What value is mysterious purple color


Purple deservedly acts very mysterious and mysterious color. It is around this color that various legends and legends appear, and the mystics and sorcerers are not in vain in purple robes.

And what kind of value is purple color in psychology and in life? Is it really so unusual? You can read about it in our today's material.

Purple color value

What symbolically denotes the shade of violets

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The person's subconscious takes the purple shade as something mysterious and otherworked and associated with mysticism, astrology, esoteric and healing. After all, if you look at the picture on which you depict a mage or witch, in most cases you can note that he or she are dressed in purple clothing.

The violet tint traditionally protrudes the symbol of the other world, contact with which only the chosen one is permitted. By the way, since the distant antiquity, purple clothing testified to the uniqueness of her man wearing her. For example, the tint of purple, which constantly mention the vintage narratives dedicated to the kings and priests is the most approximate to the violent. Ordinary people were not allowed to use the described tinge.

At the time of the Middle Ages, it was a color of mourning, but it was also allowed to use exclusively to representatives of the Royal Family. Ansociation of a purple shade with noble sorrow retained the Orthodox Church. When the priests are fasting, they are dredge in the robes of violet color.

Traditionally, it is believed that violet causes an internal concentration, revenue from reality, which is necessary, if a person wants to be cleaned in the spiritual plan. In addition, the shade also means the transformation - the change of one state is different. Here you can talk about pregnancy, and about death, and about deep internal changes.

An interesting nuance. If you often see the shade of violet in your night visions, it foreshadows the cardinal changes in your life.

Sacred characteristic of purple shade

The main value inherent in a lilac shade is veiled. Combining two strengths in themselves, but drastically different in the value of shades - red with blue, he, first of all, will lead about the depressed excitation.

Combining two shades - red (symbolizing strength and passionism) with blue (tint of calm and inconsistency), the lilac shade is actually constantly in counteractive, and the contrasting values ​​of the specified colors and give rise to the mystery of the violet color. Thanks to this, the purple tint is often popular in pregnant women (especially in the initial months of pregnancy), and also in homosexuals who seek to hide their sexual addictions.

In addition, the duality of purple shade symbolizes the abstinence with the power of will. By analogy, how the blue shade restrains the power of a passionate red, purple causes association with humility, restrictions and struggles with its carnal side. That is why the Catholic Higher clergy is carried out by carrying perverse with purple amethysts, symbolizing celibacy.

And another gentle violet tint causes associations with a mystical sphere of life and all phenomena that cannot be explained logically. Also this is the color of the sixth sense and instinctive desires. And in addition, purple is a color that gives the originality, idealistic, personality and revealing creative potential in man.

What value is purple in psychology

The main psychological associations of purple shade are sensuality and emotionality. But at the same time, the color of violets can also tell about the psychological immaturity and instability of the nervous system. This explains the love of violet things of people having an unstable psyche, and adolescents.

More correct will be the consideration of the value of the violet color based on its definite shade:

  • For example, a saturated purple tone with a predominance of a blue shade is a symbol of rough strength and power;
  • Lilac shade in which red dominates, will tell about emotional immaturity, impulsiveness and infantion;
  • But a gentle purple tone has a soft soothing effect and expresses tenderness and delicacy.

In general, it should be noted that psychology relates violet color to enough "heavy" shades. It is for this reason that it should not wear kids, otherwise he can reduce their vital activity.

Flowerpeys use a purple tint when it is necessary to heal headaches, reduce pressure, save a person from eye pathologies, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue.

Phial color heals depression

And psychotherapists with this unusual shade are treated with depressive and neurotic states.

Who likes purple clothes

Clothing in the purple palette likes personalities that seek inner calmness. Color allows you to find a mental balance, completely calm down, to deduct from the surrounding rush and fuss.

In addition, having to go into a violent robe, you can reduce your egoism and the desire to deal with only our desires and thoughts. The selection of this shade indicates spiritual openness and desire to listen to your inner voice. But in everything it is important to observe the measure, because the purple brute force will provoke a desire to solitude and minimize contacts with other people.

Psychology experts believe that the choice of purple shade for basic clothing and accessories indicates some infantitity and insufficient control of the conscious sphere. A gentle lavender shade creates the illusion of coolness and detachment, it is very attractive for dreamers.

Are you a feminine and dreamy person? Then, without a doubt, take care of clothes, accessories or ornaments of the violent shade - thanks to them, you will increase the faith in yourself and fill with force. To create the most stylish image, combine purple with gray (in order to get the desired), with brown (to achieve a luxurious life).

What people like purple color

Regarding those who choose a purple shade for themselves, most of them are such people are very secretive natures. They are accustomed to very critical to evaluate themselves and others, therefore often achieved a lot in life.

Often these are real pedants and formalists. Show emotional restraint in society, but in fact, the real passions are raging inside them. In life, their own feelings with intuition are much more important for such personalities than public opinion. It is an excellent intuition that often provokes their arrogance and vanity, which repels a little from them.

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It also likes such personalities to feel special, they often stand out on a general background due to excellent hobbies and addictions of the bulk. As a rule, they adhere to a solitary lifestyle, have several close people.

"Violet" personality, like no other, are capable of creating long and deep relations. Regarding their negative sides of the character, you can mention passivity with shyness. Many find them for eccentrics who are completely not adapted to reality. So, for example, such people can perfectly understand philosophy and religion, but do not know how to cook food and do not remove in their home.

As a rule, the violet tint causes an antipathy among the too far-mounted and rational personalities, which are annoyed by ambiguity and uncertainty. Also, the rejection of the violent shade will tell about dislike for mysticism. These personalities are not at all interesting religion, signs. They can have a good intelligence, but they absolutely lack creative abilities.

You can confidently declare that purple color is the king of all shades. He causes inspiration due to his sophistication, nobility and mystery. It does not surprise at all the fact that the color likes the adherents of symbolism, as well as creative features. Purple shade personifies spiritual wealth and close unity with the universe.

At the end of the topic it is worth viewing an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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