Conspiracy on the boss - Features, examples of effective conspiracy


The conspiracy on the boss is a popular magic ritual, which will allow you to achieve the location of even a very evil and ever-causing chef. There are also conspiracies to normalize the situation at your work, improve relations with colleagues. From this article you will learn how to take a strict boss and go to work every time as a holiday.

Conspiracy on the boss

Features of conspiracies on the boss

White magic rites are distinguished by a positive effect. If the chef is unfairly pressed to you, you have the opportunity to change his attitude towards yourself. Thanks to conspiracies, a pillar will definitely fall from the eyes of the chief, and he instead of anger or resentment will be filled with respect, solidarity and other positive emotions.

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For the rite to have the right action, it is important to prepare correctly:

  • Clear visualization is needed. Every time you go to work, imagine that you get rid of all negative energy, visualize how your hand shakes your boss and you begin a new stage of cooperation. You can pose an increase in wages, getting praise for the successful implementation of the project.
  • Get rid of yourself from the feeling of fear before the boss. Think about what is due to its negative attitude towards you? It is also recommended to light blue candles in its home - they will have a beneficial effect on the situation, contribute to the release of friendly energy.
  • You need to achieve the state of complete calm, carefully analyze the situation and only after that begin to fulfill the rite. It is important that you have enough energy for this magical action.
  • It must be called for the help of saints, ask for help.

Conspiracies for successful work

Next, we bring to your attention examples of effective conspiracies that will improve the existing situation on your work.

Conspiracy from the Chief-Energy Vampire

If after each meeting you feel bad, you have a headache, the mood is spoiled, the pulse becomes more often or you encounter other uncomfortable phenomena, of course, a couple of times it can be written off for physical ailments. But when you regularly encounter such phenomena, probably your boss is the most real energy vampire, and it is worth take action to protect yourself from it.

Chief of Vampire

To do this, we advise you to pronounce such a magical conspiracy:


The total number of repetitions should be seven. It is important to pronounce a clear, without confrontation during the reading process.

Conspiracy on the boss, who need to read before leaving

In the morning, when you are going to go to work, you need to wash, using specially conspired milk. It needs to pronounce these words:

Conspiracy on the boss must be read before leaving

Conspiracy so that the head did not find

The time of the rite is twelve o'clock in the morning. You will need to take one big spoonful of sugar and to speak it with such text:

Conspiracy so that the head did not find

Then imperceptibly pour sugar under the office of his chef. Very soon his attitude towards you will change the most radical way.

Important moment - when pronouncement is pronounced, it is important that your breath concerns sugar.

Conspiracy to deliver the chief

This plot should be used if your boss applies to you unfair.

Take a handful of Poppy, speak it, and then put a small quantity on the desktop or under the door of the evil boss.

It turns into the poppy in this way:

Conspiracy to deliver the chief

Conspiracy for the grace of the chef on the salt

A very common situation, when a person puts considerable efforts at work, tries, and everything goes out quite well. But the boss does not appreciate his work, constantly looking for various flaws in it, causes to redo many times. They may even come threats regarding the deprivation of a premium, lowering salary or dismissal.

If you, too, were in a similar unenvisible position, do not hurry to get upset. Just ask for help for the next magical ritual.

To fulfill it, you will need to prepare a saucer and salt, assembled in pure Thursday.

Wait for the evening onset, take 7 pinch of salt, pour it off in a saucer and say the consultation:

Conspiracy for the grace of the chef on the salt

In the next morning, take a salt with me to work and imperceptibly pour a small number next to the Cabinet of your Grozny Chef. Also a little salt should be scattered under your office and the front door. Very soon you will be pleasantly surprised by positive changes at work.

Conspiracy of the grace of the head

Conspiracy to change the attitude of the chief

This is a stronger conspiracy option, it is necessary to use it in particularly severe cases. But it is allowed to resort to it only once a month.

To fulfill it, you will need to stock such arsenal objects:

  • Three blue candles;
  • coin taken from your purse;
  • white-colored thread ball
  • holy water.

A suitable day of the week is considered to be the environment.

The rite is performed at stages:

  1. You stay alone with you. You can close in your room, but it is very important that no one disturbs you in the process of holding a ritual.
  2. On a sheet of simple paper, you should write the name of your chef.
  3. Then put a candle on a piece of paper with the name and light it.
  4. Now imagine your terrible boss in detail: remember the peculiarities of his behavior, the voice, the words he offended you. Paint into the flame candle and burn all negative energy in thoughts. Fill your heart with love as much as possible.
  5. When your consciousness is completely cleaned of negative emotions, you will need to drink holy water, poured into a glass, and pronounce a conspiracy:

words of conspiracy

Then the coin places on the table, close to the candle. Split a tangle with threads, you drink a little more holy water and then savor the tangle, pronouncing another part of the statement:

words of conspiracy

Repeat the conspiracy until you fully get a ball. Keep it in my home in a housing place. And the coin should be attributed to the seal to put the chief in the office. Very soon you can enjoy the result.

With the help of the words described, you can improve your relationship with the boss, as well as set the atmosphere in the team.

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