Nail Name: Health, Character and Compatibility


Nail's name has arabic origin, it means "achieving success", "the acquirer", "worthy".


Distributed in Muslim society among the Tatars, Kazakhs, in the Caucasus. This name has a female form - naila.

Summary of the name of the name: Mblee, Milestone, Sleshka, Ilka, Ile, Ilya, Nalik.

Characteristic name and fate

In the early years, the Nailka is gentle and too. Friendly and dubbed boy is always ready to help. Being a senior child in the family, will provide a care for kids. You can rely on it.

Education gets strictly, which helps in the formation of responsibility and operational. The boy is always looking for justice, peers can contact him with help. It will be fair to judge, protect the weak.

Nay's father is the most authoritative man. With such a "luggage" he will come into adulthood.

The lobby has well developed communication abilities. Thanks to this quality, people are drawn to him, there is something to talk to him. It has a gift of conviction, eloquent. The main thing is that he is comfortable in this state. He sincerely rejoices if he managed to reconcile the disputes.

In school, the wonderful memory, imagination and developed speech helps. Often even before school, this child can read and write. School sciences masters without coercion. Houses performs tasks and is always ready for lessons.

Nail like physical culture and accurate science. It dismisses easily in cunning tasks. It can become a professional athlete, and in school years she adores team sports.


In the nature of the young man, it is also worth noting such quality as independence. He does not need to repeat many times, it is very disciplined.

Adult, young man is trying to enter the institute. It is early determined with the choice of profession, selecting the one that will become a reliable source of income. Nail will always make well earn, his family will not need anything. Until the very end will take care of the elderly parents, helping them financially and morally.

Speaking and sociability, as well as some adulthood, help Ilchika to be an interesting interlocutor with peers and people are much older or younger.

Men Nail becomes undergoing and gallant. Girls feel his strength and confidence, try to get acquainted closer.

This person is not inclined to conflict and aggression, it is difficult for him to find weak points and disadvantages.

Among the best characteristics of the nature is worth noting some detachment and immersion in your thoughts. Ilya will not be specifically interested in the problems of friends and may not show proper participation. If only it is not for help for help, in this case a man will demonstrate its best qualities. Also some people are striking how unwriting it can be.

Nalia sets itself feasible, conscious purposes. It follows them progressively and persistently. He often continues postgraduate education, can go to graduate school or graduate from another university. It will not regret the temporary and financial resources to make the intended.

Nail intellectual, and he is still hardworking and hardy. At work, he appreciates, respect and listen to the opinion.

A man has quite a few real friends, most of the time is busy career and is a rather conservative person.

The fate of a man named in Nail is stable and built by them. You should not expect congratulations on His holidays, he does not remember the significant dates and is not too romantic.

This is a fundamental and business person, confident in his opinion and does not like anyone to prove anything.

Mystery naila

Appreciates people who respect his personal living space. Does not expose your thoughts, problems and preferences. Internal condition protects and beliefs does not change.

Health, habits

Ilichka initially has good health. This is a strong boy, movable and hardy. In school years spends a lot of time in the courtyard, loves physical education. His element - volleyball and football sections. With due attention and diligence can choose the sport with their profession.

At older, some problems with the musculoskeletal system suffer from lack of vitamins. Naile should not begin smoking, since the diseases of the upper respiratory tract for it are not uncommon.

The emotional background of this man is incredibly stable, he rarely comes out of himself, trying not to light conflicts. This favorably affects mental condition.

Various name characteristics, angel day

Nail Nail does not notice. This name is absent in the church calendar because of Muslim affiliation. If Nail wants to take baptism, the corresponding adherence from the soles will pick up.

  • Heavenly body - Jupiter.
  • Zodiacal constellation - Sagittarius or fish.
  • Mountain breed - Beryl, Corundum.
  • Color shades - all shades of blue and red.
  • Animal - Stregging, Partridge, Peacock.
  • Tree, plant - apple tree, mint, eucalyptus, lavender.

Family relations and love

Men who have the name of Nail possess attractiveness for the female. The girls appreciate a balanced character, a calm look and mind of this young man. At the same time, the young man himself is in no hurry to provide attention and distribute compliments.

It is not too able to care too, a romantic can be called it with a big stretch.

Feeling in love with a decent and noncainting girl will create a family. The marriage union comes in life only once. So that the family existed for a long time, the woman will have to become a major household head. Household problems, support for parents, education of children - all this will fall on the shoulders of the second half.

From the side of her husband, she will not be enough attention, caress and passion. Nail does not give gifts, it does not surprise surprises and does not remember memorable anniversary. This man has other advantages, and if the spouse is ready to put up with such a way, the family is destined for prosperity.

Naault will be supported by the financial support of the family union, it will work a lot, and his relatives will not need anything.

The faithful man will never make treason, he appreciates the comfort, business and pureliness of his wife.

Compatibility in Love is successful: Daria, Tatiana, Regina, Elvira, Svetlana, Alina, Gulnara, Gulchir, Olga, Venus, Linara, Guzel, Amir, Katya, Yulia, Veronica.

It is not necessary to tie relations: Victoria, Eliza, Goltsin, Irina, Diana, Renata, Lida, Nina, Oksana, Bella, Dinara, Safina, Elsa, Ralina, Alina, Sofia, Alsu, Ulyana.

Who go to work

The diverse nature of accomplishments in childhood is favorable for a successful life choice. At a young age, it shows an attraction to the exact sciences, he has an analytical warehouse of the mind. A good choice will be the occupation of science: mathematics, chemistry, programming, design. Nail can stop the choice in the profession engineer, technician, criminologist.

Hockey player

A man learns foreign languages ​​well, can become a linguist or translator.

It is distinguished by the harmoniousness and performance, he is used to responding for his terms of responsibilities, knows how to be responsible.

Naiful on the shoulder and guiding position, there is a good chance to become the head of the department or head the company.

Professions such as a lawyer, a journalist, a teacher, a man can also master success.

Famous personalities

  • Yakupov Nail - athlete, hockey player.
  • Bickenin Nail - philosopher, journalist.
  • Shahutdinov Nail - Theater Artist.
  • Nayur Nail - Kazakh athlete, swimmer.
  • Spiers Nail - football player.
  • Zamaliev Nail - football player.
  • Danubeev Nail (Nikolai) - actor.

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