Rat and tiger compatibility - business compatibility


The compatibility of the rat and the tiger is very ambiguous. Relationships between partners may be tied up, but whether a long-term and stable union will come out of this, unknown. Negative features of the characters of both will manifest in all its glory. Let us analyze in more detail.

Features of relationships

Rat - Natura rather calculating. It will begin the relationship with the tiger only if he sees the benefit for himself. Therefore, if they start the family, it will rather be marriage for the calculation in which the rat will become a consumer who does not want to give anything in return.

Compatibility of Rat Tiger in Love

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The features of the relationship between these signs are as follows:

  1. They drastically distinguish the views on life and arrangement of living together. For this reason, quarrels often arise, none of the partners will wish to take a step towards. To keep feelings, you will have to fight with your own character and learn to look for compromises.
  2. Both partners want to live, based only on their own desires. Healthy egoism initially unites them, but over time becomes a stumbling block in relations. But no one will control the partner, limit his freedom and require submission.
  3. Love between them takes place, but they show the feelings both pretty scoop. True, this does not care if it does not care.
  4. The rat is used to plan everything. And when life does not go according to plan, there are unmotivated attacks of malice and aggression, which the tiger cannot understand and accept. He himself prefers to obey the natural course of things and do not think out anything.
  5. Problems may also occur in the financial sector of relationships, because partners relate to the money in different ways. Tiger - Nature is more frivolous, he does not like to save and save. Rat is also important stability and financial comfort to feel quite protected.
  6. They are separated, as a rule, precisely because of financial problems. Tiger deems the chief of too prudent and mercantile, and she, in turn, will never be able to accept his frivolous attitude towards money.

In general, they can build a happy relationship. If you take each other as they are. This is the union of two opposites that are attracted.

Male tiger and female rat

Such an option of the Union is most successful. But the responsibility for the harmony and the preservation of feelings in a pair will lie on the woman, her ability to smooth conflicts and receive a chosen one with all its shortcomings.

Rat compatibility Tiger in relationships

It is very important that she refrain from criticism, did not try to re-educate chosen and did not impose his point of view. Then the future promises to be happy.

A man relates to relationships easily, most of the problems he does not notice, can make compromises if it is not provoked.

What is wrong:

  • Both partners acutely react to each other's opinions. They can start stubborn, argue, defend their own point of view, not wanting to hear a partner.
  • Due to the inability to give way to partition. Therefore, this moment in relations should be operated first.

Sexual compatibility

In the intimate sphere of relationship everything will develop safely. Both go to meet the desires of the partner, love variety and experiments. Therefore, in sex problems, it usually does not occur. And it is he who keeps them together even during periods of quarrels and conflicts.

Compatibility in business

As for business relationships, they can take shape well. Both partners are good generators of new ideas. They seek to try all new, efficient and hardworking. Money earn easily and without more effort.

From the side it seems that the tandem of these two characters is a magnet for money. Any business for which they are taken, brings profit. It is desirable that a leadership played a tiger, and the rat will become an excellent executor, responsible and hardworking.

Compatibility rat tiger

They are able to solve any, even the most difficult problems. They are not afraid to put global goals and go to their achievement. Quarrels may occur only on the basis of profits distribution. Everyone will try to snatch a piece of more, overestimating their own merit.

The problem point is that the Tiger does not know how to see prospects and does not want to invest in order to develop a business further. He wants to take all profits and spend immediately. The rat looks in the future, assessing the prospects. Because of this, partners often conflict, not wanting to search for compromises.

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Friendly relations

If they do not try to build love, they can stay beautiful friends. For this, there is everything you need: common interests, equal intellectual potential and the same aspirations in life.

It is not known whether such friendship lives for a long time. After all, the rat is looking for in all at all, she will try to manipulate the friend, wanting to receive additional resources from him. But it doesn't love to share.

If the Tiger understands that it is used, friendship will finish quickly and turn into hostility, a quiet cold war.

Tips and recommendations

To keep harmony in relations, partners are important to seriously work on solving common problems.

The first point is stubborn inherent in both signs. They should stop constantly proving their own right, learn to listen to the opinion of the partner, search for compromises and together to solve common problems.

Also worth spending more time with each other, concentrating on the relationship, and not on the outer life.

In general, the union is complex, to preserve harmony and love will not be easy. But if both are ready to give up something, there is a chance to stay together and live long and happily in love and harmony.

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