Tattoo Value with Beautiful Peony Flowers


Each tattoo is not just a beautiful picture, but a certain sacred sign, which is inherent in different properties, both positive and negative. If you want to make yourself some tattoo, do not be lazy to get a maximum of information about it in advance to protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences. In this material, the value of the ton of peonies is revealed.

Tattoo Peonies Photo

Historic Tour of Peony

The name "Peony" occurs on behalf of Peaan - God-Healer and translated from Greek denotes the "giving light". Peony is an absolutely male flower with male sunny start.

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It symbolizes longevity, as it is capable of growing in one place for many years and is completely not afraid of a strong frost or heat. This is a very attractive plant having different versions of colors, so that it has become quite popular in the culture of tattoos.

Peony is famous in most of the states of the world, his fame overshadows even a majestic rose. He is really an imperial plant. Further, we will try to consider the characteristics of this plant in different cultures, as well as talk in more detail about the overall characteristics of this flower.

From chinese

In the subway, peony is grown more than one and a half thousand years and serves as a favorite national flower. If the Chinese presents you a peony flower as a gift, you can not doubt that he wishes you well-being, wealth, prosperity and wants to pay attention to your goddess good luck Banten.

The inhabitants of China with the help of these divine flowers decorated the items of their clothing, utensils and panels. Peons since ancient times were very expensive pleasure. One bush of this plant cost 3 kilograms of gold. The belief was also told that peonies are growing exclusively in those personalities that luck and happiness pursue.

In China, in general there are a variety of beautiful legends regarding peonies. According to one of them, one successful gardener was able to withdraw a very beautiful variety of this plant. Of course, the royal blood enviously drawn on the horizon, which decided to harm the hero. The gardener was forced to observe how a sneaky royal destroying his treasure, but a miracle happened here - all the flowers turned into girls. Those waved the sleeves and blocked the evil prince. He found himself in the air and fell to Earth, crashing to death.

In the ancient Romans

Residents of ancient Rome personified peonies with self-examination and pride.

In Hindus

The attitude to the magnificent flower of Peonya in the Hindus is a little peculiar - here it is associated with clumsiness and pride.


The Japanese, like the Chinese, personifies the peony flower with wealth and luck. Its value is greatly varied, based on what other elements are present in the image - it may be a dragon, tiger or panda.

At the same time, the tattoo of the peony can be associated with risk, heroism, leaning, easy perception of life and the absence of fear die.


As for Asia states, here the peony flower symbolizes the spring and female beauty. And still correlates with a happy marriage.

In addition, Asians personify excellent peony with ambition, determination and compassion.

For Europeans

In Europe, Peony is known as rose devoid of spikes. Often it causes associations with a clean Virgin Mary.

Similar to any image of colors, a tattoo with a peony can make more beautiful any of the body pieces. A small flower size located behind an eye or a beautiful bouquet in the hip area - everything is depending exclusively from the wishes of the future owner.

Beautiful tattoos with peonies

Features Tattoo Features Peonies

And now let's talk about what denotes this symbolic sign in the modern world.

Characteristics Tattoo Peony in Guys

For strong floor representatives, such a tattoo has an exceptionally positive designation.

So, a magnificent plant in the embodiment performs such functions:

  • Protects its owner from problems, death, especially on long journeys. Sailors have always considered mandatory to perform an image of this flower on their own body;
  • If a predator is depicted in conjunction with the peony flower - a similar combination will lead about aggression and bad thoughts. This property was very relevant for Japanese samurai, for this reason they often decorated their body similar drawing;
  • Peony flower symbolizes well-being with material sufficiency. It is no secret that many representatives of the Chinese elite applied a tattoo with peony;
  • Long life - this version of the value came to us from the ancient Greeks, since they have a plant associated with Divine Peon, which was a famous pecker of those times;
  • But the flower can change its value in the negative direction, having talked about excessive love for yourself and chewing. This version of the characteristic proceeds from ancient Rome, there the flower decorated the bodies of rich and influential personalities;
  • Peonies are associated with the ease of being and the harmonious perception of life;
  • Also, the flower symbolizes the humility of the spirit and moral resistance. Peonies are very unpretentious and resistant to bad conditions. Therefore, representatives of strong sex sought to decorate their body with the help of these plants to end themselves with similar qualities.

tattoo peony on hand guy photo

Characteristics of tattoo peonies for girls

Although Peony is a typical male flower, it is very popular in female tattoos. Most often, the tattoo with the image of peonies is applied to the back, the side of either the tail as an independent drawing.

At the same time, the tattoo in the adorable ladies will indicate the following:

  • Calls the Association with a happy marriage. As a rule, such a tattoo is carried out by married ladies in Asian states;
  • Associate with God's Mother. Peony is very similar to rose, devoid of spikes - and this is one of the symbol of the Virgin Mary;
  • protects its owner from different life misfortunes;
  • protects against the negative impact of the black magic of unmarried representatives of the finest gender;
  • symbolizes purity with kindness;
  • personifies women's beauty and power over a man. The Japanese were confident that the peony flower would give the girl a special energy that takes off the man in her network;
  • Symbolizes a luxurious life with well-being. Such a pallium demonstrates the desire of a woman to live a "beautiful life" and the application for efforts in this direction.

Tattoo value in prison

It is no secret that the prison is the place where each squad has more informative than the aesthetic value.

Tattoo with peonies is not very common among the prisoners, it is stuffed in the bulk only along with other elements.

For people deprived of freedom, Peony has several characteristics, namely:

  • symbolizes thieves love;
  • Speakers the sign of the community (he will tell the participation of several people in a crime committed);
  • symbolizes a reasonable start;
  • Indicates love and mercy towards other people;
  • Symbolizes clean thoughts, spiritual power and persistent life principles.

Before you decide on the execution of such a tattoo, remember that the peony flower will have an exceptionally the meaning that you invest in it. Surely it is possible to argue that such a tattoo will profitably decorate the body of each person.

And finally, we also advise you to see the interesting video on this topic:

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