What amazing value is green in psychology


In psychology, colors are of particular importance. It is believed that with the help of different colors you can affect the mood and emotional state of the person. Green is a bright and beautiful color that inevitably attracts attention. If you wish to find out what value is the green color in psychology, be sure to read this material.

Value of green color

A little interesting about the perception of colors

The concept of colors invented the famous poet Goethe. According to it, all dark shades are called to calm down, and light - on the contrary, excite. The very first of darkness shows blue color, and from light - yellow (they are the basic flowers, of which other shades are formed).

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Color can affect a person both physically (short time) and mentally (if you look at specific subjects for a long time).

Flower perception occurs through associations: For example, blue is cold. First, the color is perceived by the bodies of vision, and then its action comes to tactile sensations.

It is scientifically established that the color is capable of influencing blood pressure - shades in the spectrum from blue to green increase it, and from yellow to red - act in the oppression.

Value of green color

Green color performs a combination of two shades - blue and yellow, and therefore it has a somewhat dual psychological characteristic. The color has limitless energy, on the one hand, and on the other, it is distinguished by all-consuming peace.

Each person at the subconscious level will associate a green shade with increasing, development and harmony. Not in vain, after all, the young grass, which you are so happy after the long winter days, has exactly a green shade.

What is the more detailed value inherent in the green shade? And how is it psychologically affecting people? You can find out about it.

Characteristic of the green shade

Green is the color of the life, nature and harmony. And also this color was officially recognized as the most secure all over the world. Not in vain go on the traffic light is allowed precisely on green color.

If you are just crazy about green, it means that you are influenced by generosity and reliability.

Special attention should be paid to different shades of the described color. For example, the passion for the dark-green will tell about the love of a person to stability. A gentle-green shade speaks of relaxation and tranquility. It is believed that exactly such a shade helps to improve vision.

What kind of symbolism has a green color

Green symbolically correlates with the first sprouts of wheat. As already mentioned earlier, in psychology, the shade symbolizes softness and calm, and sometimes even hypochondria.

Psychologists noticed that a particularly positive green shade affects anxious personalities - he helps them calm down and feel herself in harmonious and confidential state with reality.

Green color gives harmony

Practical psychology is actively using the amazing properties of green color - people suffering from nervous pathologies, they advise a lot of time surrounded by a green color. To do this, you can paint the walls of your room in this hue, and in the spring, when nature begins to flourish, we can spend out of the house as much time outside the house.

How green influences people

Positive manner

What is the meaning of a green color relative to a specific person? Speaking about the positive qualities of the fans of this color, it is necessary to say about the obligation, stability, perseverance, the nobility of the nature and truthfulness.

Those who like the green shade, according to psychologists, show objectivity, as they can see in everything with a positive and negative side. And with the help of this opportunity, they very soberly evaluate themselves and their capabilities. Thanks to a specific successful calculation, such individuals acquire authority from their relatives, and in addition, their opinion is usually always decisive.

Another green, according to psychologists, symbolizes an increase. For this reason, those who like this shade, distinguishes a constant desire for something new, due to which they develop and are improving as individuals. In addition, the psychology of the green shade gives his fans a kind heart, compassion and stability.

Negative way

In addition to positive, green tint has its own negative properties.

So, for example, in some cases it affects a person so calmingly that he stops something for him during his stay "in the green world", because he receives a kind of energy support from this shade.

The green shade retains its secrets, the secrets of the universe, so he can give someone to an excessive secretive, which will only harm. Psychologists enjoy this phenomenon in their goals, to heal people suffering from claustrophobia. After all, when they fall into a closed room, decorated in a green color scheme, then under the action of the shade begin to calm down.

However, you should not seek for help to green color if you are nervous, because otherwise the full loss of forces is very likely.

Basically, the impact of the green shade is depending on the balance between yellow and blue colors. So, when prevailing blue, the shade will turn into a coolest and tense. A greater percentage of yellow will contribute to the creation of a light and harmonious atmosphere.

Symbols of green shade in clothes

The predominance of some one shade in clothing is also a lot of things tell about his owner. After all, it is believed that the choice of one or another color allows a person to share his mood with the world around the world, as well as internal experiences.

  • For example, if you most like a gentle green shade most, then it characterizes you as a light and pleasant person who likes to communicate and cooperate with other people.
  • The more rich, bright green, especially if it is complemented by yellow and orange colors, will lead about cheerfulness and physical activity. In addition, the specified combination of shades is designed to automatically raise the mood and fill the charge of energy and vigor. That is why clothing of this color can be used for "awakening" of its internal potential.
  • Dark-green color, on the contrary, is designed to calm down. If this is your favorite color, then it means that you can say about you with a high probability that you have a somewhat closed and disrupted person who likes to be alone and in solitude.

Green clothes

Using a green shade in the wardrobe

From this bright and cheerful color was crazy about the famous government of the Russian Empire - Ekaterina Medici and Elizabeth Petrovna. This choice tells about the masculinity of their insens.

In conclusion, we will summarize the choice for yourself a green shade in clothes:

  1. Green is an absolutely universal color. It looks equally well in humans of any type of appearance, the exception is only too poisonous options (from those worth it to those who correspond to the summer color). In all other cases, it has a strict and discreet view. Although the green clothes are suitable for holidays, and for the weekend.
  2. Clean green visually makes objects wider. Therefore, if you dream to visually seem better, seek for help to dry green tones.
  3. Personality, whose wardrobe is replete with green things, very self-confident. But this lies in this and the whole secret: you can go from the opposite and, on the contrary, thanks to the green shade to increase the faith in your own strength.

Now you know a lot about unusually attractive juicy green color. For a more complete development of the whole magic of this shade, we recommend viewing an interesting thematic video:

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