signs of the zodiac are divided into four groups of belonging to one of the four elements:

  • Fire element - represented by the constellations of Aries, Lion and Sagittarius;
  • Earth - belongs to Taurus, Virgin and Capricorn;
  • air - twins, weights and aquarian;
  • Water - cancer, scorpion and fish.

The period of action of each of the signs of the zodiac in classical astrology is as follows:

  • Capricorn - valid from twenty-second December to the twentieth of January.
  • Aquarius - comes into force from the twenty-first January to the nineteenth of February.
  • Pisces are valid from the twentieth of February in the twentieth of March.
  • Aries - appears on stage from twenty-first March for the twentieth of April.
  • Taurus - active from twenty-first April to twenty-first May.
  • Gemini - come into force from twenty-second May to twenty days.
  • Cancer - is activated from twenty second June to twenty-third.
  • Lev - manifests its strength from the twenty-fourth July to the twenty-third.
  • Virgo - the period of its action begins the twenty fourth of August and ends twenty-third of September.
  • Scales are valid from the twenty-fourth September to the twenty-third of October.
  • Scorpio is active from the twenty-fourth October to the twenty-second November.
  • Sagittarius - manifests its strength from the twenty-third of November to twenty days.

Zodiac and planet signs

In astrology, it is believed that each of the signs of the zodiac is patronized by a specific planet. It will endow the "pet" with its qualities and give its specific energy.

Then we will look at what kind of zodiac sign, which planet is responsible and how it is manifested.

  • Aries - is under the care of Mars. The Red Planet makes the Aries strong, initiative, active, courageous, sports, but also aggressive and disobedient.
  • Taurus - helps Venus. The beauty planet gives its pets an attractive appearance, the desire for excellent, aesthetics, love and money.
  • Gemini - are in the power of Mercury. He helps them to be sociable, easy to study, have good intellectual abilities, and also gives some skill.
  • Cancer - his patroness is the moon. It is under the influence of the night shining cancer so changeable, susceptible, prone to home comfort and related links.
  • Proud lion is skidding the sun itself. The daylight lines his pet ability for self-expression, creativity, fame, fame and leadership.
  • Virgo - dwells under the protection of Mercury. Therefore, Virgo sociable, easily establishes communication, is well trained.
  • Scales - are under the guardianship of Venus. They like everything beautiful, they are looking for love and have a strong need for material benefits.
  • The patron of scorpion is Pluto. The planet is associated with transformation, suspicion, thirst for power, strength and intensity.
  • Sagittarius - dwells under the auspices of Jupiter. The powerful planet gives the Strels philosophical thinking, craving for abundance, generosity, travel and patronage.
  • Capricorn is protected by Saturn's force. Therefore, it is such a strict, structured, disciplined, patient.
  • Aquarius - is under the patronage of uranium. Uranium makes waterless independent, detached, objective, cold and sudden.
  • Fish - neptune are torn. Therefore, they love to dream so much, fantasy, prone to mysticism, spirituality and sacrifice.

Interesting table about zodiac signs

Characteristics of zodiac signs

Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Differs in activity and enterprise. It can become a discoverer in any sphere of life. It has hot-tempered and self-confident temper. It will prove that he is right, even if there are obvious reverse arguments.

Aries also distinguishes impatience, but also determination. They will never think for a long time before do something, but take and make. Their character helps them to conquer various heights. They are not accustomed to surrender before difficulties.

People-Aries are inherent in uncompromising. They fulfill their dreams and desires without taking care of the desires of others. Speakers with egoists, but positive and sincere. Life experience learn more to listen to others.

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

A representative of the constellation Taurus is distinguished by peacefulness, tranquility and prudence. He does not like a hurry, he is used to acting cautiously and measured. Therefore, often gets a stable result in any of the spheres of your life.

Taurus strongly attracts everything beautiful: beauty, art in various forms.

Thanks to the natural practicality, the shoulders become excellent owners, they know how to collect money for some major acquisitions.

In addition, the calves act very sensual people. They are crazy about delicious food, beautiful clothes, comfort and life benefits. Also, people-calf have a craving for creativity.

