Bull and Tiger compatibility - Minuses of the Union


The compatibility of the bull and tiger at the average level, but with great prospects. This is the union of two people with drastically different characters. But at the same time they are able to easily find a common language, build happy and harmonious relationships.

Female bull and man-tiger

This couple is able to turn lightly, without a binding novel in a strong family. But only provided that both are in love with strongly and will try to preserve the relationship immediately after the period of love is over.

Compatibility Bull Tiger in Love

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. They fall in love with each other almost instantly. This is the same love at first sight. Typically, fleeting novels are quickly end, but in this case the prospects to develop relationships and make them more serious.
  2. The girl is able to see a strong and outstanding person in his companion. She sincerely admire them. He conquered her self-confidence and purposefulness. She sees the prospects for such relations.
  3. If they create a family, then the woman becomes an excellent custodian of a homely hearth. She is a great mother and hostess. She manages to create at home as a favorable, warm and cozy atmosphere. Therefore, a man is always nice to return home after labor feats.
  4. But the woman will not take too passive role. It is not a typical housewife, but a person with its ambitions and goals. Therefore, it is important that the man does not limit it in attempts to self-realize, take a high social status and become a full-fledged personality.
  5. It is very important that the man listened to the Soviets of his wife. It has an excellent intuition, it is able to warn the chosen one from committing serious mistakes. Therefore, it is worth considering her opinion while solving important problems and choosing a direction for further action.
  6. A man in such a union is a support, a getter and leader. What is strange, because the leadership qualities of his women are much more stronger. It just realizes them not in the family, which is very wise and helps to keep harmony in a relationship. If she becomes cheer and try to show that the main one is inevitable.

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They do not coincide the views on many things. In order not to quarrel on this soil, it is necessary to immediately distribute responsibilities and responsibilities. Everyone should do what it works well without interfering in the chief of chosen.

Woman tiger and male bull

This steam is more successful than the previous one. They have more chances to build harmonious and happy relationships. Sympathy, as a rule, occurs almost immediately. There is a big passion between partners, they cannot break away from each other, enjoy the proximity to the fullest.

Compatibility Bull Tiger in relations

It is important to them in a rustling of strong love do not get married at the initial stage of relations. Do not stand and start living together. Life will quickly kill feelings, without giving the chance to continue.

It is advisable for them to meet for a while before transferring attitudes into a more serious stage. To withstand the period of arrogant and recognition each other, to then enter into marriage prepared.

Both nature are bright and targeted. They will go across to fulfill their own desires. Therefore, it will be not bad if the goals of the partners are common or at least similar, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided. In this pair, a man chooses a direction, and the woman supports, inspires and gives partner a mass of energy.

She becomes a bright outbreak for him, which illuminates his life. This woman can create perfectly comfortable for both atmosphere in a pair. She has a wonderful sense of humor, which helps to quickly settle conflicts.

But there are nuances that can provoke difficulties in relationships. For example, a girl hates when something is advised to her and try to impose someone else's point of view. She desperately resists due to its independent nature.

A man can annoy a somewhat frivolous character of the second half. He does not understand how to treat life and everything in it happens with such simplicity and ease. It enters it into a stupor. Because of this, sometimes he makes attempts to re-educate the chosen, meeting violent resistance in response.

Over these two moments should work to make the relationship happier and harmonious.

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Cons of Union

There are some points that are able to turn relationships into a true nightmare. They are important to take into account to avoid numerous problems.

Compatibility Bull Tiger

These moments are:

  1. If a bull in a pair is a woman, there will always be disputes about who is the head of the family. She has an incredibly strong character. If she does not want to partition, it is necessary to learn to be softer, feminine and give way to a man.
  2. A man often remains deaf to whaview words. Does not hear her requests, desires, experiences. He often believes that the whole world is spinning around him alone. But this is far from that. If he does not learn to be less selfish, the elect will first roll the scandals, and then it will go at all, because male attention needs to be like air.
  3. The girl in such a union is more inclined to engage in practical classes, loves applied creativity, do something around. A man is an intellectual, mental work for him is ideal. Because of this, they often do not understand and underestimate each other. It is necessary to learn to respect the interests of the partner, even if they differ from your own.

In general, such a couple has every chance of success. Only it is necessary to work on relationships to preserve love, harmony and carry feelings in many years.

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