What zodiac signs are relevant for April-month


April - the month is bright and ambiguous: in the morning it shorts the spring sun, and in the evening it can strike. Part of his unpredictable character April handed over to people who were born this month. Among the April zodiac signs, the spring days are divided among themselves Aries and Taurus. Let's find out more about representatives of these signs.

April month photo

Characteristics of people born in April

The zodiacal circle begins with a point of spring equinox March 21 from the sign of Aries. In April, the Aries belongs to two decades of the month. On April 21, he is inferior to Taurus.

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Aries and Taurus are rightfully considered the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. These people are very hard to convince and stick to their side. These qualities bring huge benefits in achieving the goal. But in communicating with the surrounding stubbornness, it often has a Bed and Aries "Bear" service.

People born in April are realists and pragmatists. They are not characteristic of illusion and vitations in the clouds. As a rule, they quickly and easily find their way in life and stubbornly go to the goal.

Impulsive Aries

Aries opens a new zodiac cycle. Element of fire gives representatives of a sign of special charisma and energetic. And the militant Mars patronizing these ambitious, fiery and purposeful people.

Aries possess strong leadership qualities, perseverance and iron will. These character traits help the Aries reach unprecedented vertices in the career.

But, on the other hand, many problems of Aries brings flareness, impulsiveness, temperament, and even aggressiveness. These qualities often lead to conflicts at work and in personal life. To avoid this, the sign representatives should learn composure and sensitivity to others. Only in this way you can achieve inner harmony.

Aries first decade of April

From April 1 to April 10, mature and spiritually developed personalities are born. The moon patronizes them encourages to change the world for the better. But sharpness and impulsivity often interferes with bringing the endless to the end.

Aries of the first decade have excellent health, always full of energy and ambitions. These people are incredibly honest and become faithful companions of life. They are alolyum, and the thought of treason itself causes disgust.

Despite the external self-confidence and the formidable appearance, inside the Aries are very wounded and have many complexes.

Representatives of this sign always fiercely defend their opinions and often even oppose public norms.

Aries second decada

This is a period of strong and powerful personalities who seek to win the attention of others and love them to praise. The Aries of the second decade often become a soul of any company, they love them and respect the school. They are very energetic, cheerful, look at life with optimism.

Sometimes Aries are slightly naive and trustful. This often leads to disappointments, especially in youth. In maturity, these qualities disappear, and the Aries become convinced of realists and pragmatists.

Aries often occupy senior posts and achieve large heights in the career. But at the same time, material values ​​do not play a primary role for them. It is much more important for representatives of this sign to recognize them by the surrounding significance.


Men-Aries, who celebrate their birthday in April, have such qualities of character:

  • inborn leaders and clatters;
  • hardworking and active;
  • optimistic and cheerful;
  • extremely stubborn and do not go on compromises;
  • Fair;
  • hot-tempered;
  • jealous.

They always seek to take a leadership position: in work, personal relationships. Family are good breadcrumbs. Can afford flirts on the side, but are not prone to real treason.

Sign of zodiac Aries

Women Aries

April women-Aries have such character traits:
  • Bright attractiveness and charm;
  • straightness and frankness;
  • talkative and sociability;
  • friendliness;
  • organizational abilities;
  • Emotionality.

In privacy, often themselves show the initiative to get acquainted. Kailkettle, love to be the center of attention.

In the social life of a woman-Aries incredibly active and sociable. As a rule, they become a soul of any company or a team.

Of these, beautiful spouses and mothers are obtained. True, sometimes women-Aries tend to control their loved ones too much.

Sensual Taurus - Sign, Through April

Completes the second spring month Taurus. His Star time comes on April 21, and he patronizes him sensual Venus.

The April Taurus is very different from May. It is not so calm and slow, more quick-tempered and emotional. But at the same time, representatives of the sign inherit seriousness, patience and reliability peculiar to all calves.

Liberties of vitality, friendly and charming, love enjoying and fun. Often, passion for entertainment comes to extremes, leading to wastefulness and excesses.

Taurus tend to exaggerate their problems and suffering, making "from the fly of an elephant." Therefore, representatives of this sign should learn to control themselves in everything so as not to transmit too much.

Since childhood, Taur has a lot of time spending alone for his favorite classes. It remembers the new information, it is slow, but if I remember, it is already forever. Therefore, the signs of the sign can make a lot in their studies and work, but they greatly interfere with a stubborn character. Since childhood, calves are distinguished by unprecedented stubbornness, and over the years this property is increasingly growing.

Sign representatives are people with incredible patience and exposure. They manage to perform the most painstaking and monotonous work, achieving large results. They are responsible and accustomed to bringing started to the end.

Usually by 40 years have time to achieve everything they wish. They have a stable job, a strong family, their accommodation. Sign representatives are not indifferent to nature, so they often acquire a house outside the city and love to engage in agriculture.

April Tales - people emotional and sensitive. In relations, they prefer not to show activity and are in no hurry to take the first step. The initiative usually comes from a partner. At the same time, they show unconditional loyalty and devotion to his beloved person.

Male Taurus in April

April men are distinguished by such qualities of personality:

  • tranquility and prudence, balanced temperament;
  • stubbornness and perseverance, self-confidence;
  • friendliness and peacefulness;
  • emotionality and impulsivity;
  • straightness.

Representatives of this sign are experiencing a strong need for home comfort and a warm family atmosphere. They love to spend the evenings in a circle of loved ones for delicious dinner.

At the beginning of the dating, never initiative, and await active actions from the beloved. Not prone to treason, but very jealous.

As a rule, earthlings constantly pulls towards land and nature. They love to engage in agriculture, and their favorite pastime is fishing, hunting or vacation in nature.

Zodiac sign

Woman - April Taurus

As a rule, the representative of the sign is calm, soft and caring. They are beautiful and graceful, have a feminine figure and smooth movements. Possess powerful sexual energy and incredibly attractive for male.

April women are becoming excellent hostesses, and their abilities will envy any other zodiac sign. They are beautiful cookies and know perfectly well how to create a comfort in the house. Wonderful wives and mothers are obtained from female tanks.

At the same time, they differ in stubbornness and meticulousness. And their supraity and inability to perceive criticism sometimes comes to extremes.

Women tales are sociable, but prefer home comfort funny entertainment. Incredibly practical and realistically look at the world.

See an interesting video about the signs of the zodiac in April:

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