Description of the values ​​of different colors in color


Each color has its own definite value, the character that has a much greater influence on our life and behavior manner than it may seem at first glance. What is the psychology of color? How do different shades affect our emotional sphere? What is all the color known for today?

From this material you will learn a lot of cognitive information on colors psychology, as well as get valuable recommendations on how to apply the effects of shades in your daily reality.

Different colors have different meanings

What is the psychology of color and what it is needed

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There is a whole doctrine based on knowledge about nature, components, characteristics of shades, color contrasts, harmony, and so on. It is called color.

Colorics examines the impact of one or another shade on the psycho-emotional state of the person. Color is able to change your perception, your feelings and sometimes makes your heart beat more often. Due to the combination of certain shades, memory improvements and attention occurs.

Really even using color therapy, motivate a person to accept any other solution. Knowing the values ​​of all colors and using this knowledge in practice, you will learn to better understand the surrounding people.

Color is able to drastically change your impression about a specific object or object. For example, imagine a toy for a little baby. Probably, you immediately have an image of a bright cheerful rattles or a brilliant multicolored toy. It's hard to imagine that the children's toy is black, is it not true?

Color affects the psycho-emotional human sphere

Daily people make many cases, they have their own influence a variety of environmental factors. The human brain is constantly in active condition. Sometimes it may not even have a time for processing all the information received for the day.

For this reason, the association relating to shape and colors essentially save your time, because their processing occurs in automatic mode.

And more people are distinguished by emotionality. Different shades come into cooperation with human memory, they begin to awaken in it different feelings with thoughts. Colors cause us associations, they can make us experience both positive and negative types of emotions.

For example, you do not even need to be a certified colorist to understand that pink and red shades symbolize love and romance. Therefore, entering the store, in which this gamma prevails, we will start thinking about your beloved person and mentally choose a gift for him.

Characteristics of each of the colors in psychology

Experts have long been and very lively discuss on this topic. The characteristics of the shades is actively investigated by psychologists, sociologists, linguists and marketers from around the world.

There is an analysis of such winged phrases, as "green from the envy or malice", "see the world through the prism of pink glasses" and so on. An countless surveys and studies of various layers of society are held in order to get even more details about the colors.

Then we will look at what every shade in psychology means.

Characteristic White Tint

White there is snow, milk, cotton, wedding dress. This color is associated with ease, perfection, cleanliness, harmony and impurity.

Not in vain, after all, the walls of hospitals and hospitals are decorated in white color scheme - she soothes the patients. Colorists advise to wear a white shirt or blouse when you want to leave behind a positive impression.

White color is neutral, clean, perfect and impartial.

Clean paper sheet can open the door to us to new features, which is why the expression "start something from a white (or clean) sheet" is so popular.

But from another position, the white color is also able to drive you into a state of longing, if you do not know how to use it correctly. Therefore, the winged phrase "White Pelon in Eyes" originated.

What denotes the yellow shade

Yellow color is associated with positive, optimism, youth, reliability and originality. Not in vain, after all, the emoticons in chats have exactly the yellow color, and you are with a little probability. Decide to wear a yellow dress, being in a bad arrangement of the Spirit.

It happens the sun, gold or cute animals - giraffes and chickens.

But, on the other hand, yellow color is distinguished by inconsistency. He can symbolize betrayal, lies, misfortune and madness. In a number of world cultures, yellow flowers cause an association with separation and separation.

In addition, the yellow tint has a connection with those layers of society, which are usually rejected - for example, women of the most ancient profession. At the time of the Middle Ages, the yellow shade was associated with the Jews, which were expelled from many territories.

But in China, yellow color, on the contrary, enjoys great respect and is called upon to cause positive associations exclusively.

What symbolizes orange

The color of a juicy orange simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. It causes association with different fruits, sunset. People having red hair also always attract high attention to themselves.

Not everyone knows that many shades, similar to red (red fire, red roofs of houses and so on), in reality orange.

Colorics gives an orange color with energetic, extravagant, transformation and uniqueness.

Bright and juicy orange

Bright and passionate red

Red color symbolizes passion, it attracts attention to himself, but at the same time causes a feeling of anxiety. According to colors psychology, red symbolizes love, proximity, joy on the one hand, and on the other, blood, war, suspected and prohibitions. Not in vain, because it is the red color that means a prohibition on the movement at the traffic light. This is urgent, emergency shade.

