Compatibility of rat and monkey - conflicts in relationships


The compatibility of the rat and monkey on the Eastern Horoscope is considered one of the most successful. This is the union of two people who loving each other who are capable of all for the sake of a partner. They are sincerely sharing love, tenderness and care, getting instead the same.

general characteristics

Despite the fact that on the part of their relationships may seem rather complex and contradictory, astrologists promise a couple of happy future. Over the preservation of feelings will have to seriously work, but the result will be happy, harmonious relationships in which everyone gets what he wants.

Monkey's rat compatibility in love

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What is characteristic of the Union of Monkey and Rat:

  1. They understand each other perfectly without words. Perfectly feel the mood of the partner and can affect it. Therefore, quarrels are rare and pass quickly.
  2. It is detrimental to spend time together around the clock. It tires incredible. Therefore, it is important to have any personal circle of friends and interests.
  3. The monkey is important to understand that the rat has never been given to feelings a hundred percent. It can offend, annoy, upset, but you have to come to humble. After all, it was the mysteriousness of this sign and was so attractive at the very beginning of relations.
  4. Both love and value freedom. It is important to understand and not limit the partner, do not strive to control it. Then the relationship will be worked out safely, and conflicts will bypass.

It is also very important for them to produce a decent impression, so in the eyes of others they will seem like an ideal pair, even if at the moment the relationship in the crisis. This is a plus, because the partners do not carry litto from the hut, preferring to solve all the problems among themselves.

Woman rat and man-monkey

In this version, the Union has its own controversial moments. But the chances of happy love are still great. Consider what is characteristic of these relationships.

Monkey rat compatibility in relationships

Features Couples:

  1. They are often arguing, but never go to complaints, accusations and quiet. The truth is born in their disputes, so they are not devastating for the relationship.
  2. A man in this pair is active. He is always on a positive, very sociable. This helps him quickly find a common language with a partner and conquer her heart.
  3. She immediately understands that this man is suitable for a relationship. He is tuned to marriage and family, will not be to weave intrigues, serious, I am responsible for me. It is paradoxically, because in relations with other signs a man manifests itself more often from the position of Casanov and Lovelas.
  4. At first, a man scares how serious feelings appear by him to chosen. He got used to other women with cool - they quickly inferior to his charm, and he also quickly loses interest.
  5. They go to marriage and family for a long time because of the doubts of a man and his insecurity. But if a woman sets clear boundaries and shows how to handle it, everything will work out safely.

Astrologers believe that marriage in this pair can be strong. But that partners do not bounce, it is useful to flirt with other people. It does not destroy the union, but only strengthens it. The main thing is not to bring to change.

Man-Rat and Woman Monkey

Compatibility Such a pair is considered to be rare successful. Partners are able to build really happy, harmonious relationships and bring their love through many years.

Compatibility of a monkey rat

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. Couple has common goals and hobbies. They are not only lovers, but also partners who move to success together, supporting each other in everything. This allows you to preserve the relationship with strong even at the time of crises and conflicts.
  2. A man dedicts his choices. He for him is an inspirational man and a person who gives energy to achievements. It is unlikely that it will be seen on other women, because his companion wins all the articles.
  3. A woman, in turn, appreciates the partner and respects him. She does not get tired of admiring his success, always grateful for compliments and gifts, seeks to give all love, care and tenderness, for which only capable of.
  4. Both are developing in relationships, seek to become better. Support each other in everything, together choose a perspective vector for development. The advantages of partners are only enhanced, and the disadvantages are not attached.
  5. They can create a successful and profitable business. This is a para-exception that does not quarrel if it works together. And the person responsible for the generation of creative ideas is a woman. And the plans implements the man who takes over the most difficult work.

Conflicts between them happen, but last, as a rule, not long. Both have a wonderful sense of humor, which helps to quickly reconcile without mutual offensive and complaints.

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Tips and recommendations

Over any relationship, even with excellent compatibility, you need to work. Here are the recommendations of astrologers to help preserve Love:

  • No need to hide your head in the sand with the slightest difficulties. Learn to negotiate, search for compromises, act together.
  • Walk out the partner to pay so much attention as he needs. Otherwise, interest will quickly disappear and intrigues will begin on the side.
  • Learn to take a partner as it is. Do not focus on shortcomings, do not seek to re-educate and change. It is still impossible.
  • Jealousy is not the best soil for love in such a pair. It is necessary to trust the partner for a hundred percent.
  • Men sometimes leave alone with you. He needs silence, immersed in his own thoughts and go to himself for a while. Do not annoy him in this period conversations, just wait.
  • Before the start of the cohabitation, it is better to immediately designate the distribution of duties so that conflicts did not happen on this soil.

With the slightest conflict, sit at the negotiating table and quietly try to find a compromise, a solution that will satisfy and arrange both.

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