Find out how the year of the dog will be held from its characteristics


According to the Eastern calendar, every year has its own patron from the world of animals, its own color and element. On the change of the red fiery rooster to us in a hurry to the year of the yellow dog. Each animal affects the fate of people in its own way, so you need to know how the yellow dog is possessed, so as not to miss his chance for success.

How to go for you a year of dog

Characteristic of the Year of the Yellow Dog

February 16, 2018 Yellow Dog will officially enter their rights and will affect the fate of people until February 4, 2019. In the meantime, she has to get along under one roof with a neighbor - a fiery rooster.

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Dog - an animal is not easy. On the one hand, a more friendly, faithful and loyal animal is not found. But she is able to show anger, aggression and rage to uninhabed guests, protecting their home from strangers.

A decisive and energetic fiery roostech is very difficult to find a common language with the faithful and calm dog, but thanks to the wisdom of the dog, this period should be relatively calm.

Element 2018.

The new 2018 will be under the authority of the earthly element. To replace the violent and merciless fire, sweeping everything in its path, the balanced and peaceful land comes - consistent, slow and stable. It will not only allow you to bring all the cases started to a logical completion, but also provide the opportunity to build far-reaching plans, start long-term projects.

These trends will concern all areas of life - politicians, economics, health and the environment. This year, all disagreements and conflicts must stop, calming military clashes, and people will be able to find the right way out of any situation and learn to compromise.

At this year, people will be interested in the very earthly areas of life - real estate, career, agriculture, material values. But spiritual and ideological problems will still go to the background.

The color of 2018 will become yellow, as well as all its shades - golden, yellowish brown, khaki. This color will become a symbol of calm, stability, sincerity, good, optimism and faith in a bright future.

The 2018 stone must be natural and have a shade from light yellow to chocolate. Favorable stones can be amber, Jasper, opal, citrine.

In 2018 you need to wear yellow stones

Positive qualities of the Yellow Dog

The yellow dog has many positive qualities that will be determining in the new year:
  • The dog is always smart, devoted and sincere.
  • The dog does not know how to speak - for her actions more important than beautiful words.
  • The dog will never let her friend.
  • The dog is able to love disinterestedly.
  • The dog will not leave a friend in trouble.
  • The dog is always modest and does not wait for praise or rewards for their merits.
  • The dog does not tolerate injustice and betrayal.
  • The dog is brave and ready for any feats.

The more compatible a person with these qualities, the simpler will be for him the coming year.

What will be 2018 for various signs of the Chinese horoscope?

  • The most favorable this year will be for the dog. Representatives of this sign expects an unprecedented luck and fulfill the most cherished desires.
  • Good compatibility with a dog in a tiger and horse. Year will bring them success in all endeavors.
  • Rat, rabbit and monkey can also count on the support of the dog. For them, the year will be positive and full of interesting events.
  • A contradictory year is waiting for a snake, a pig and a rooster. Periods of success will be replaced by periods of difficulties. As a result, the year will be changed.
  • Difficult period awaits dragon, goat and bull. Possible difficulties in relations and violation of designs.

Astrological forecast for 2018

The dog has a conservative character, so the coming year will be relatively smooth and calm in all areas. It will not be critical or turning for most people. But with the yellow dog - the creature is very active and active. Therefore, only workers can hope for its favor and patronage, but she will not bearing lazy people.

A yellow dog has an exacerbid sense of justice, so this year everyone will receive deserver. If you do not want to cause the angry of the dog, do not compromise with your conscience.

In 2018, many will have a transformation of consciousness and rethinking vital values. Only the qualities that really have true value will come to the fore, - justice, loyalty, love, mercy, kindness. Many will come to the conclusion that these qualities are much more important than expensive purchases and other material values.

The year of the yellow dog will be favorable for love relationships. In 2018, many will seem to meet their soul mate and even marry. The only thing that should not be forgotten is that the yellow dog will have its patronage only to those who are experiencing sincere feelings. Relations based on mercenary interests will be deliberately doomed.

Dog will help find love

The coming year will be favorable for people who are above all put family values ​​and are betrayed by their loved ones. In addition, this is a very favorable period for friendly relationships, because the dog is the best friend.

Finally, 2018 will be favorable for those people who do not like to idle and do not hope only for the grace of fate. The dog will bring a significant profit to honest workers, not inclined to dubious apartments. A more favorable in the money plan will be the second half of the year.

Do not forget that the dog is simple in everyday life and does not need luxury items. Therefore, it will approve only really useful and solid costs: construction and repair, purchase of housing, acquisition of education, business activities.

And in general, it is safe to say that the year of the yellow dog will bring positive changes, it is imposing hope and optimism and will change the lives of many people for the better.

People who were born in the year of the dog

According to the eastern calendar, people born in the year of dogs are distinguished by loyalty, friendliness, kindness and mercy. They will always come to the rescue to all those in need and are ready to enter into battle for justice.

Representatives of this sign are very active and cannot sit without affairs. They always know what they want from life and achieve all over their own, rarely asking for help. Often the dog is very stubborn and cynical. She loves to criticize others and quit for any little things.

The dog does not expose his emotions, preferring to experience joy and pain deep in the shower. In this case, in no case cannot be considered insensitive. In fact, it is hard to experience not only their own, but also other people's suffering, trying to help in need.

The dog does not seek comfort and luxurious life, it is generous and disinterested, simple and modest. She does not tolerate injustice and adheres to strict moral rules.

Dogs born during the daytime, possess a calmer and peace-loving temper. Representatives of the sign that were born at night, more unbalanced and prone to conflict.

Male dog

Men dogs are distinguished by intelligence, justice and generosity, always true to the Code of honor. They are funny and active, easily find a common language with people and have many friends.

Representatives of this sign are well developed a sense of responsibility. They are honest, bold and decisive, always ready to come to the rescue.

Dogs are not inclined to accumulate material goods. Even well-secured men are content with a modest life, not seeking luxury. Much more for them is the opinion of people and relationships with loved ones.

Dog - sacrificial sign. She can't live for himself and enjoy life. Her destination: serve others and be loyal to his debt, sacrificing even personal happiness.

Woman dog

Women born in the year of dogs are rarely calm and balanced. As a rule, they work very much without having a minute of peace. Usually they have a closed character, trying not to show openly their feelings. At the same time, they are friendly and easily come into contact with people.

Women dogs are sometimes distinguished by stubbornness and a tendency to criticism and pessimism.

For representatives of this sign, you can rely and entrust them to any secret. They will always stand on the defense of innocent, will not betray and will have all the assistance. And for the sake of your favorite people, the woman can even sacrifice himself.

To learn more about people born in the year of the dog, watch the video:

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