10 ways to remember their last life


Does the thought arose in your head: "How did I come from and what happens when I die? Have you had any other lives before this? " You will find answers to all these questions with the help of memories of your past incarnations, the memory of which is kept by our eternal soul.

In fact, the past life is not the mystery behind the seven castles. This article will help you understand how to remember your last life on your own.

how to remember your last life

Ten methods that will help to find out who you were in past reincarnations

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To date, there are different ways to remember their last life. We suggest you further familiarize yourself with the most popular of them.

Method 1. Excursion in past incarnations

Keys to past reincarnations are hidden in the present. This is an excellent method for which there is no need to enter the changed state of consciousness. Plus, it helps to activate the stream of chaotic memories.

The technique itself is that you need to look for "evidence" in your current life, thanks to which you reconnect the picture of your past.

To do this, you should take a paper leaf and write on it such moments:

  • What games did you like to play in childhood?
  • What are you doing now?
  • What style in clothes give preference?
  • What talents and abilities have?
  • What race and pedigree are about?
  • Specify your favorite book?
  • What films do you most often look?
  • Where would you dream of visiting?
  • What animals do you like?
  • What climatic conditions do you like most?
  • Features of your insens and behavior manners?
  • Culture.
  • What are you afraid of?
  • What historical era would you like to be?
  • What injuries received, what diseases were sick, the presence of scars?
  • The effect of "deja".
  • Dreams.

Then you need to analyze for all these items and understand what of them you feel the response inside yourself. All of them will be your prompts for which the overall picture will be.

You will need the maximum to use your intuition, even if first the picture is not very expressive, the unconscious sooner or later will indicate you the right path.

History. A woman from children's years was fond of military films, could watch their clock and felt a powerful emotional response from them. Plus saw a dream about the war. Then she found that in his past the incarnation was a military.

Method 2. Feeling

In this technique, first you should choose the sphere of your life that you dream to improve in which there are some problems.

You must ask yourself the following questions:

  • In which relationship with the surrounding you are?
  • What is your health?
  • Are you experiencing financial difficulties?
  • What are the activation of what talents and possibilities do you dream?

Say your most important complexity in life out loud. Feel the feelings with emotional experiences that have a connection with this area. You also need to establish what sensations they provoke in the body. For example, it may be a feeling of squeezing in breast or difficult breathing.

After that, you will need to "walk" throughout the body and allocate feelings relating to the problem situation.

For example, you turned out badly when you were baby, in the family and you would like to forgive parents for it. Start thinking about them and about the appeal, which delivered to you suffering.

At the same time, begin to travel around the depths of your body in search of the source in which negative emotions are accumulated. Try to present them in physical look - their color characteristics, size, shape, and the like.

Giving an answer on all these issues, you will pull the memories accumulated in your body, making them the emphasis of your consciousness.

This technique is very effective, because the memories of incarnations keep not only your brain, but also the physical shell. The use of the body to discover the past incarnations is a unique and effective technique!

Method 3. Mirror

Here you will need to stock mirror. Sit in a comfortable posture and relax. The light in the room must be muffled. Peer in your reflection in the mirror. Probably, over time, it will change, and you can see your appearance in one of the past incarnations.

At the same time, from time to time you need to cover your eyes and peer into sharply appearing images on the mirror stroit.

Try to see the last life in the mirror

Method 4. Dreams

In dreams, the person comes information relating to both the present and to the past. These are mysterious minds, in which warnings are often hidden or a source of creative inspiration.

Also, dreams are often a gate to different mystical areas that allow traveling along the parallel worlds. Through them, you can also find out the features of your past incarnation.

As an option, in a dream you can observe the death scene from your last life, because it leaves a very strong imprint in the memory of the soul and body. Other associations and images associated with your past life may also occur.

Method 5. Council of relatives

Not everything is born, forget about their past reincarnations. Best of all, they are remembered by the kids, since they are still quite recently "on the other side of life." They will be able to tell you about who they were before, which connection you have with them and for what reasons decided to choose them as their parents.

History. A little boy at a three-year-old age began to tell his parents that he was engaged in the construction of the walls, but then the soldiers appeared from somewhere and began to destroy everything. He shot the soldiers, and they killed him. Then he saw a picture on which Napoleon was depicted, and began to assure his parents that he was there. Napoleon turned into an intrusive idea for him, he revised many films and TV shows dedicated to the famous commander, and also studied the style of his clothes and tried to find out everything possible about this man. It is likely that before he was a soldier of his army.

Method 6. Fabulous

Try to resurrect in memory, what fairy tales and cartoons you like in childhood. Which of the fabulous heroes did you like to be? What attracted you most in these images? Using the plot of fairy tales, you can reach the script of one of your past incarnations.

Method 7. Date of appearance

Researchers from Tibet established the connection between the date of the appearance of a person and its incarnations. Based on this connection, they developed karma astrology.

At one of the international conferences of karmic astrologers, a specialist from Vladivostok by name Alexander Rempel provided his report, which describes how the date of birth, personal totem and the purpose of man are related to each other.

Not everyone knows, but the date of birth can tell you about who you were in our past life where they lived, as well as get another valuable and interesting information.

At the same time, there are some differences in the interpretation of the Tibetan approach, the Slavic theory of reincarnation, as well as classical astrology, but all these techniques provide information about your past incarnations.

Method 8. Divination

You can find out the features of your past life with despusts in different ways: Taro cards, stones, various horoscopes and so on. Let your intuition prompt that the way that you personally come true.

fortune telling will also tell you about past lives

Method 9. Helleringer's alignments

Here they adhere to the same principle as in traditional alignments by Hellinger. At the initial stage there are individual generic arrangements, which subsequently reach past incarnations.

To take advantage of this method, you need to have an inflexible intention and clearly fulfill all the prescriptions of the specialist.

Method 10. Reincarnation

Reincarnation is an excursion on past incarnations of the individual. She fits all and everyone, absolutely anyone who dreams better know themselves. If you are interested in finding out why you are born in this period, it is in this state that it is in this family and for what reasons your life as a whole has developed as it happened.

Explaining a more affordable language - reincarnation is a way to connect to a worldwide Internet. When you connect to it, ask questions and get answers on them.

Why do this method know your past lives is considered special?

Because reincarnation has its definite advantages, namely:

  • Ease of techniques, thanks to which you get rid of fears and prejudices relating to past lives, and thanks to this, you discover life, death and evolution in a completely new light;
  • the ability to perceive information during a session independently, which significantly increases human confidence in this information;
  • access to the space between the lives in which you can get tips from our spiritual mentors, as the easiest and harmoniously pass your life tasks;
  • The ecology of the method is the ability to follow his spiritual teachers, without adding anything superfluous;
  • the search for resource states and the ability to use this positive energy in the present moment;
  • the ability to start using those opportunities, abilities and talents that you have worked in the past reincarnations with their instantaneous implementation in the present life;
  • access to a new evolutionary step of development of the soul and the expansion of its consciousness.

That is why knowledge about past incarnations became such popular today. People seek to open the veil of their past to learn to adequately perceive the present, as well as improve their future.

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