Bull and Rat Compatibility - Causes of Conflict


The compatibility of the bull and rat is one of the most ambiguous in the horoscope. This pair often causes perplexity surrounding. Partners are very different, so it is not clear that at all holds them together.

General characteristics compatibility

Despite the fact that for all the relationship of this pair, it seems doomed to failure, bull and rats are capable of creating a harmonious pair. Differences in characters help complement each other and develop together.

Compatibility of a bull rat in love

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What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. Rat - Nature charming, cheerful and sociable. She is generous and always shares with close things that they need. Loves to save money and is rational to them. Dating is easy, but often looking for people benefits.
  2. Bull - Personality purposeful, stubborn and persistent. He is a full antipode rat. The character is most often calm, reasonable. May be somewhat closed. It rarely comes out of itself, but if it happens, the surrounding should be careful.
  3. Before doing something, the bull will think twice. He thinks over a strategy in the head and only then begteive to real actions. Rat, on the contrary, tend to go immediately and slip. In this, they complement each other - the intellect and rationalism of the bull are combined with the factories and the activity of the rat.
  4. The rat loves to chat, and her partner prefers to listen. For their union, it is rather the advantage, rather than the disadvantage. The bull will carefully take the stories of the second half, and she will spoil by letting the energy in any situation.
  5. Both relations are serious. Will not lie, change. Any problem is striving to solve immediately, find a compromise, and not bring a quarrel to a rapid scandal. This is a big plus of their pairs. Both are ready to listen and hear chosen.
  6. For the coin and the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the house is most often replied by the rat. Fine if a woman was born under this sign. It will become an excellent mother and hostess loving and understanding his wife. I am easy to stupid, wise.

In general, although on the part and it seems that they are poorly suitable for each other, relations promise to be long and happy. But only provided that both partners will strive to preserve love and create comfort in the house.

Man-rat and female bull

A woman in the measure is judged and has a very calm character. In a man, she is looking for, above all, reliability. And gets the necessary.

Compatibility of the bull rat in relationships

Relations between them usually take place calmly, without serious quarrels. But only provided that both partners are already experienced enough and ready to look for compromises in difficult situations.

Between the very young partners, the Union may not be very successful. They are not able to still build harmonious relationship due to lack of experience and skills.

Men in such a pair It is important to understand that his chosen does not tolerate criticism and condemnation. He should refrain from stinging observations. Otherwise, psychological comfort in relationship will quickly pass, the long series of scandals and misunderstandings will begin.

"Crew" with relationships will be a woman. It is important for her to do it unobtrusively and unnoticed for a partner. Do not try to change it and re-educate. Otherwise, he will blow up and can begin to think about the break, because it does not tolerate control and restrictions on his freedom.

Male bull and female rat

This version of the union is rare harmonious. Parabe the traditional role distribution. A man's head, and a woman's neck, who directs him. If both this will satisfy, they will be able to keep feelings and carry them through the years to envy around.

Compatibility of the bull rat

The man gives the elected complete freedom of action. Helps her find his calling and place in life, to be realized not only in the family, but also outside it. He will always pay enough attention, and she is in return to give him all the affection and love, which is only capable of.

There is excellent sexual compatibility between them. The passion does not fade even after many years of living together, which is also a big plus. And the attack of the relationship is that a man never makes the first steps towards a quarrel. He will wait for repentance from his chosen. This will have to simply accept.

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Causes of conflict

Quarrels in a pair are inevitable, so it is worth dealt with conflict reasons to successfully solve problems in relationships.

By cons union, rats and bull include the following:

  1. The stubbornness and irreconcilable nature of the bull can become a serious obstacle to both. He does not want to change, so the chosen one should immediately accept him as it is, not trying to re-educate. It is just useless. If it is not ready to endure stubbornness, it is better to search for another candidate for a relationship.
  2. It is also important to bull to always be in the first roles. It should be for a partner above work, hobbies, friends and affairs. Otherwise, it starts to protest and wish to part.
  3. A stumbling block can be a frivolous nature of the rat. She almost never falls in love seriously and for a long time. To keep the attention of such a windy personality, you will have to try pretty. And she must keep loyalty, whatever the seductive options for treason.
  4. Partners are different about money. Rats savage, bull spends. The first is ready to save, the second loves comfort and not ready to sacrifice them. You will have to find some compromise, otherwise the quarrels are inevitable.

Otherwise, everything is fine. If you settle these moments, mutual understanding in a pair will always. The fate of the relationship depends only on the readiness of partners to work on them. It is necessary step by step to build love, together, reaching compromises and putting common goals.

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