The meaning of Ildar is interpretation, character, career, love

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius, scales.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Number of name: 3.
  • Color: brown, purple, red.
  • Totem Plant: Tulip.
  • Toten animal: Crocodile, Lan.
  • Stone-Talisman: Amethyst, Onyx, Ruby, Chalcedony.

Interpretation of the name

The meaning of Ildar is interpretation, character, career, love 5358_1

Other forms of named after: or Orodorka, Dora, Dark, Dar, Eldar.

The emergence of the name: Orthodox, German, Catholic, Tatar.

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The name of the roots in the ancient Persia and in the interpretation means "ruler". There are also a version of the formation of the name, and one of them states that Eldar is the Greek form of the orodore and translates as the "gift of the Sun", and another origin says that in Europe the name has a translation "Fire Warrior". In Sweden, the name has the form of Eldar, and in Denmark - Ellar.

Character and personality

In childhood, he is not much different from his peers, because he also loves to play rolling games, and it is difficult to drive home from the street. In school, he is restless and inattentive, because of which it cannot boast of good performance, it is very difficult for changing the boy's mood to trace. In terms of education, parents will have to lie like, as Ildar's energy is simply expedited, but to cope with it, without directing anywhere, it is almost unreal, because the boy needs to help with it.

It will be very good if he gives the way out of its energy in the sports section. His tendency to aggression is better to curb at an early age, to explain and teach him to understand that it is impossible to do, and also teach respect to other people. This will help the boy in the future to become the leader.


Having matured, it becomes more independent, it cannot be said that he acutely feeling the need for leadership, but the authorities on themselves will not tolerate. He perfectly acts as a reciprochet and diplomat, as it has the ability to find a common language with others, in which he helps the desire for self-sufficiency and tranquility. It happens that he overcomes Leng, I am not familiar to him.

Ildar will be trusted only that the comprehected on his own experience, and practically everything has its own reasonable opinion. With external pressure, its peacekeeping and balance are replaced in hardness and its strength. He has a sense of self-esteem, and most often it develops in childhood and then remains with him forever.


In general, the state of health at the owner of the name is good. But it is worth paying attention to regular physical exertion

Work and career

Here, Ildar focuses only on his experience and is unlikely to make two times alone. He pretty well understands people, lives, rather than simple things and ordinary income. It is necessary to pay attention to that his choice of profession can affect how they will bring up.

If his conceit over the years has grown and strengthened, then he may have a feeling that he is able to make the biggest matter. Because of this, he can be built and simply stop applying efforts to succeed in anything. If it continues for a long time, then it is formed the image of its unsurpasses; It closes it to work in the team, as it will assume that others simply have to obey it.

It will be best for him if he organizes his work to work exclusively on himself. Due to its energy reserves and an explanatory head, it will be able to achieve a lot on the basis of the entrepreneur. But do not forget about the rest - once a week spend time with friends will only benefit.

Nevertheless, despite its qualities, thanks to his inquisitive mind, he will still be able to become indispensable in any work. He still appreciates his and someone else's time. For him, those professions will be most favorable as lawyer, diplomat, architect, artist, banker and psychologist.

Love and relations


He does not have a clearly formed ideal of female beauty, and his tastes and views of a rather variable. Ildar like many surrounding girls, and frequent novels for him are quite ordinary - a relaxed flirting and beautiful courtship come to him. He will be able to create a family only when he meets a moral, serious and self-sufficient woman, which has a good source of income.

What is interesting, it will be what kind of woman will be looking for. In marriage, he will behave almost like a boy, with complaints and honeycomb. However, there will be time, and he will learn to be a loving husband and father, as well as a beautiful family man.

Excellent combination: Agatha, Anna, Hell, Varvara, Vera, Maria, Rose, Galina, Vera, Zinaida, Larisa, Tatiana, Lada, Lyudmila.

Good combination: Galina, Dina, Isabella, Clara, Lydia, Nina, Renata, Tomila.

Bad combination: Elena, Antonina, Taisia, Lina, Elsa.

Name day

The celebration of the name of Ildar: December 2, October 11, July 3, November 21, September 2, April 9, June 22, May 6.
  • Ildar Kazakhanov, guitarist, composer.
  • Ildar Akmayev, 1930, Science Worker, Russia.
  • Ildar Abdrazakov, 1976, Opera singer, Russia.
  • Ildar Rifkatovich Ibrahimov, 1967, Chess player, Russia.
  • Ildar Abdulovich Ibrahimov, 1932, Mathematics, Russia.
  • Ildar Garifullin, 1963, two, Russia.
  • Ildar Akhmetzyanov, 1983, footballer, Russia.
  • Ildar Gendrev, 1966, television journalist and TV presenter, Russia.

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