Conspiracy for sale things - read independently


Each person can face the need to sell some thing. All sellers seek to do it as soon as possible and quickly get expected benefits. You can speed up this process if you start reading a conspiracy for sale things. Examples of effective rites to implement something we give further in the article.


Pledge of successful magic

If you want to achieve the desired result of the conspiracy that you like to do, it is necessary to strictly follow all the prescriptions for its conduct.
  1. For example, the most important point - rite must be carried out in proud loneliness. It is also forbidden to share with someone about the magical actors.
  2. Please note that even after the successful sale, things are unacceptable to talk about ritual. If you neglect this item, you may encounter an inspected consequences.
  3. You need to perceive magic seriously, otherwise you can suffer. It is important that the ritual is conducted by people, sincerely believe in magical forces that can concentrate on the desired and invest in the rite of the maximum.
  4. Also, the Moon Phase should also be taken into account - ideally when it is in the growth phase.
  5. For three days before the ritual, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages (many magicians also stop eat meat food).

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Now that you know the rules for reading rituals, you can go to a detailed review of the most effective options.

Examples of conspiracies for the sale of things


Many people perceive the visualization of frivolously, belong to it as a fun, and in vain. Our brain is not able to distinguish real images from fruits of our imagination, so when we begin to visualize, it automatically perceives the picture as real, and over time it is really embodied in life (provided that you will visualize often and represent the desired in detail).

Visualization will also help accelerate the sale of any thing, but only if it is represented in one instance.

You will need to take the item you want to sell, both hands (if it is impossible because of its large size, then simply touch things with two hands). Peer in this subject, consider it from all angles, carefully examine all the details. At the same time, imagine how it attracts the attention of a large number of people, as buyers are interested in considering it, wish to make a purchase.

Visualization - the key to success!

If desired, you can represent even the estimated dialogues with buyers. Be sure to set the concrete value on the thing for which you agree to sell it.

An important point is that no one disturb you during the rite and that you are in a positive mood.

When you finish visualization, you will need to cross the subject three times and say:

"What I conceived, I'll get it! Amen!"

On a decreasing moon

A conspiracy on a decreasing moon is performed. You will need to pronounce the following text:

Countain text

Note that this rite for quick sales is effective exclusively for non-living items. With it, you will not be able to sell the animal, for this purpose you will have to take advantage of another plot.

For good profits

If you need to sell some item and you want to get a good revenue for it, take the wax candle, say on the goods sold and say this conspiracy:

Strong conspiracy

Calculation is read 7 times. At the end you will need to wait for a complete cut of the candle. The ritual itself is performed for three days (in a row). Very soon there is a buyer on your product.

Simple ritual with a commodity

If you are trying to realize some product for a long time, but it does not come out, you need to stand next to him, close your eyes and read the following conspiracy for the sale of things:

Conspiracy for good revenue

Ritual with a key

The key traditionally acts as a symbol of openness and rapid sale. Therefore, there are various powerful conspiracies that help sell land plots and other real estate.

To perform an effective rite for the sale of property with the key, you will need to be stocking the following objects:

  • Key. It is he who plays a major role in this rite. You can prepare the key of any size and design, it will not have any importance to conspiracy.
  • Water. Do not take ordinary water water for the rite. An ideal option will be peeled water from a spring or melting ice, which is easy to do.
  • Refractory dishes.
  • Capacity for water (glass or clay).

The time of the ritual is the arriving moon. Boil the water so that bubbles form on it, then put the key in it. Couples formed to which it will be necessary to talk special text nine times:

Conspiracy with the key

After that, leave the water to cool, let the key remain in the saucepan. It will then need to be removed and hide into a secluded place in which only you have access to, and the water gently pour into a predetermined glass or clay tank.

The key will help to sell

When buyers will begin to appear, sprinkle a thing about the water, as well as wash your hands in it. These actions will help you quickly implement the desired value that will fully satisfy you.

After a successful sale, you do not need to throw out the key, it will become your talisman, and it can be applied for other magical rituals.

Conspiracy will help you speed up the process of implementing some objects or property. But we do not recommend you abuse magic, contact it only in cases where the rest of the methods do not work and there is an urgent need.

Browse the following videos in which the rules of successful trade and purchase are told:

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