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)

Gemini are the main erudites in the entire zodiac. The information is collapsed by them on the fly, they always know everything about everyone. They really like to learn something new, because thanks to this they eliminate boredom plus replenishes their knowledge luggage.

Gemini are excellent communicators, know how to support any conversation. They differ in politeness, goodwill, become wonderful friends. But they have one minus - prone to quick and frequent mood shifts.

No matter how much years such a person, his soul is always young, and he himself is filled with curiosity and enthusiasm. He loves long conversations on the phone and conducting correspondence on social networks.

Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)

Cancer is distinguished by emotionality and impressionability. And caution and shyness, which are eliminated with age and life experience.

In cancer, the need is very pronounced to take care and punitive someone. Therefore, such people become the most devoted and careless parents, at the level of intuition knowing what their child needs.

Also cancels are magnificent owners in their "sink". They willingly suggest order, create an atmosphere of comfort and prepare delicious food. And not only girls, but also guys too.

Those who have appeared on the constellation of cancer, distinguishes sensitivity and rich imagination. Therefore, they are tested for creativity, because it is in it that they can get rid of accumulated emotions. Cancer can try themselves in art in a professional plan, but they often take on the role of accountants or stop at another "reliable" profession. And thanks to their need for care can become physicians.

Lion (24.07 - 23.08)

Lion has generosity and kindness to other people. He is very confident in himself, and he likes to attract attention to his own person. The lion is not drush under stakeholders, and bathes in admiration for others.

Appearance for such a person plays a big role. It stops his choice on elegant, stylish clothes, which is capable of highlighting it from a gray mass. Girls lioness love to use cosmetics.

Lviv is distinguished by cheerfulness, but they are strongly angry with criticism. It is easier for them if other people keep silent about their shortcomings than they will declare about them in the open. Although lions like criticize others.

In spite of everything, the lion due to his warm ingredients and friendliness always becomes a pet in society. They are friends with him, because he is honest and open. Crazy about fun and parties.

Love plays a very significant role in the life of a lion. It is unlikely that such a person will feel happy if he is not in love with someone. For complete happiness, he needs to experience this beautiful feeling.

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

Virgo is a sample of hardworking and working capacity. Such a person cannot live without order and methods, it is important for him to clearly and strictly fulfill his duties. Chaos will easily introduce a virgin to a real panic.

The representative of this sign of the zodiac is characterized by a developed analytical mind, so scientific activity is suitable for it. Although, on the other hand, Virgo can choose for himself and that sphere of activity where you need to work with your hands.

Virgo man perceives all the details very carefully. It will definitely see the presence of dust on a suit or a droplet of wine, spilled on the table. The dwelling of the Virgin always reigns perfect cleanliness and order, because her heart will simply break into pieces from the type of dust and scattered throughout things.

The virgin is characterized by restraint - it is antipatically all screaming: clothes, behavior or objects. They are always deeply shocked by vulgarity.

Another typical characteristic is a passion to criticize not only herself, but also other people, as well as nomination in relation to them too overestimated standards.

Zodiac sign of Deva.

Scales (24.09 - 23.10)

Weighs inherent diplomacy and personal charm. Such people can not tolerate quarrels and conflict situations, simply adorganize the world with harmony. For this reason, they can compromise if they want to keep good relationships with others.

Webly like to communicate and be in an interesting society. At the same time, they try to preserve justice and impartiality, often adhere to neutrality in controversial issues.

More Libems like very beautiful - they are simply crazy about beautiful things and elegant clothes. They are very disturbing their own appearance, strive for well-groomed. And, of course, strive for art, enjoy good movies, music and photos.

Representatives of this constellation like the process of presenting and receiving gifts. Especially it is nice to choose the presents to our family and friends.

Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

Scorpion people are distinguished by decisiveness and energy, as well as passionism in all its signs. If they work, they are completely given at work. If they love someone, then all the soul. Such their character causes love or hatred for them, but never - indifference.

Scorpions always strive to establish the essence. If something hide from them, they will make every effort to find out the truth. And if they were instructed by a complex task at work, they do not calm down until the result is achieved.

