Mystical value Tattoo with a dream catcher


Tattoos are a fairly common type of art, which is currently at the peak of its popularity. Each tattoo has its own sacred value, it can affect the life of a person both in positive and in a negative context.

What value is a mysterious and attractive tattoo a dream catcher - you will learn about this from this material.

Tattoo dream catcher photo

Historical certificate about the symbol of dream catcher

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Items in Indian topics began to gain popularity from recently. Of course, the tattoo culture was not left. Now the tattoo with the image of the ancient Indian amulet Catcher of dreams is gaining more and more demand for tattoo masters.

What roots have this mysterious amulet and what does it mean?

The main task of the image is to protect its owner. But dream catcher can be used in more specific values.

For example, it is believed that such a tattoo appears not simply by a protective symbol, but also allows a person to always maintain a good location of the Spirit. With this tag, you will provide yourself with pleasant dreams.

Pautinca - the element of the Tattoo Catcher of Dreams - will not allow the negative thoughts to cling to your head both in the night and during the daytime. Also with the help of a tattoo personality will be able to develop and spiritual self-improvement.

But it should be noted that the characteristic of TATU is rooted by its roots to the meaning of the tribes of the ancient Indians. After all, the tattoo itself came to our culture from them.

The initial version of the amulet was in its composition of thread, twigs, beads and feathers. The finished talisman was hanged on top of the bed, as it was called to protect a person from bad dreams.

However, about how it happened, the legend is silent. Someone believed that the catcher could slip exceptionally positive night visions, and bad dreams should be tangled in it. According to another version, the dream catcher is able to skip both categories of dreams and thoughts, but according to the total only positive, which ensures a calm process of sleep.

Initially, the amulet feathers were used to entertain newborn babies. But in reality they possess much more deeply. Thus, bird feathers are associated with breathing and air representing attributes of life. The Indians argued that when the pads were starting to sneak, it means that a person now sees a very good night vision.

In most cases, when the amulet was created for women, stopped their choice on the feathers of owls associated with wisdom. And for the strong half of humanity, the eagle feathers were more suitable, which symbolized courage and courage.

Some Indian tribes made dream catcher with 8 points of contact with the threads with a circle. Thus, the amulet became similar to a spider having eight limbs.

Additionally, the amulet was decorated with precious minerals. So, one pebble performed with a symbol of one life road, which a man chose for himself for life. And four pebbles were extreme dots - North, South, West and East.

The ancient Indians also believed that the dream catcher does not miss not only bad dreams, but also becomes reliable protection against evil spirits. Residents of the tribes believed that this contributes to the presence of images of sacred animals, which were combined with this talisman. This trend is also traced in our time, as some versions of the amulet and today depict the footprint of some living being (Wolf, Bear, Owl and others).

Of course, at the moment, the use of the initial version of the amulet is not entirely appropriate, since the overag is quite massive and requires enough space for yourself. A much more correct and right decision is to make a tattoo with an ancient symbol, which will also protect its owner from the evil eye, damage and, moreover, always and everywhere will be with you.

Tattoo dream catcher on hand

Value Tattoo Dream Catcher at Different Body Places

Speaking about the amulte Catcher of dreams, it should be noted that even an ordinary photo or a simple amulet drawing will already have sufficiently strong protective properties. He will help protect his owner from negative influences from outside, especially from evil entities that are fueled by the negative emotions of a person.

Therefore, when you apply such a sacral sign, thereby establishing additional protection on the spiritual level.

In this case, the protective properties of the amulet are somewhat vary depending on which part of the body you applied it.

Dream catcher on hand

An image of a tattoo with a dream catcher on the upper limb is a shield symbol on hand. Such a doll is most acceptable for those personalities that have a somewhat harsh, militant character.

Dream catcher on the neck

If you are driving with might and main and absorbs the routine, it is worth the tattoo with an ancient protective symbol on the neck. In this case, the back of your body will be most secured.

Dream catcher

In case the personality is interested in some esoteric practices, but more with the goal of better knowledge of themselves, it is worth placing the Tattoo Catcher of dreams on the leg. Then the charm protects the front of your body better.

When it is worth performing tattoo a dream catcher

Today it is not at all necessary that a person has a connection with the Indian tribe, to apply dream catcher on his body. Although the original version of the amulet is represented by a circular, threads and hints, there is a sufficiently large number of different versions of this tattoo. Which one to choose for yourself is the more taste and personal preferences. But in what situations people in principle are resolved for performing this image, read below:

  • Dreaming to protect itself from targeted negative impacts (damage, evil eye);
  • Provide self-calm and pleasant dreams, extending to the nightmares and insomnia forever;
  • feel merging with nature that all the elements of amulet personifies;
  • Demonstrate its respect and loyalty to the traditions of antiquity.

Based on the above, we get a completely logical characteristic of the Tattoo Catcher of Dreams: will provide protection, freedom, will demonstrate interest in ancient cultures.

If you wish to strengthen the tattoo action, place it as close as possible to the head area (for example, to neck and forearms). Although many people feel inner calm, it is simply simply from the fact that this protective symbol is present on their body, regardless of its location.

At the same time there are no strict limitations in the field of tattoo. But, according to a small experiment, a fair floor representatives are increasingly stopped at an embodiment of a tattoo on the back area. On such an extensive area for creativity, the real masterpieces of art can be created.

Tattoo dream catcher on back photo

Features Tattoo Dream Catcher in men

Strong half of humanity, as a rule, stops on the classic version of the image without additional elements. Auxiliary elements can be represented by wolf or bear laps or drawings of these living beings.

And the use of eagle feathers is traditionally associated with typical male character qualities - courage and courage.

Styles Tatu

Choosing a style for a doll catcher of dreams, based on the sense that this picture is filled. Young people most of them stop on monophonic tattoos, and girls are on color.

To create a real artistic work, enjoy a bright watercolor style. Applying Polynesia, Ethnics, Tribal, it is possible to add to the tattoo of national motives of both antiquity and modernity.

Options for monochrome graphic tattoos are classic.

From other popular styles for tattoo, Dream Catcher can be called Old Skull, Trash Polka or Blackwork. An unusual look has a combination of images in black and white tones with the addition of bright color enclosures.

Deciding to choose a tattoo with a dream catcher, you will definitely not regret, as it does not just have protective properties, but also will please you with your beautiful view.

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