Rat compatibility and bull - problems in relationships


The compatibility of the rat and the bull seems almost impossible. Such a couple causes contradictory feelings, most importantly of which is bewilderment. It is not clear that at all holds them together. Let's try to figure out whether there is a chance for such partners to keep love and create harmonious, happy relationships.

Man-rat and female bull

The girl in such a union is distinguished by prudence and calm character. She is a reliable partner, faithful friend and associate. Looking for the same man who can trust. He should become her support and protection, support and patron.

Rat compatibility bull in love

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A man justifies expectations at first. It turns out to be adjusted under the lover, which minimizes quarrels and clarifying relations. She indifferedly admires them and every way demonstrates his chosenness, shows that he is the best and she appreciates his choice.

To preserve harmony, the following points are important in such respects:

  • A man should refrain from criticism to the address of the elect. Such comments are derived from themselves, because of which it will arrange scandals and spoil the life to a loved one. As a result, it will inevitably lead to the rupture and the full end of the relationship.
  • It is also important to understand that a woman will be the main thing in this relationship. The last word is always behind it. But she needs to restrain himself in attempts to manage the partner and change it. It is clearly not like this behavior that is also fraught with quarrels and disagreements.

If a man can adjust, and the woman will try to be softer and tolerant, the couple can exist for a very long time, build strong and stable relationships with a magnificent future.

Woman rat and man bull

This pair has every chance of becoming a harmonious and happy union. Common efforts they come with a cozy nest, which is comfortable both. Both are manifested enough care and tenderness, ready to make compromises.

The compatibility of the row of bull in the relationship

They develop together, neutralizing their shortcomings and repeatedly enhanced advantages. It is very important to ensure a comfortable environment to your chief, in which it can realize its potential and develop femininity.

There is excellent emotional compatibility between them, therefore everything is safe in the sensory sphere. This is a relationship, complete passions in which everyone gets the necessary emotions and fulfills the desires of the partner.

An important point to consider: In the case of a quarrel, a man never wants to take the first step. A woman will have to come to terms that it is necessary to throw a white flag to her in any problem situation.

Problems in relations

In any union, even the most favorable, inevitable quarrels. And such a couple will not be an exception. But you can know the probable causes of conflicts in order to go around all sharp corners in time.

Compatibility of Rat Bull

The cons of the Union are as follows:

  1. Bull - Nature stubborn. He considers himself an ideal and does not notice his own shortcomings. Therefore, it does not want to change. So that there are no quarry on this soil, it is important to take a bull as it is, not trying to re-educate and change.
  2. For bull is also important to always be in the first roles. He does not tolerate neglect, he needs a lot of attention, he is the owner by his nature. It is important to take into account and do not conflict. But he should try to give partner freedom and not limit in trifles.
  3. Rat - Nature in love. Because of this, she rarely knows how to keep loyalty to one partner. It may not be solved on treason, but to allow flirting will always. Her companion of life will have to come with this or not to start a relationship at all, because the frivolous nature does not work out.
  4. There may be quarrels and about money. Bull is waste, rat loves to save and postpone. Because of this, there are usually many disagreements. They should agree on who will control the family budget.

Otherwise, there are practically no problem moments. It is enough to deal with those listed, and in relationships will always be consent.

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Compatibility in sex

They are good and comfortable in bed. They hear the desires of the partner and are ready to satisfy them. Could how to enjoy and deliver it. Love experiment, so their sex life will always be diverse and rich.

Business compatibility

This couple can build not only happy and harmonious relationships, but also create a successful business. And the leader must be the bull. The scope of his responsibility is the generation of ideas, the establishment of partnerships with investors and the elimination of competitors.

And the rat can be in such a tandem an excellent performer who is clearly and painstakingly fulfill all the draft work.

In matters, they are better not to be equal, because in this case the business will just fall apart. The correct distribution of roles is the key to financial success.

Friendly relations

They can become wonderful friends, complementing each other. Bull - Natura is slow, he thinks more and does what he says. The rat is more active, it will be a ideological inspirer and organizer of joint entertainment.

Bull in such friendship becomes more defender and patron, so the rat is beneficial to communicate with him. But she will always be grateful for their support, sharing instead of all its resources.

In such friendship there is no betrayal, it usually lasts for many years and may remain for life.

We summarize:

  • Love relations promise to be very prosperous, high-level compatibility. The same applies to marriage, family and intimate sphere.
  • In matters and friendship, they are compatible even more, one hundred percent.

United, they can become not only lovers, but also friends, partners, create a successful business, love each other and achieve great success in life.

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