At the same time, scorpions distinguishes emotionality and sensitivity. They are easily offended, although they do not always show it. But they will remember the one who offended them, for a long time and, as soon as the opportunity falls, pay him in full.

In addition, the scorpion person is distinguished by insight, it feels perfectly surrounding and easily distinguishes where the truth, and where is a lie. It is almost unrealistic to deceive, therefore excellent psychologists come out of many scorpions.

Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

Sagittarius acts as an idealist, an independent and freedom-loving personality. Such people are very zealous of their freedom. They do not like when the situation is developing in such a way that they fall a lot of responsibility or they have to do something reluctant.

Strelliers always strive to truth even when it would be better to comfort sweet false. The representative of this sign of the zodiac tolerate cannot be woven, non-one and intrigue behind his back, as the direct and honest behavior manner adheres to.

Strenelists love to travel, learn different countries with their customs and culture. Also, they like the learning process. They are distinguished by curiosity and wish to know everything about everyone for a better understanding of the device of the world.

Sagittarius is highly appreciated by friends thanks to their raininess, directness, enthusiasm and high moral principles.

Capricorn (22.12 - 22.01)

Representatives of the sign of the zodiac Capricorn distinguishes hard work, perseverance and diligence. Such personalities still establish the goals in front of them, which are in phastening reach.

Capricors annoying a hurry, they love to reach their vertices calmly, measured, but at the same time they often turn out to be ahead of their competitors, in the hurry forget about important details.

Also, Capricorn really like planning. They love to paint their life on the clock and are prone to organizational activities.

It may sometimes seem that Capricorn is a cold and an insensible person engaged exclusively by affairs. But in reality it is not at all. Capricorns are sincerely interested in their family and friends.

However, Capricorn's care is not at all such as, for example, cancer care. He will not behave too emotionally or show sympathy. But immediately will offer you his practical assistance. To be clearer - it is unlikely that the spouse-Capricorn will be confessed daily in love with his faithful, but his actions will speak for themselves.

Capricorn is inherent in restrained and somewhat cured behavior manner. With age, it begins to open a little, gets rid of extra coldness and becomes heavily warm.

Capricorn photo

Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02)

Aquarius performs a very original and independent person. He cannot tolerate conventions and is always in the rhythm of the latest scientific and technical achievements. Also passionate about social sciences, wants to understand what laws affect society.

Aquarius is distinguished by objectivity. They know how to remove from emotions and their personal opinions and really and impartially evaluate events. Other people do not understand such behavior, because they themselves do not have a similar gift.

Aquarius tolerate can not be commanded. They have their own vision of any question and understanding how to behave. Often they are not going to disputes, proving that right, but simply act as they think necessary.

Representatives of this constellation are very well developed intelligence. No wonder because many aquarities become scientists. At the same time, such personalities are impressive with their originality. They like everything unusual - ranging from clothes and ending with non-standard purchases. It is very difficult to understand these people, because they are unpredictable and love to amaze and empty.

Fish (20.02 - 20.03)

Fish is characterized by compassion, sensitivity and dreametime. They possess the developed inner world, which is filled with impressions, because they love to watch interesting films, and in general is crazy about art.

At the same time, people-fish are characterized by a very volatile temper. They may be passive, sluggish, melancholic, but suddenly unexpectedly negascinally turn into energetic, punctual and able-bodied. To work them to be effective, they need the source of inspiration.

Fish people characterize generosity and compassion, which is why they readily provide their help to everyone who needs it. Such personalities like to participate in various charitable organizations, fulfill the mission of volunteers.

Of course, this is all very good, but in some cases, such a sacrifice of fish is fraught with dissolving them in others when they begin to live in other people's desires, needs and joy. So that this does not happen, it is important that the fish can preserve their identity.

As a rule, fish do not like to criticize others. They possess so wide worldview that they are ready to humble with any oddities and the peculiarities of their loved ones. Thanks to this, they cause love from their friends.

Now you know, in what sequence the signs of the zodiac are distributed by months. If you want to know even more interesting about zodiac constellations, view the following video:

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