Latest predictions of Vanga about the future of Russia and other states


In our time, Vange heard and know her biography all living on the territory of the former USSR. A lot of documentary and popular science films have been filmed about the Bulgarian propheted. Many shocked the fact that she with 80% accuracy predicted many events distant for her of the future.


Wanga at the age of 12 was raised by Solochi and lost sight because of injuries. For the life of the propheted predicted a lot. Consider the predictions that she spoke shortly before death.

About life after events in Syria

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Contemporaries Vangi did not understand what she tells and from what cautions? In the future, those disasters have occurred, and now the people are clear to her allegory:

  • For example, she spoke about the underwater boat "Kursk", that she drowns and the dead will grieve throughout the world. Before the event happened, people thought that something terrible would happen in the city of Kursk, and did not guess about such an event outcome.
  • On September 11, a catastrophe occurred in the United States when the plane crashed into several skyscrapers and many innocent people died. Wanta warned about this tragedy, talking about the fall of the South American brothers, whom the birds were stuck from iron.
  • Known was Wange and the future tragedy in Japan at the nuclear power plant. She said that because of the radiation dropping together with the rains, people and animals will die in that territory.
  • Providian warned about bloody military collisions in the Middle East, and specifically in Libya and Syria. According to Provisian, it will be the beginning of the third world, which will bring with you a lot of troubles, victims.

About ancient teaching

One day, when Vangi had visitors, she said that some new teaching would come to the world. It will be well forgotten old and even for years old, ancient. This will happen not earlier than after the fall of Syria.

Those who listened to the provincial were very surprised. Muslims and Christians of different denominations in the world, and the new teaching will be older. So, they believed our ancestors, who lived in India, this teaching would call the religion of the White Brotherhood.

People will love a new religion. A lot of books will be printed, which will gladly read old and young. Books will be called fiery bibles.

In a more distant future, there will be no religions on the old woman. People will stop believing something similar. In those days, the uniform Teaching of the White Brotherhood will flourish.

The roots of the new religious flow will be traded from Russia. If someone thinks that this is another sect, it is mistaken. Thanks to this religion, humanity will unite and will be saved.

First, the teaching will be actively implemented and promoted in Russia. Later, it, thanks to the fiery bible and adepts, will disappear around the world.

How will events develop after Syria?

On the world stage of Syria falls. Changes for the world community should be expected from Russia. Saint Feofan Poltava in life prophesied that it would happen that no one expects, the Russian Federation is waiting for the resurrection from the dead, and this will surprise the whole world.


The saint predicted the revival of Orthodoxy on the territory of Russia, and it will not be at all as we know it today. Batyushka claimed that God himself would put on the throne of the true king.

While time did not fit and the events did not happen, it is difficult to say exactly how it will be, when more than 2 thousand years, people profess Christianity. To occur such a strong fracture in the minds and faith of people, a strong shock is required, and the teaching should be true.

What has been in recent years of life Wanta predicted about the Russian Federation?

What last Wanta spoke about Russia, what did it foretell? Consider predictions:
  • The prophetz just raised his hands, outlined by them an extensive circle and said that the power would again become a great empire. Changes will first occur at the spiritual level, which means that the spiritual level of Russians will increase. In such a prediction, it is quite simple to believe, but one of the last predictions of the provincial prevents humanity with aliens with aliens. Moreover, people are assimilated with them.
  • In space will be found life.
  • In a distant future, people mutate, a new race will arise, and soon, humanity will become immortal.

He described Vanga for the Millennium ahead of various races and failures of humanity. I got to 5079 and said that the end of the world would happen in that year.

How come to the prophecies of Vangi?

Some of the predictions of clairvoyant come true. Scientists conducted research and concluded that the accuracy of the predictions of the Bulgarian Language reaches 80%. This means that 1/3 of what Vang said, did not come true, and it is very good, given that some events threatened to become scary.


Video about the latest predictions of the provisions:

It is not known when 1 prediction of clairvoyant happened, but the fact that she had a real prophetic gift, everyone recognizes. Wang dies in 1996. She managed to tell humanity to death, that there are already alien ships on Earth - it's guests from the tinth.

In 2125, scientists from Hungary will establish contact with alien civilization. And already in 2130, Humanity slowly colonizes the ocean, settling on his bottom. Technologies will prompt alien friends.

Native Vanga said that she knew exactly when she had to die (day and hour), and morally prepared for death. Shortly before the death of Wang said that the next prisoner was already born in French Square, which was destined to inherit the gift of the provincial. If we consider that Wang died in 1996, in 2018, the girl will be 5 years old.

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