The red shade does not leave anyone indifferent, you will definitely pay your attention to the lipstick of bright red color or on what is corrected by a red marker.

Therefore, if you are going to write some important message, select it with a red color.

Among other things, the red color correlates with sexual energy, and not only in humans, but even in animals.

What does gentle pink mean

Colorics suggests that the pink shade is associated with sweetness, femininity, charm, sensuality, politeness, eroticism, and also symbolizes a naked body. Two more of his meanings are youth and impurity.

Pink shade likes most of the people, many prefer to have solely pink shades in their wardrobe. But there is, of course, those who have this color causes irritation, speaks about a miserable. Especially fell into universal disfavor to the shade of Fuchsia, which many reminds cheap things of poor quality.

Characteristic of purple shade

Purple color is distinguished by mysteriousness and unusual. In color, he is responsible for luxury, religiosity and sexual attractiveness. Violet shade clothes are designed to attract attention and cause intrigue. It should be noted that the purple shade is not very common in nature, and if you apply it with the mind, you can create a very profitable and bright image.

True, it is not very pleasant Association of Violet Tint - So, in a number of countries, the color associates homosexuality and feminism. He also calls Nostalgia in memory, awakens fantasy, responsible for ambitions, vanity and instability.

Purple is an absolutely ambiguous shade, but if you use it correctly, you can get a lot from the energy of this color.

purple is very beautiful color

Characteristic of blue color

Many people prefer blue or blue shades in clothing. This shade correlates with harmony, loyalty, peace, sympathy, trust, honor, serenity and communication. Therefore, it does not surprise at all the fact that many social networks and logos are decorated in the blue color scheme.

But there is a blue shade and its negative moments - for example, blue and blue colors are sometimes associated with cold and dismounts. This color scheme is absolutely not suitable for food and can cause a lot of suspicion. It is unlikely that someone would agree to taste the blue potato puree or meat.

But in the interior design, this color will look very profitable, not in vain, it symbolizes the rest, relaxation, the sea, the sky and complete relaxation.

Characteristic of the green shade

Green acts as the most natural, which symbolizes nature, grass, youth, hope, health, fertility and money. Colorics suggests that the green shade is also correlated with freshness and harmony, peace and tranquility. People who care about the state of nature are often called green.

But this tint also has its own dark side - causes an association with poison. That is why the famous expression arose "Glind from anger (or envy)". But, on the other hand, most of the characteristics of this shade are positive.

Brown tint

Brown symbolizes laziness, dirt, vulgarity, vagrancy and ugliness. It can also be associated with something old and boring. This is perhaps one of those shades that are not valued most.

But, on the other hand, the brown shade symbolizes a tree, autumn, heat and comfort. And still relate to delicious chocolate and a beautiful tan. We are very often encountered with this color in everyday life, and it provokes a variety of associations in our soul.

Which symbolizes a gray shade

Color psychology suggests that gray, first of all, is associated with old age, modesty and simplicity. And he symbolizes something dark, boring or soft and performs the repository of different secrets and secrets. Therefore, such options appeared such as "gray scheme" or "gray salary".

On the other hand, gray is associated with elegance in clothing. And the most unusual association - resembles a "gray matter" in the brain.

Which symbolizes a classic black color

Many experts still can not come to an unequivocal conclusion, whether the black color is actually a color or not (exactly the same situation has developed with a white tint).

In color psychology, black symbolizes the night, power and death. And he is associated with a secret, mourning, denial, hate, cruelty, and so on. Not in vain, after all, exactly the black cat, according to the famous belief, is intended to bring failure, and everything is also panicly afraid of that very notorious "black day."

On the other hand, try to find at least one person whose wardrobe would not consist of black things? We find this shade everywhere and everywhere, because it is very useful and functional. Therefore, all the girls dream of a small black dress, which, they will look very stylish, elegantly and feminine.

If you are interested in the topics of flowers, then you will be able to give more detailed information about this science. Eva Geller "Psychology of color", in which the characteristics of all existing shades have been disclosed in detail.

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