What value has a sunny yellow color


Yellow color is basic, because it shows the need of a person in disclosure. And everyone knows that it is at the expense of creative disclosure that happiness can be achieved, positive emotions and gain hope. Yellow as if he looked into the coming, giving relaxation and freedom, life in which there are no difficulties with restrictions.

You can learn from this material more detailed description of the yellow shade in psychology.

Yellow color photo

What did the lemon shade indicate the era of antiquity

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People engaged in researching the characteristics of the colors from the time of distant long. They found a connection with otherworldly natural phenomena, and then - with divine entities.

Yellow was one of the most saturated shades, which was distinguished by his own meaning. At first, the yellow shade corresponded to the frozen sunlight, autumn and yields. However, he personified the disease, death and otherworldly world.

Initially, this tint symbolized power and divine power, for this reason, the robes of most of the mythical deities were yellow.

For example, the ancient Greek god of the Sun Helios went to people, exclusively sitting on a sunny chariot, which was illuminated by yellow. And the Hindu Supreme Divine Vishnu was shaped in yellow robes. Golden was the cosmic egg of the chief God of Brahna.

The Chinese Divine, which created the Kingdom of Dragons also had a similar appearance. Because of this, in the Chinese Empire, the yellow shade was associated with the imperial power, and commoner did not have the right to carry the robes of this color.

In the ancient Egyptians, the yellow shade symbolized the sun and eternity, for this reason the priests disappeared themselves when various mystical rites were performed.

And the ancient Egyptian God of Ptah, who, according to ancient legends, created this world, was often portrayed on a gold background. The Divine Amon-RA personified with a yellow-headed solar disc. In addition, the lemon color was the main attributes of God the Mountain, and the goddess of Love Hathor knew as the Golden Goddess.

The maximum symbolism of the authorities of the King and his power of yellow color acquired in the era of the Board of the famous "Sun King" Louis XIV. However, his perception began to become negative from the eighteenth century - the tint began to symbolize the disease (jaundice and plague), as well as betrayal and deception.

What today symbolizes yellow

For the most part, the yellow shade has a positive start. Association of gentle-yellow is a daylight, sun, warm energy and summer.

The yellow-orange color of the magic gold shade symbolizes the wealth, success and prosperity. But the most basic value of this shade, of course, is activity. Due to its bright and rich energy, the color in the literal sense is able to inspire the accomplishment of different actions, activates the process of movement and gives energy.

Yellow color gives energy

At the same time, the rich yellow possesses and negative properties. So, for example, its blinding radiance often associates greed and stale. Also often yellow can tell about jealousness, envy and meanness. In addition, many call it the color of treason and betrayal. Residents of some Asian states associate with a yellow tint death and mourning.

What yellow refers to psychology

Psychologists, first of all, are called the yellow responsible for intellectual activity. According to numerous studies, it was found that it is this color that has an activating effect on the areas of the brain that are associated with memory and thinking.

Scientists have proven that as a result of regular moderate perception of yellow color, mental performance increases, a person remembers more information, plus the rate of mental operations increases.

Stripping from this information, psychology experts were able to establish that yellow color provides more easy and efficient training. This color feature can be used when you make out the interior, for example, the rooms of your baby or the audience at the university.

In addition, the yellow tint psychologists are actively used in therapeutic therapy. This color helps to eliminate chronic fatigue, apathy, psycho-emotional exhaustion and even light depressive states. It also positively affects the digestive and nervous system.

But the lemon shade can be both useful and harmful. For example, in large quantities, the yellow color causes hidden pathologies of the nervous system, in particular - psychiatric disorders (for example, schizophrenia).

What is useful "Yellow Wizard" for people?

Yellow color has many valuable properties, namely:

  • normalizes weight (enhances the production of digestive juice, which is necessary during digestion);
  • contributes to the purification of the human body from toxins;
  • It is shown to wear yellow things by those personalities that suffer from uncertainty in their own forces, because it increases self-esteem. And also changes the phrases "impossible" to "possibly", which makes a person even more confident in its own forces. It is not surprising that the fans of this shade are distinguished by adequate self-acting, and more activity and activities.

Those who prefer to focus on yellow, have a well-developed sixth sense, they like to swim in public attention. In addition, yellow provides vigor and mobility, teaches rapid decision-making and better understanding of other people.

Yellow favorably affects the brain

Characteristics of different shades of yellow

Yellow is presented in a fairly extensive color palette, which should be given to special attention:
  • Honey tone (combination of brown with yellow) symbolizes the need to be happy;
  • Yellow-red - testifies to the destruction, impulsiveness and spontaneity. But on the other hand, he also tells about joyful emotions;
  • Those who prefer their preference lemon-yellow color have non-standard thinking, very critical and insightful. But they suffer from sexual disorders;
  • fans of gentle-yellow color scares responsibility;
  • And if you are crazy about the brown-yellow shade, you need pleasure and simple human happiness;
  • Considering the gold color, it must be said that he fills a person with wisdom, new experience, psychological maturity and vitality. Negative sides of the medal - leads to dishonor and limitations. Whatever it was, gold has always pleased the eyes of a person, which is capable of to give most of the people a sense of happiness.

Scientific experts are confident that it was the yellow color that contributes to the awakening of people in intellectual interest in objective reality. Most likely, that is why he does not like those who love to drink alcohol. But you need to take into account the fact that the lemon shade often leads to dizziness and hallucinations.

In the body, the gastrointestinal tract is given to this color. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use when the stomach, spleen, liver and gallbladder is damaged. Do you sit on a diet? In this case, it is worth stocking of something yellow - circles, plates, cups, napkins or saucers. With the help of yellow color, constipation is successfully eliminated.

Effects of yellow color on human health

High-colored items are visually associated with light. This shade contributes to the expansion of space: such an object always looks like a large, but weightless. Also all yellow things seem to be visually dry and warm. It is for this reason that a yellow chair, for example, will help you warm up faster than the same armchair, but another color.

What is bad this shade? As we have already mentioned earlier, in the increased quantity, the yellow shade is inclined to tire: he raises a desire to escape and hide. A long stay in a yellow room can lead to headaches. The interaction with cold yellow tones leads to vomiting and nausea. In general, oversupply of lemon shade provokes neurosis, aggression and anxiety.

Now you know that in psychology means a yellow shade, for what personalities it is attractive, and also the fraught with its excessive use.

At the end of the topic we advise you to watch an interesting thematic video.

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