How lucky will be the compatibility between the bull and the dog


Esoterics believe that compatibility on the Eastern Horoscope is quite accurate and helps to identify weak aspects in relations and carry out work over them. In this material we will reveal to you how high the compatibility in the pair of dog partners and bull.

Compatibility dog ​​bull

Description of compatibility in the bull alliance and dog

Compatibility in love between partners by a man-bull and a girl-dog is quite problematic. In general, the spouses have enough common, points of contact, but, on the other hand, it is very difficult to cope with their differences, such personals with great difficulty adapt to each other.

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In addition, a man-bull is terribly annoyed and angry when he is trying to make it addicted and subordinate to their will. He seeks to prestige, money, the authorities and does not understand and does not accept the idealism of his companion, as well as its life position, sociability, and sometimes an excessive friendship. Therefore, a man-bull begins to criticize his girlfriend, which pours out in the next scandal.

In such a pair, a partner-bull must be to show sufficient flexibility or some alienation, and then together will be able to cope with the ever-doubted mind and cynical logic of the dog's partner. Also, if he can appreciate how much his partner is generous, uncompressed, faithful, prone to allied, then, most likely, will be able to get rid of his offensive and complaints, and in this case the partnership can become quite successful.

Characteristics of the Union of Male Dogs and Girls Bull

In this embodiment, compatibility between people will also be ambiguous. It is determined by the fact that the dog and the bull are very little similar in characters, plus they are not always ready for changing their life position and do not want to adapt to the partner.

But both participants in the pair are very responsible, loyal and devotees, thanks to which they still have a chance to create long-term happy relationships if they make some efforts for this.

A bull girl will feel the attraction to a dog-dog, because next to him she feels like her beloved and protected, plus he always supports her in a difficult moment. Such a person seeks to properly and is interested exclusively in stable family relations. And such a man just perfectly suits the role of a reliable satellite of life.

The main negative point with which partners risks risks - excessive stubbornness of the Girls Bull: She strongly presses on her beloved. She is an excellent organizer, and a dog will probably not be difficult to take her game. If this happens, the relationship will become more harmonious for both participants of the Union.

So that the relationships were happy, the lady-bull must learn a lot about their partner and about yourself too. And the dog's men should show enough wisdom and wait until she herself comes to it. Then between lovers in love, it is quite realistic to achieve mutual understanding.

mutual understanding is still really

What will be the Union of Girls Dogs and Men Bull

Although partners have many differences, there is also a lot in common that with a favorable scenario will help build a happy relationship. And the presence of differences is sometimes even useful, because it contributes to the development.

During the first dating, the bull will be fascinated by a dog-dog, he will be able to feel how much it is filled with calm power and love, and also dreams all the time being near. He seeks exclusively to the creation of a family, does not understand the change and between the company of friends and the beloved girl will of course choose the second option. The girl-dog for him is the perfect candidate for the role of his wife.

As for the fair sex, it will be able to get everything in this pair everything wishes, provided that he will give her man what he needs. A bull man shows high demands in terms of organizing family life - it always strives to maintain full order. From himself, he provides his woman financially, and also gives her a feeling of confidence in the future.

Of course, lovers will be forced to go to mutual concessions, compromises and should show respect for each other so that peace and harmony reigned in the relationship.

Intimate terms compatibility

Speaking about the sexual compatibility of a Male Bull and Girls Dogs, it can be noted that it will be high enough. She will be able to give him the experience of such gentle and deep feelings with which he had never come across before. She will first play with him, shake, but then give him a real pleasure.

A joint pastime will be very interesting and enjoyable for both. It is also very important that the bed both use only a place to get pleasure, and with other problems they will understand in life.

What difficulties may face

It is unlikely that in a pair of bull and dogs will cost without difficulties and problems, because all the same compatibility for marriage they have a somewhat dubious.

The Chinese horoscope describes the dog as an unusually active and self-sufficient sign, but, being in relationships with a bull, he risks to be in his shadow and lose his personality. Of course, the dog is hardly satisfied with this position, so it will send their entire strength to normalize the balance and put in place of the swelling bull. It should also be noted that tightening attention - the eternal complexity in relations, no matter how long they are.

It will help to cope with all the problems in such a union frank dialogue, as a result of which all emotions will be in the background.

It should be noted that finding a compromise is the complexity for both partners, but for a bull especially. Bull distinguishes excessive flareness and impulsivity. Often, in a conversation, he can increase the tone, thus trying to scare his partner or humiliate - it is definitely the method of attracting attention, which makes it possible to understand how important the same problem is for him.

How should the dog act? Under no circumstances should she induce the aggressive behavior of a partner. Indeed, in such a version of the development of the bull will cease to appreciate other people's senses and decides that he is the main pair. Enough so that the bull once felt in the lead role, and return harmony in the relationship will be extremely problematic (especially in a couple of women's bull and men).

Bull can not be indulge in relationships

Recommendations for improving relationships

The compatibility between a male and girl-dog is far from being perfect. But if there is real love between people and they wish to work on relationships, then everything can be established.

First of all, they both must learn to listen and understand each other, respect the interests and ideas of each other, even if they seem to you are not suitable. It must be remembered that real sincere feelings should be present in marriage. Then in the family will reign peace with well-being.

The male bull should not forget that, although a girl-dog and a fairly downtry, she will not fully be completed. Therefore, it is impossible to put pressure on it. The most faithful solution to such a situation is the conversation. It will help arrange all the points over "and".

In addition, if a dog-dog can find than it becomes a useful bull, the combination of partners will greatly improve. Classes can be anyhow: from cooking favorite dishes before doing business. It is very important that the wife becomes its spouse is an indispensable adviser. After all, everyone knows that friendly relations in a pair are much more important than a passion for sexual activation.

At the end of the topic we advise you to view an interesting thematic video:

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