Gentle color of the sky: What is the meaning of psychology?


Clean and impeccable blue color - he simply cannot but attract attention to himself. What value in psychology has this amazing shade? You can learn about this from this material.

Blue color value

What symbolism is different blue color

Blue is heavenly and water. This is a symbol of airiness, serenity, tranquility, stability, tenderness, ease. And more - freedom, joy, peace, harmony and clarity. Blue shade personifies cleanliness, hope, dreams and mind.

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Having left alone with him, pulling away from the external reality with the help of blue, a person will be able to take the most important decision in his life. Blue color in all its colors contributes to creating a trust and safe atmosphere, and also provokes relaxation.

In addition, the Blue causes the Association with coolness, for this reason it can lead to laziness, apathy, passivity, frivolism, mesh, empty dreams, and a degraded concentration of attention.

The blue shade associated with tenderness and softness is a symbol of a sunny celestial arch. This shade acts as the personification of the whole heavenly, sublime and divine. Because of this, antique icon paints depicted the nimes of the deities of the blue shade.

In Masonov, the Blue characterized Divine Enlightenment and Spiritual Perfection.

Residents of European states associated heavenly shade with aristocratism, high origin, nobility - that is, "blue blood".

And in the Middle Ages, the so-called "blue divisions" existed in the army. So called the elite, and such a definition has been preserved to today.

However, not everywhere everything was so positive. In some states, the blue shade personified negative concepts and characteristics. For example, residents of ancient Rome associated blue with envy. In China, Blue performed a symbol of mourning, and in Brazil - sadness.

What indicated the blue tint in antiquity

Since the distant antiquity, blue color symbolized a noble origin. Of course, you know the concept of "Blue Blood", which flowed in the veins of the aristocrats.

Part of the scientists are confident that the beginning of passion on the blue shade falls on the ancient Egypt: it was there that the blue bore so much that the ancient Egyptians even disappeared their nails with a dye of blue. And at the expense of this action, they tried to create the illusion of the varicose veins, which, as you know, was "distinguished" with a bluish tint. This disease also indicated the high origin of the person.

Blue (and blue) shades are very close to black and have similar symbolic notation. For example, in a number of tribes in South Africa, a dark blue or blue color symbolized mourning.

In fact, the blue is a combination between white and blue colors. Based on this, it possesses and similar to the impact on the state of a person. For example, the tint of the sky remarkably copes with suppurations and injuries. And also - eliminates fatigue accumulated in the body after a heavy working day.

Blue shade symbolizes loyalty, impressionability and affection. Persons that prefer this color are prone to quickly fall into the despondency if some failures happen. In addition, the Blue fans always strive for peace, harmony in relations with others and are capable of fairly deep reflections and aesthetic experiences. They are artistic workaholics, which are at the shoulder to reach incredible heights on the career ladder.

Such personalities do not like the idleness at all, they are simply crazy about traveling. If you dream to find a compromise with those who love blue, try to be patient with them, and your patience will definitely be rewarded.

Blue shade in clothes

Psychologists recommend to wear a blue tint clothing in those cases when a person is preparing for an unpleasant meeting, negotiations or he has contact with negative personalities. Then the heavenly shade will help eliminate aggression, slows down the development of a conflict situation and will relieve from excessive concern.

Blue tint like creative personalities who are crazy about positive. It allows you to tune in to the wave of creativity, pushes to different experiments and changes thinking.

Blue clothes

Psychologists found that at the subconscious level of the sky, the color of the sky impresses lonely, melancholic and closed people. It's not for nothing in vain, the blue personifies calm - just that emotionally depressed personalities are needed. Thanks to blue, they feel comfort, confidence and protection.

Only the boys who appeared on the light accepted in blue clothes, as it contributes to improving immunity.

This shade is recommended to use sensitive individuals confident and developed in intellectual plan. However, even if a very positive, creative person will be a long time to wear blue tint clothes, he will face fatigue, irritation and drowsiness, lethargy.

In addition, the clothes of blue tones are distinguished by a bright seasonality: it is usually recommended to take with him on vacation, because it wonderfully protects you on a hot summer day.

And in the event that a person deliberately protects himself from this shade in clothes, it means that he is absolutely not accepting someone else's opinion, he tries to protect himself as much as possible from foreign interference and not listen to other people's advice.

In medical practice

Inherent in blue and healing properties: so, it successfully copes with headaches, it is capable of refreshing. Another blue tint is a real "salvation" for anyone who wishes to get rid of excess weights, as it reduces the craving for food.

It is shown to seek help to a blue shade and people suffering from high pressure: if you believe that the color therapy really helps, it will help you reduce the pressure. More with the help of a blue shade to really eliminate insomnia. Also in the sphere of its influence the diarrhea, vomiting and heartburn fall.

Representatives of the beautiful floor This tint will help cope with the consequences of premenstrual syndrome, will make bleeding not so abundant during critical days.

A negative point - color is able to inappropriately provoke melancholy in man, cause the feeling of sadness. In addition, the blue tint fills with such negative parties: the inability for a long time maintain contact with other people, skeptical mood relative to long-term planning of targets, which is constant not subsidizing dissatisfaction with what is happening at this time.

If a person is lifted with shy, it is afraid of communication and is strongly shy, it will definitely need to seek help to a blue shade.

Also, this is an indispensable tone for all those who practice meditative practices, as it contributes to the "immersion in itself" and being alone with his secret thoughts. For this reason, if you want (or already practicing meditation), you need to use the blue or blue lamp and a candle.

Blue candles are ideal for meditation

What does blue color mean in profession

Representatives of what professions give their preference to the blue shade? All those whose activities are in any extent affecting the risk (for example, military, firefighters, pilots, and so on).

All who chose this shade for themselves, distinguishes win-win intuition, incredible determination and purposefulness. And those whom this color is annoying or causes negative emotions, can be described as personalities that are attracted to serious changes, they are able to save others from depressive states and take stress.

Now you know that it truly means blue. Finally, we advise you to view an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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