John - the value and characteristics of the name, the interpretation of the nature and fate

  • Taurus, Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
  • The number of names: 2.
  • Color: red, white, blue, orange.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Star: the sun.
  • Element: Water.
  • Totem animal: the ladybug, the horse.
  • Totemic plant: rose, birch, wild rose, chamomile.
  • Metal: Sterling Silver.
  • Birthstone: Diamond.

Interpretation of the name


Other forms of the name Ivan, Vanya, Vanya, John, John, Jack.

Occurrence of the name: the Orthodox, Russian.

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Name John has drevneiudeysky translation, which means "God pardoned." Perhaps this really is the name of the Russian. The name has a lot of unique in the world; German version sounds like Johann or Johannes, Italian Ivan will be called Giovanni, in Georgia it will be called Vano.

Character and personality

As a boy, he is in need of parental love, attention and affection, but at first glance, so you could not tell, because it may seem that he is quite capable of taking care of themselves. But even at that age he can show some inconsistency that then stays with them for the rest of his life. Thus, it can be both a bully and a very good boy.

The school Vanya can not boast of a good academic performance due to restlessness, but do not get too hung up on this, so you do not develop an inferiority complex. All due to the fact that he needs to carefully weigh all the arguments, and because it can seem a bit slow. But this does not prevent him persevere in their purpose and, in spite of everything, to achieve it.

Character Ivan combines properties such as good nature and anger, honesty and deceit, patience and impetuosity. All his life he will have the desire to assert themselves, and it definitely will help him in life. He will not forgive the offenders and will wait for the right moment to retaliate.

As a teenager, he may already possess such qualities as reliability and seriousness, but because of the calculations in the other may know some of the frustration. Friends, which he is not much, really good, he appreciates them, respects and is always ready to help. At this age he was already deprived of its children's resentment, because it takes the idea that life itself will do everything and everyone will get what he deserves; Instead, he can focus on achieving respect and authority in the team.


John is indeed the person about whom you can say "myself on my mind." He will not claim the position of leaders in society, but will always seek to take his cell. Outwardly, he may seem fun and joyful and will lead himself as well, but what he has in the soul, you will most likely not know.

When Vanya becomes a man, it acquires energetic, ambition and sometimes even self-confidence. It is truth to say, the authorities - the road is not for him, it is enough for him to feel some significance in society. Thanks to his perseverance, he will bring the matter to the end, only if he is completely passionate about, otherwise it will simply abandon him.

It is practical and has a perfectly formed sense of correctness and justice. It is better not to raise in his direction, since you risk a very serious opponent to give yourself a very serious opponent, because he will perceive such jokes as an insult. In general, the owner of the name is moral personality, and compromises for him - a rare thing.


Being a little can often root. But with age, he acquires good resistance, endurance and the fortress of the body. The only thing he needs to turn his attention is to the nervous system.

Work and career

Vanya can become successful in almost any profession, since he does not occupy hardworking and executive, and in the team to him it is good, since he is alien to hypocrisy and envy. The main thing that needs to be done when the goal is reached is not to turn the path to it. But, undoubtedly, the best work will be for him that the physical strength and endurance will be required.

As for the business, his successful thing will be successful in the event that his partner will be a person who can take on the decision and organization of some moments and questions, as Vanya himself does not always cope with the problems that may arise with the organization, jurisdiction and maintaining your own business.

Love and relations

Thanks to its sociability, he is popular with the female, but by his nature is even more than the same aliendle. He will not deceive his girl, his feelings are deep and sincere, and if they fade away, she immediately recognizes about it. He needs a faithful, decent, economic woman, caring and kindly, who will understand him and hang him.


First of all, in relationships is looking for permanence and certainty, windy girls in this plan do not attract it. It often happens that the first marriage may be unsuccessful, and therefore the desire to marry the second time he can permanently abyss. If the relationship rushes, he will stay to the last to be held for marriage, but it will not forgive treason - it will take himself, leaving behind the loud cotton door.

In general, Marriage for Ivan is very holy. He will not allow anyone to intervene in his personal relationship. You won't call him jealous, but the flirting with his chosen will be regarded as an insult, although it will never show it.

Vanya will be an exemplary family man. He is perfectly engaged in homemade household, and his wife will help if necessary, and dinner will do, and children drives for a walk, it has generosity and will not require a report on the means that he spent his beloved. He loves children for which they respond to him as sincerity.

The main reason for collisions and conflicts with the beloved is usually the fact that Vanya himself does not know how to give up and find compromises. Nevertheless, it is affectionate and gentle and seeks to take care of his companion first, and even then about himself.

Excellent combination: Anastasia, Varvara, Galina, Dina, Larisa, Lyudmila, Maria, Tomila.

Good compatibility: Alexander, Diana, Zoya, Lydia, Love, Nadezhda, Nina, Tatiana, Sofia.

Bad combination: Alice, Vasilisa, Camilla, Ksenia, Natalia, Nika, Stanislav, Svetlana.

Name day

Celebration of the name of John: January 11, February 9, February 28, March 6, March 25, April 10, April 21, May 12, May 7, June 26, July 3, 15, 15 September, October 3, October 16, October 29, November 2, November 22, December 8, December 26th.
  • Ivan Ufimtsev, 1928 - 2010, Director-Multiplier, Russia.
  • Ivan Okhlobystin, 1966, movie actor and television, Russia.
  • Ivan Tyivakhin, 1959, television and radio officers, Russia.
  • Ivan Stebunov, 1981, theater and movie actor, Russia.
  • Ivan Nikolaev, 1983, actor, Russia.
  • Ivan Maximov, 1958, artist, director-multiplier, Russia.
  • Ivan Herkin, 1908 - 1985, Military Worker, Russia.
  • Ivan Dubasov, 1897 - 1988, artist and engraver, Russia.
  • Ivan Taranov, 1986, football player, Russia.
  • Ivan Starkov, 1986, football player, Russia.
  • Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky, 1838 - 1918, Writer and Publicist, Ukraine.
  • Ivan Leonov, 1923, Military pilot, Russia.
  • Ivan Goncharov, 1812 - 1891, writer, literary critic, Russia.
  • Ivan Fedorov, 1525 - 1583, a bookprint (one of the first), Russia.
  • Vano Mikoyan, 1927 - 2016, aircraft designer, Russia.

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