Predictions and prophecy of Monk Abel about Russia in the 21st century


In the days of the reign of monarchs, rumors were rumored in Russia that the predictions and prophecies of the monk Abel about Russia come true. Interestingly, almost a small man could make horoscopes, described the movements of heavenly shone in his drawings, spoke of the country's historical fate. It is known that the predictors on the Russian land have grabbed at all times, but it was the peasant son of Vasily to be united by the Russian Nostradamus with many scientists from different countries.

Old man

Vasily Vasilyev

That is how the seams called the world. The fact that it was a real face, no doubt. It is reliably known that the future prophet was born in 1757 under Tula in the village of Akulovka, in a simple family, where many children. Parents were serfs from Barin. The guy himself was engaged in a carpentry business, but one day it fell ill. No one suspected then that Vasily will soon leave his homeland.

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When a young man recovered, he looked off at the owner of L. Naryshkin and left alone, throwing children, and they were already three by that time, and the spouse. It was conceived by the man to go into the monastery, but the parents opposed this, so I fled secretly from all.

It was for him at that time 28 years. Having conceived performed, the posture took on Valaam. Since then, Monk Abel appeared since that time, surprised and frightening his prophecies not only commoners, but also the royal persons. He died in 1831. Such is the biography of this amazing personality.

Memory of Vasilyev

Monk Abel

Closing from everyone, from worldly affairs on a deserted island, starts to see the events of the future. He himself said that he was voice from the sky, sent him to read the ancient manuscript. When Inok began to read about Russia, the divine voice ordered to enlighten everyone to everyone know that the state and imperial rulers awaits.

To this end, Abel goes to the journey and, as it was said, stopping in the Nikolo Babaev monastery, begins to write. Many interesting events were told to them, but one of them stated that the death of Catherine is great, namely after 8 months.

There was still a prediction concerning the sovereign Paul, his wellion and murder was also seen by Avele. Naturally, such records did not pass by the reigning. They were very interested in them. But the least I wanted to know the people about this book, so the unfortunate providen often concluded in custody and contained in terrible conditions. Two decades he spent in the duct. Not all until the end were ready to believe in prophecies, but life itself showed how much it was right.

Nikolai first commands to sharpen the old man in the Suzdal Spaso-Evfimiyev monastery, where he gives the old man to God's soul. He was focused forever for the altar of the monastery church.

Monk Abel

Prophecies from the "scary book"

Fully mysterious work did not reach contemporaries. Only scraps and fragments of drawings and text remained. Yes, and they are not allowed to decipher. What prophecies still come true?
  • October events of 1917.
  • War with the French and the arrival of Napoleon to Russia, the Moscow fire.
  • The uprising on the Senate Square.
  • The Second World War.
  • The date of own death was determined in 40 years.
  • The exact mortal dates of the rulers.
  • The death of the Romanovs.

In many ways, other Russian predictors are echoing with the vision of Monk Abel. Some researchers explain this by the fact that they were familiar with his book and their predictions were built on its basis.

Abel statements were stunned and frightened people. Especially, what was mentioned about Russia in the future, and all mankind in general. Despite the fact that the whole book is not known to the general public, some moments relating to Russia in the 21st century are preserved.

Prophecies about the end of the world

This question has always worried about people, Abel paid the coming of an antichrist much attention. According to the monk, humanity will start paying for their sins and keep the answer to the Lord in 2892. This is the last date, which is mentioned in the records.

What to expect from the coming? The immersion of white light into a stunned one. People will become stupid rates, which will graze one person. Only the millennium after an update will come.

How it will happen, unknown. It is indicated only that everyone will be divided into good and evil on affairs and their sins. Someone will live in prosperity, and someone will overtake the Beach of God. Pious will remain, and the villains will become dust.

Prophecies about modern Russia

Saint Rus

It is possible that the works of Abel tried to hide and hide to this day, but something seeps periodically into the masses.

It is believed that 2018 carries a political lull state. It will be striking, the wise ruler will be in power. Other countries will not only envy the strengthening of Russia, but also equal to it.

Avela was predicted a massive resettlement of people and the fact that many of them Russia will become the second homeland. A new world will emerge, and Russia is defined to be its center.

Pointing the monk and at the coming of the new Batya, which will be hardened to enslave Russia, but he will not be able to collapse.

The future ruler of the Russian land is also its prophecies. The "Chosenness of God" is mentioned, three times rising to the top. Sometimes Clairvideo calls his second Boris. Writes Abel about the nose of the ruler, which will hate his subjects. For a while, the power will capture green-eyed, which came out of marsh places.

It was said avel and labeled, and about the sulter with unclean skin. There is a certain chrome chrome on the list of Heads, which cling to his power, a militant potter, who will lead order, and a chille-slave diva on a chariot.

Perhaps someday the mystery of these characters will be revealed. In the drawings belonging to the hand of the Prophet, the inscription is found - 2024. What does it mean, will show the near future.

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