Rat compatibility and snakes - problems in relationships


The compatibility of the rat and snakes on the Eastern Horoscope is considered rather unfavorable. Partners are difficult to get along together, there are usually many problems in their relationship. There is a lot of tests to go through to make the union happy and harmonious.

Rat: character characteristics

Accurate psychological portrait of rat is difficult. This man is extremely unpredictable and ambiguous. They tend to act, leaving emotions. Therefore, to predict how such a person will arrive at the next moment, it is almost impossible.

Snake Rat Compatibility in Love

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Features of the nature of people born under this sign:

  • Mood people, unpredictable and emotional. First I do, then I think it's about them.
  • At the same time, rats are easily adjusted to external circumstances. It helps them to easily find a solution to any problems arising.
  • They are able to easily find a common language with any person. The company's soul, they are glad to see everywhere.
  • Hardworking and executive, which helps them to seek career successes.

Rat loves to be the center of attention, permanent meetings with friends, communication are vital. At the same time, failures in relationships are very wounded and dropping self-esteem. But, having survived some difficulty in the life path, the rat quickly comes to itself and becomes even stronger.

Snake: Features of Character

Aristocratic and sophisticated nature, snakes are always in search of beautiful. They seek to improve themselves and the whole world around. They are distinguished by an excellent sense of humor, have a slight character.

Snake rat compatibility in relationships

At the same time, snakes - nature proud and purposeful. It helps them to achieve heights in a career, they often occupy senior positions. In relations, they are extremely important to constantly feel interest in the partner, to learn something new from him to not bother.

They are also excellent psychologists and manipulators. Egoists who get from others who wish.

Rats rats and snakes

According to the eastern horoscope, this two will be difficult to get along together. There are no problems in relationships. This Union is a true test for both. Only strong feelings will help to overcome all crises and establish harmony.

Snake rat compatibility

What is characteristic of such a union:

  • Between them is unlikely to happen love at first sight. They immediately feel that they are not suitable for each other. Therefore, relations may occur only under the circumstances of force majeure.
  • When they get acquainted closer, interest may arise. They have common topics for conversations, there are many interests that need to be discussed. They can detect similar traits of character, after which love arises.

Due to incompatibility of signs in relationships, many problems may arise. Here's what you need to know to successfully solve conflicts and build a harmonious and happy union:

  • Both sign is extremely selfish. They are inclined to consume more in relationships than to give. It is with this that you need to work first. They are simply obliged to learn to share resources with a partner, and not only to wait from him all sorts of benefits.
  • Stubbornness and irreconcilable in nature - another stumbling block in rats and snake. It is difficult for them to find a compromise, and they are not ready to give up almost never. We will defend your opinion to the last. It is extremely important to work with these qualities, learn to hear a chosen one, and not only strive to impose his point of view.

There are positive moments. If you focus on them and develop it, relationships can be extremely good.

For example, a rat sees huge wisdom in a partner, appreciates his inexhaustible potential and understands that this person is able to achieve huge heights. It can use it, but it is important not to go out to help not turn into consumption.

Thanks to the partner-snake, the rat will be easier to live. He will teach her to "think his head", abstract from unnecessary emotions. She should be adopted by his wisdom, rationalism and practicality. Then all adversity will seem small, and any problems will be easily solved, it will be possible to avoid traps prepared by the fate.

The snake can not not notice how much the rat is persistent, which is a purposeful character. Thanks to these features, it always realizes their goals and can achieve great success. He must not interfere, and help his companion in self-realization, stop inserting sticks into the wheels and envy her success.

By combining the wisdom of the snake and the dedication of the rat, they can create an unbreakable union, minimize the mountains and overcome all obstacles arising in the life path. It is important to interact not only in the relationship, but also in affairs. Then fate will be favorable to them, because they will be one hundred percent to carry out the common karmic tasks of relations.

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Problems in relations

As we have already written, such an alliance is considered rather difficult. And it is important to work on relationships, because all by itself everything will not be well.

What is important in such a union:

  1. The snake must stop controlling the partner. She is an ardent owner, which prevents the preservation of harmony in a pair. It is necessary to learn to respect the personal borders of the partner and leave him a certain degree of freedom.
  2. Rat is worth more often to show their feelings and talk about them. Otherwise, it may seem chosen too insensitive and cold, he will not have enough warmth and mental intimacy, and over time he will disappoin the relationship.
  3. The rat should also learn to extinguish irritation, which will periodically arise due to the slowness and inertness of the chosen. You need to take it like that - it will not change. And these are not negative features, but the features of temperament and character.

This pair is preferably immediately, only starting the relationship, sit down at the negotiating table and figure out what they want from each other. To understand what moments may be problematic, and decide how they will solve conflicts. It is incredibly important to clearly mean their desires, only then the Union can become truly happy, filled with love and harmony.

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