Value that has a gentle and beautiful sakura tattoo


The value of Tattoo with Sakura leaves its roots to the culture and traditions of Japan. After all, Sakura performs the most attractive, most ancient and most famous symbol of this state. For centuries, Sakura flowers caused admiration and love in people living in the country of the Rising Sun. In this material we will deal with the characteristic of Tatu Sakura.

Sakura flowers photo

Sakura Symbols in Japanese Culture

Khana is a holiday when Sakura should be admired. He acts as an officially approved celebration recognized worldwide. Sakura blooms a very small period of time - at least a couple of hours, and maximum - two-three days, based on weather conditions.

The flowers of this amazing plant are so fragile that they can fly into a variety of petals and disappear under the action even a light gust of the breeze. It is for this reason that the Japanese cherry with all times corrected with a speedy life and the tranquency of being.

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Even in the state of the rising sun, the Sakura flower is filled with a sad symbolism. It is due to the ancient legend about the fearless and bold resident of the Japanese settlement, which was called Sakura. His owner severely beat him in every way, and Sakura, who did not want to put up with a similar position, turned to help to powerful and fair sigun, praying for his punishment for his offender.

To prove beatings, Sakura led his kids, on the backs of which Knut Prince constantly walked. But the owner of the settlement with all cruelty dismissed Sakura: he tied his children to blooming Sakura and beat them to death ...

From now on, the blooming Sakura symbolizes innocence and purity, and also associated with suffering and grief.

A tattoo with Sakura was applied to the back of Japanese princes and emperors with the aim of showing how much they were betrayed by their state. And if another symbol of the tiger was added to the Sakura symbol, in this case the pallium symbolized power with justice.

Buddhists personify Sakura with the barnness and instability of life. In verses, she often tells about the departed youth and love.

Sakura in the moment of flowering symbolizes female youth with attractiveness. And its gentle-pink flowers cause associations with the infinite tenderness and harmoniousness of an excellent person, which is solved to make such a knack.

A twig with flourishing flowers of Sakura personifies his life path. In some cases, Sakura can symbolize stability, because on this tree flowers appear much earlier than the leaves. Sakura performs the embodiment of the entire essence of Japan's philosophy.

Sakura, which plowed, causes an association with lost hope and love.

Often, the period of flowering Sakura is associated with human life. Sakura resembles the fact that every person is born, blooms, then flows down, is experiencing love, disappointment and ultimately dies, worn by cold wind ...

In addition to all mentioned above, the plant is associated with fertility and well-being. No wonder because since ancient times, the Japanese compared the beginning of Sakura flowering since the warming and the beginning of the spring. During the flowering of Japanese cherries, the land is already sufficiently warming up in order to plant rice in it - the main food product for residents of this state.

Sakura - a very beautiful plant

You can select a number of other characteristics of the snaps depicting Sakura, namely:

  • personifies the life cycle: phases of birth, flowering and fading;
  • He will take about the guise of love;
  • personifies sacrifice - fee for external beauty;
  • symbolizes the sorrow and sadness about those people who have already died (in this case, the tattoo of the flowing tree is selected);
  • The desire of the owner of the tattoo will be dedicated from the whole world (then only part of Sakura is picked off on the body - her twig).

Japanese masters tattoo perform sakura squash with maximum accuracy. Accurately all the details are taken into account, even the most minor:

  • the number of flowers in the tattoo;
  • Features of the color palette (it can vary from bright white to gently pink). At the same time, the white shade in Japan symbolizes death and sadness, and the pink acts as an personification of the flowering of life itself;
  • How much tree trunk is strong.

In other countries, the drawing of Sakura is not paying so much attention. In the bulk of cases, its sketch is completely perceived, and small parts are insignificant. The main principle is an external attraction, and its meaning is no longer attached so much sense.

Difference in the interpretation of Tatu Sakura in guys and girls

Pay your attention to the fact that the tattoo depicting the eastern cherry is not suitable for young representatives of the fine sex. Only adult ladies can make it.

This is due to the meaning of Sakura's knuckles for young girls - it does not promise them anything positive. On the contrary, tattoo with Japanese Sakura is fraught with rapid aging, adventureness of youth, similar to the rapid flowering of a tree.

But as for adults and mature women, in their case, tattoo, on the contrary, will contribute to the extension of youth and fill the ladies special charm and charm.

Special attention will attract a tattoo with a Sakura branch if the stem will be depicted quite large and reliable. A tag of a similar plan will demonstrate to the world around the world that, although a girl is from nature and is a fragile and gentle creature, she will readily show how strong it is strong and persistent in achieving the goals.

Although this tattoo has more romantic importance, it can be equally able to communicate on the body from the representatives of both sexes. Only men make several other options in the knocked options - strive with the help of tattoo to become more endless and weathered.

As a rule, the guys have a popular performance of not a whole tree, but only his twigs. At the same time, the main idea is harmoniously complemented due to other Japanese motifs, interesting details that add the image of scale and efficiency.

Suitable places for applying Sakura Tattoo

The most popular place on which most often depicts a tattoo with a Japanese cherry is back. It is on the back, the drawing was stuck with the Japanese emperors, which thus sought to focus on their high position in society.

Sakura Tatu usually make on the back

Today, the tattoo is done, of course, in other places of the body - most often on the shoulders, hands, loobra (with small sketches).

Representatives of strong gender in rare cases apply such a tattoo on the chest area.

If the planned tattoo will be completely miniature, the ankle area, forearm or wrist is suitable for it. In some cases, very tiny sakura variants are stuffed on the ears or from the depth of the clavicle.

The characteristic of the Sakura tattoo is not at all depends on the chosen area or the size of the knaps.

Finally, browse the thematic video about Sakura symbol in Japanese culture:

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