What distinguishing features are the signs of the zodiac in October


October is a fabulous area of ​​golden autumn, time of inevitable change and rebirth of nature. This month, remarkable individuals, extraordinary and multifaceted personality appear. About what features of character have people born in October, read in this article.

Scales and scorpion

What signs of the zodiac fall to October?

People who celebrate their birthday in October, patronize zodiac signs of scales and scorpion. From September 24 to October 23, scales are dominated on the star arena. And on October 24, they are inferior to scorpion.

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The main planets affecting the October People - Venus and Saturn. The impact of these celestial bodies makes people born in October, sensitive and balanced, realistic and slightly pessimistic.

With the arrival of the Star Arena of Scorpio, the influence of the militant Mars and Mysterious Pluto is beginning to be felt. These planets determine the complex nature of the sign, "to draw" which to the end is not even experimental astrologers.

What features people born in October have?

Golden autumn gifts his wards of kindness and charm, responsiveness and good heart. But at the same time empowers contradictory and complex character. Their temper reminds the weather in October: then solar and warm, then cool and rainy.

October people are very sociable and friendly, responsible and responsive. They are witty and never get lost in the crowd.

Since childhood, they are surrounded by friends and acquaintances. And the surrounding appreciate them for the love of justice and a good heart.

People born during this period are well developed a sense of excellent. They have an excellent taste and know how to feel harmony in everything. They love to dress with taste, surround themselves to objects of art, disassembled in music.

The health of people born in October

Usually people born in October have excellent health and have a blooming appearance. But their weak places are:
  • Cardiovascular and nervous system, because the representatives of the sign are inclined to take everything too close to the heart.
  • The spinal ridge is possible frequent back pain.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Headache.
  • A tendency to depression.

How is the Career of October People?

People who have born in October have logical thinking, know how to analyze and draw conclusions. It helps them make an excellent legal career. And prudence and seriousness will allow us to succeed in scientific activities and medicine. Of the October people, excellent doctors and scientists are obtained, many of which receive scientific degrees.

Usually these people are in no hurry to be accepted for any matter, and first evaluate their capabilities. But if they came to something for something, then they work to the end so as not to be ashamed for the result.

Often, fate throws the October people in politics. They can make a brilliant career on this field. At the same time, they do not seek to satisfy their ambitions, and they are very responsible for their duties.

A family

Usually people born in October conclude a pretty early marriage. They are wonderful husbands and exemplary hostesses. These people are inclined to marry once and forever and do not allow thoughts about treason.

They are kind and generous to children and their second half. And family values ​​value higher than all. They support each other in complex life situations and do not think about divorce. At the same time, they are slightly indecisive and afraid to openly show their feelings.

Non-permanent scales: the main sign of the zodiac in October

Most of the month passes under the influence of the zodiac sign of the scale. Representatives of this sign fully correspond to its symbol: like weights, they range from side to side, showing indecision and impermanence.

They themselves are deprived of internal equilibrium, so they seek to compensate for this lack, harmonizing the world around. Representatives of this sign never show aggression, but on the contrary, reconcile others. They are interested in various types of art and creativity, they struggle to decorate and enjoy life.

Libra, the zodiac sign

October scales are very kind and high-dimensional, attractive and cute. They have a light temper and a positive look at the world. They never argue and avoid critics. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with them. Scales are considered the most socially adapted sign of the zodiac.

Positive quality weights

  • They have a light and peaceful character.
  • They are sociable and diplomatic.
  • Elegant and idealistic.
  • Confident and friendly.
  • Extravents.
  • Optimists.
  • Smart and interesting.
  • Inborn leaders.
  • Self-sufficient and objective.
  • Dreamy.

Negative weight qualities

  • Dependent on someone else's opinion.
  • Surface and non-permanent.
  • Indecisive.
  • Inattentive.
  • Clear and vain.
  • Authoritarian and despotic.
  • Infantile.

From October 4 to October 13, Saturn is driven by sign. Under his influence, calm and reasonable people appear on the light, a little cold and alienated. They do not experience traction to science and often throw school or institute. It is not easy to choose a profession and find their purpose in life. Often find yourself in a circle of people associated with art.

From October 14 to October 23, Jupiter comes to the arena, who gives born in this period by life and optimism. These people are loving and compassionate, they will not be misunderstood to give love to others. Sometimes they go through religion and charity.

These are faithful friends who will never submit and do not betray. All my life remains faithful to one partner. Wards Venus are aimed at creating a strong family union and have many children.

Passionate scorpions - a sign that ends October

On October 24, the Zodiacal constellation is joined by the Scorpio, which is managed by the militant Mars. Thanks to him, representatives of this sign have a powerful energy and ardent temper. These people are subject to strong passions and emotions, sometimes unrestrained and even aggressive.

Another patron saint is Pluto, which determines the contradiction of scorpion nature, their tendency to thirst for pleasures. These people do not know what a sense of measure is in their actions and words. The main features are mystical sexuality, so they spend most of their lives on the carnal joy. At the same time, they are very jealous and vengeful.

Scorpions are distinguished by well-developed intelligence and observation. In a short time, they are able to master the knowledge that other years will need. Scorpions are complex and closed people, but at the same time charismatic and attractive. Often they are tested for mystical teachings, occult practices and paranormal phenomena.

Rise little scorpion is a difficult task that requires patience and excerpt. Such children love to offend others and make dirtiffs around. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to raise in them a feeling of pity and compassion. Otherwise, they can grow antisocial and prone to criminal activity.

Scorpions are very hardworking and targeted, achieve their goal with any ways. But at the same time they do not forget about true friendship and become devoted friends. But with his enemies, scorpions are able to take revenge as no other zodiacal sign can.

Scorpion Zodiac sign

Positive qualities of Scorpion

  • Bright sexuality.
  • Intentionality and practicality.
  • Severity.
  • Realistic.
  • Devotion.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Observation.
  • Determination.
  • Hardworking.

Negative quality Scorpion

  • Outlusion.
  • Suspicion.
  • Unpredictability.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Pessimistic.
  • Avenue and balloon.
  • Incontinence.
  • Secrecy.

With age, positive qualities overlook the scorpions to the fore, they become more humane and compassionate, less categorical and suspicious.

Watch the video about the signs of the zodiac in October:

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