Named value: character, fate and love relationships


Several options for the origin of the name is known:

  • Based on the fact that the Prophet Daniel is mentioned in biblical canons, it can be assumed that this is a shortened version. Etymology named - "God is a judge."
  • The Hebrew name Daniel can also be a generic for the name Dan. Interpretations - "Fair Court", "The Court of God".
  • Muslim name is given. It is both male and female. Persian roots of this name have the designation "educated", "Teaching". From the original name, Islamic modern names are taken from the initial name: Daniyar, Daniyl, Danyal and others.

Dan and Dana are independent names, as well as many different variations for themselves: Daniel, Danila, Daniel, Daniel, Daniella, Dan, Danie, Dane, Danilo.

Reductantly-ladies: Danchik, Daninka, Danik, Danik, Danya, Danilushka, Dunny.

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Several times a year, Dan (the Christian branch of this name) notes the name day. This happens on the day of the memory of the saints on April 30, July 23 and December 30.

Astrological parameters

  • Heavenly body - Saturn or Mercury.
  • Mountain breed - carnelian, heliotrope, volcanic glass.
  • Zodiac constellation - Capricorn or Aquarius, Gemini.
  • Shade of name - gray, black, dark tones.
  • Vegetation - Thuja, ash, Liana, Turn.
  • Animal - squirrel, turtle, anemone.

Characteristic name and fate

Ducklock grows by an ordinary child. He is a kind and responsive boy who will not miss the chance to shake. Fastener of entertainment, new games, started. He likes the attention of adults, authority in children. It is satisfied when he is praised, in no hurry to share the acquired.

Such a proprietary start pushes other children. Danik demands that his friend or girlfriend pay attention only to him, it quarrels with each other. The boy is not a diplomat in a relationship, it is interesting for him to concentrate only on his personality. The feelings of others do not workers and unimportant to him.


He himself does not like to be addicted to anyone, freedom and inherent in this boys all his life.

In general, Danya is a good guy, he lacks only sensitivity. The school studies with varying success, but rather good than irresponsible. It has good memory, flexible mind and intelligence.

In his youth, it does not like to be in mind, slightly removed from the events taking place. This suggests that the young man is self-sufficient, does not seek self-affirmation and does not need extraneous estimates.

Character is not explosive, but rather, balanced and volitional. Educated, there is a topic for conversations with him, he will gladly discuss his topics.

The inner sensation and self-esteem puts higher than the surrounding reality.

Adult Dan is pretty romantic, he is a dreamy and charming man. It has many dating remaining from youth and newly acquired. It has to himself, subjected to the Middle.

Dan can be described as a whole, calm, formed man. Hurry is not for him, emotions leaves hidden from strange eyes. This is fundamentally different from himself in childhood. It tries not to increase the tone in communicating with people, controls the mood.

The proud and strong man Dani is still somewhat phlegmatical. It does not encourage and does not forgive lies, removes the people who polished him.

Among the positive qualities are given, it can be noted: the desire for perfection, a tendency to self-analysis. This man is pretty prettier, in all seeks to reach the essence. Not rough, absolutely not an aggressive, excellent companion.

Negative sides: Does not like critics in your address, avoids conflicts, it lacks confidence.

"Autumn" man is a real egoist, materialist. Talented, demanding to yourself and other people. Pretty and curious to detail.


In winter, the gifted and intelligent born was given, but too uncomfortable in communication, it does not in contact.

Spring gives the Daniel sensuality, openness and positive. If a man appeared on the world in the spring months, he will be insanely like women and will find himself in the Big Team. Wants to be in mind, be involved in the company's team.

"Summer" Danil Sports Warehouse Character: Combat, assertive, lucky. He himself master his career, seeks to win.

What profession to choose

A large number of talents and preferences are in itself the nature of this man. Whatever profession he choose, will always try to achieve more. The responsible worker, the main thing considers his work, professional implementation.

Daniel is able to become an engineer, a programmer, a mechanic, a physician. In no matter how much the direction is a man working, everywhere he can become a mentor, curator, teacher.

Rather, chooses the profession where it will select a schedule and the pace of work. He will be suitable creative professions, contributing to self-expression, such as an artist, musician, artist.

Can build its own business, has such abilities. The business may form, including from handicraft specialties, which Danila owns success. This construction, design, joinery and others. Many ideas can successfully embody in business. In financial plan, a man is well-being, he has money. Does not pay attention to ill-wishers and tries to do their work well, approaching it creatively.

Love and family bonds

Danya like women, but himself is not too active in relationships. This is due to the fact that the man is waiting for real feelings. It is important for him related unity, belonging to each other. Since childhood, the family comfort appreciates, the interests of loved ones for him above all other preferences.

Being a good insane, right and definitely choose a companion of life. It is not important for Danil catchy external data. He prefers girls of faithful, home, creating comfort and able to become a friend.


Evaluate and active, fun woman, provided that it will have important qualities for him. Specially not engaged in finding a partner, most likely, she will be a colleague or neighbor. However, this will happen only by love.

The husband from Dana is very devoted, loving. He carefully protects the family nest, provides financially. Little is at home, trying to earn and work out. It often has additional earnings, owning some craft.

Their house is visited by friends, companies are going. Childs love, they are engaged in a little, giving it to his wife as well as the maintenance of a household.

It is rarely mistaken in the choice of his wife, sometimes can enter into a re-marriage. Children from the first family will not leave.

Not bad relationships will be collaborated with women: Anastasia, Natalia, Lydia, Victoria, Polina, Alsu, Svetlana and Daria, as well as Elena, Maria and Marina.

It is difficult to find mutual understanding with girls: Raisa, Kira, Veronica, Margarita, Paradise, Oksana and Larisa.


The man quickly gets tired and burns out morally. It is necessary to get out of nature more often, organize active rest.

Prone to cold infections, vascular diseases. In mature years will suffer from hypertension, heart disease.

Known media names

  1. Hegumen Daniel is a Russian pilgrim to Palestinian shrines.
  2. Move Daniel is the race car.
  3. Saliga Daniel - actor.
  4. Black Daniel - Monk icon painter, teacher Andrei Rublev.
  5. Course Daniel - Opera Singer.
  6. Daniel Necha is the companion of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
  7. Daniel Prophet from the Bible.
  8. Harms Daniel is a writer.
  9. Daniel Defo - English Prose.
  10. Daniel Craig - actor Hollywood.
  11. Daniel Rutherford - physicist.
  12. Daniel Olbrykh - Polish actor.
  13. Daniel Granin is a writer, prose.
  14. Austrich Daniel - violinist.

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