What value for a woman is the beautiful name of Elvina


Today, our guest has the owner of one of the most beautiful female names - Elvina. What can I say about a girl with a similar name? Well, let's let go in a fascinating journey, all the name is silent. The name of Elvin Muslim descent, and in itself it means "white, white".

This can explain the extremely meek and noble temper of this girl, her kind heart that makes everyone believe in the angels. And after all, the girl is extremely shy and diplomatic. She never pulls himself and his acquaintances in conflicts, but only bypass them.

She never competes directly, but also knows how to defend his interests, it comes in almost the same way, with the use of the same means, only more hidden and less largely. It is worth separating this quality and tell about it in more detail. Indeed, if you look at the childhood of Elvina and ask her to remember it, then you immediately understand that it has very few moments, where she could really embed someone or cringe a lot, and there was practically no daily quarrel.

It would seem that well, and that, just all the girls are kind, and Ellie does not take part in public life, so it did not have enemies. Yes, no matter how! Elvina is managed to take part in all events in all events, it is precisely that it puts it on a good account among teachers, and in the future she conquers the confidence of the bosses, who, how the air needs reliable workers with a properly working head, on which you can rely in any situation.

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Talents and girl skills

And now consider her creative inclinations. With this, Elvina is all right, and it is precisely that she should develop - her voice is really similar to Angelic singing. It is extremely high, stretched and very well combined with backing vocals.

The girl is very musical, may well draw and express themselves in different areas, which are associated with the creative direction. You should not forget about it and make it work where it is simply not destined - for example, to become a mathematician or an architect, even worse - an accountant who has to constantly work with some templates to achieve the goal is not to put their creativity and soul, but simply to follow the procurement and sort through tons of paper. Of course, this idea is only in the mind of the girl, but we have to admit that is the case, and on the balance field of the star will not become special.

Elvin also often reads a lot, so it can boast not only the natural data, but also an outstanding intellect, and sometimes, when there are conflicts still can outdo any lout who managed to enter the fray with this angelic creature.

Now we have moved to the downside. The main disadvantage to the character of this man is not much, but still they are, and if you do not work with them and do not pay attention to them, so it is possible, and stay with them. And they should say, very poison the life of a young girl. One of them - excessive modesty and compliance.

No, Elvin not deadhead, but it's just very afraid of someone to hurt and hurt, because she does not like such behavior on the part of others in relation to it, that it is constantly and applies this tactic - the hill I did not go, and go around - "I'm sorry, my dear man." Indeed, in addition to this and more extreme degree of uncertainty in their own abilities a character can greatly complicate the life of the girl, if she did not fight it. After all, anything can stand the constant pull is enough people around that something should be, because "our Ellie will not refuse."

And this view will prevail as long as Dorothy did not give up and does not become a true woman, flint, which goes over the heads of other people, and they are not in her lush little head. While it is no longer like a man-rags, for it closed the way to a great career, and even people with the creative sphere, so cute on stage, can not miss it in your world, and it will remain on the edge.

Thanks to his talent to learning after her, she goes to a prestigious university and graduated with honors with no problems. But then already opened a real space, and it depends only on the girl herself. It can be both a fashion designer and teacher. It can easily become an archaeologist, linguist, diplomat, an employee in the field of tourism and engineer.

name Elvin

Relationships with people

Now we switched to the second minus, which is the extreme degree of dislike of Elvin. She is not going to put up with the overall mass of people. This is the fact that it often does not come to general fees, late for various events, behaves unpleasant, but still remains the most pleasant girl who everyone loves, and she herself hates everything.

It was because of this that she is sometimes quite difficult to get along with people, she cannot behave sincerely and resorts to complete hermit, sometimes becoming one of the most unpleasant ladies, it can even be called "Baba Yaga" in some sense.

She is really noticeable, she still has a lot to understand on his way before she can overcome themselves and stand up true, nevertheless, at the moment she has already been fully formed, if it happened, it is already practically not changed - only Some people will be able to leak through her barriers that do not let people have the ability to hurt her in the heart.

Only only those people who have been configured to have a favorable pastime with this girl are able to get her trust, and there are relatively few such people.

Meaning of the name

Tired of all these relationships with other people, the young Elvin, which was in the bouncer of marriage, does not pay due attention to her husband, because already tired of being a kind girl. For her, marriage is also the burden, so it is looking for such a person for a long time, which could fully satisfy its meticulous requirements, the list of which is not reduced over time, but it becomes only more and more.

Fortunately, Elvin does not overestimate himself and forms this list relative to its own power and its positive and negative qualities, so this girl's overestimated self-assessment is simply impossible for definition. Permanent giveaway to other people and awareness of their "gray mouse" role in various companies gives the same result, and almost throughout the whole family life, it may not be easy to be inattentive to her husband, but also shouting at him, constantly break away, because now she is not You need to bypass the mountain, it can destroy it.

Especially if this mountain is her husband who forces her to be a housewife, binds to one place and constantly falls on her eyes. Such thoughts are often visited by Elvin, you must be good enough with her and fully compensate for her the kindness she once left for you, and only then the relationship will be equal, and she will not have discomfort in relations with other people.

Everything will work out, all spheres will receive the necessary public charge for new accomplishments, which so lacked people around Elvina. Ellie and herself will be satisfied with all the spheres of his new life.

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