What is the Holy Grail, and if it existed?


Holy Grail (or in other words the Holy Grail) is a mystical Christian relic, which does not cease to haunt the minds of researchers around the world. Sometimes the word "Holy Grail" may be used in a figurative sense of the word, then it means some cherished goal, unattainable or elusive. More details about this mysterious subject, you can learn from this article.

the image of the Holy Grail

What is the Holy Grail

Traditionally it is believed that the myth of the Holy Grail is based on the Christian Apocrypha (a book that tells about the items contained in the Scriptures, but have not received the official recognition of the Church) about the arrival of Joseph of Arimathea to Britain.

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Another legend of the Holy Grail is associated with mythological tales drevnekeltskimi.

And according to the third legend, the myth of the Holy Grail has a relationship with the mystery of the occult organization that existed in ancient times. Her supporters had secret knowledge, carefully passed down from one generation to another.

By combining all versions related to the origin of the Holy Grail, one, we find that initially this mysterious artifact acted precious emerald adorns the crown of Lucifer himself.

But Archangel Michael collected an army of angels and Lucifer attacked with his legions of spirits. When the battle was going on, Michael, using his sword of fire, managed to knock out the enemy Crown mineral and rock absorb the Abyss. After that, in the future, made of stone bowl, and which he called "the Holy Grail" or "Holy Grail."

Subsequently, the cup used by Jesus Christ and his disciples. It was an attribute of the Last Supper. After the Savior's death his followers were able to collect it in a few drops of his blood. Bowl with the spear that wounded Jesus was brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea.

There is another version regarding the origin of the artifact. She calls the Holy Grail precious mystical relic survived in a time when there was a deluge.

What mysticism associated with the Holy Grail

Legends say that the person who drinks from the Holy Grail, will receive the remission of all their sins, and will also be able to enjoy eternal life. Part versions say that even just to see this sacred object at close range is already able to give man immortality, however, only for a certain period of time.

There is a very interesting version of the interpretation of the Holy Grail, stands out against the background of others. He calls the proverbial cup is not a material substance, a special state of mind when she connects with God. So, discover the Holy Grail of this version is to become enlightened.

There is also a kind of atheistic this version. It vellerianskaya idea of ​​the Grail, which implies it as an ultimate goal of human development. In this sense the Grail serves the human civilization that has evolved so that it can create a new reality with a new universe. That is, the Grail is a cup in which it is possible aging of new worlds.

The Holy Grail in the picture

Of course, this shrine can not be in the hands of a simple (but also a sinner) death. Therefore, anyone who is unworthy, but close to a sacred object, immediately gets the punishment in the form of a serious injury or illness.

Where is the Holy Grail?

In what place is hidden in this ancient legendary relic? On this question there are many answers, but it is very difficult to know if any of them are true ...

The most common theory says that Joseph of Arimathea, he fulfilled what was spoken of St. Philip, he left Jerusalem and took entrusted to him relics, which was taken away in the land of Britain.

When they reached their destination, Joseph put into the ground his staff, put down roots and turn into a great bush. Twice a year, in this bush flowers appeared.

Joseph realized that it was a sign from a higher power, and construction began on the site of the church, which later became an abbey. Some people believe that the Holy Grail is hidden somewhere in the dungeon of some abbey Glanstonberi.

According to other sources, the cup can be searched in a magical castle Salvat (Spain), who allegedly built angelic beings for one night.

A medieval novels about Parsifal tell of a hero, who is looking for and finds a mystical castle Munsalvesh, in which is stored the Grail, securely guarded by the Templars. A very large number of different times legends claims that bowl Holy Grail carefully kept secret namely the representatives of the Order.

The search for the sacred chalice

People began to possess the search for a mystical relic for a long time. In the 9th century in Europe, the "hunt" in relics in relation to the Savior's Earth Life was activated.

The highest peak this trend reaches the 13th century. Then the ruler of France by Louis Saints to Paris from Constantinople was brought various instruments of passions, which were placed in a specially built holy chapel. At that time, nobody doubted the guns in the authenticity.

However, despite the fact that there were a lot of passions of passions, the sacred bowl, from which the Savior was spoiled at the Last Supper, there was no among them. Therefore, various versions for finding it began and appear.

The region of France, which was under the control of the English crown, said that the legendary bowl should be found in the British lands.

Some descriptions compare the gravity with an inexhaustible vessel relating to the ancient Celtic legends. Its functionality is very similar to similar objects from the myths of other Indo-European peoples (for example, the famous corngy horn).

What species had a sacred grail?

You will not be able to find a description of the appearance of the famous artifact in any of the literary sources. Books tell about the history of the origin and place of stay of this subject, but they do not provide a specific description for him.

Thus, the ancient legends and apocrypha argue that the basis for the bowl served as a precious mineral, which fell out of the head decoration of Lucifer himself (it could be turquoise either emerald).

Taking into account the Jewish traditions, scientists come to the conclusion that the bowl had to have a rather big size, as well as to have a base in the form of a leg with a stand. Notable, of course, no longer external characteristics of the bowl, but its properties to healing and blessing.

Famous Holy Grail

Holy Grail: is myth or reality

The geniuses of science for many centuries are fighting over the mystery of St. Grail. The main question: did the bowl really exist?

Numerous adventure seekers tried to enter the mythical bowl, but their search did not give any result, and the bowl continues to present a riddle to this day.

Information about it is stored exclusively in apocryphs, tales and artistic sources. No scientific work mentions about this artifact, which does not allow anyone to unambiguously respond to the above question.

Sacred Grail and Hitler

Adolf Hitler also was also engaged in finding a famous Christian relic. Why was she needed? To understand this, you need to refer to the magical properties of the bowl.

We have already mentioned above that the bowl was called upon to give its owner the power and make it immortal. And since Hitler dreamed of conquering peace, he set a goal to find a magic bowl, whatever it cost. And besides this, on the legends, the bowl was not hidden itself, but along with other rare treasures.

Therefore, Hitler was created a special group to search for treasures. Her chapter was Otto Smeal. For further information it is impossible to say anything unequivocally.

It is only a reliably that treasures were discovered in the castle of Monsenseur (France), but they found a cup of grail, it is already unknown. At the end of the war, people living next to this castle could observe how SS soldiers hid something in the tunnels of the specified structure. There are assumptions that they returned the sacred grail into place.

More about the famous Holy Grail will tell you Wikipedia.

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