Male Scales: how he behaves in life and in relationships


The sign of the zodiac has a strong influence on man, his character, behavior manner and even success in life! Therefore, if you want to know something better, just examine the characteristics of its zodiac constellation.

This material provides the characteristics of the men-scales, the features of his behavior in love: you can learn a lot about your chosen one with this article.

Male scales

General Image of Men Sign Zodiac Scales

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The representative of the zodiac constellation scales acts as a real pets of fate. Such a person is distinguished by courtship, cheerful temper and friendly behavior manner, as it simply does not represent, as you can be unpleasant for someone.

The male-scales will strive to constantly provide someone's courtesy, it is laid in it from nature, he loves to delight others. There is always an energy of love, goodwill and a holiday around such a person, thanks to which he is very attractive for others.

At the same time, such a person can safely trust any secrets, he is always readily coming to help others. Considering any question, he tries to clarify the true cause of what is happening, to the very essence.

Male scales are always guided by exclusively sensitive logic and rationalism, not at all relying on the psychological component, as it is absolutely not interested in it.

Such a person sometimes distinguishes the thrust to the boasts in the circle of their buddies. It is better not to criticize the man-scales even in trifles, because he perceives any criticism very negatively. It should also be noted that such a person has a truly unique gift to maintain excellent relationships with all his surroundings.

Although the male-scales and will hear the universal advisor, but it is quite problematic for him to make decisions personally. In all situations, he will very carefully weigh all the positive and negative sides, and also probably will attract advisers to the aid. After all, afterwards they can be shifted all responsibility.

The male scales are accustomed to always be surrounded by the exquisite public. He really likes to show his erudition and excellent intelligence. Thanks to this, such a person self-affords.

The representative of the strong gender sign is constantly seeking to gain harmony in all spheres of his life. True, it should be noted that sometimes the feeling of measures and the desire of harmony change him, and then he may suffer from various frills, for example, alcoholism.

His desire to justice the male scales will be as much as possible in the process of upbringing their children. So, he will never punish the child for nothing under any conditions will not be a father-tyrant. Although it is impossible to say that scales are too strive for the institution of offspring, but even despite this, it is subsequently becoming a adoration daddy. The wife is still in the first place in such a person.

What is the male scales in love and family

As for the question of love relationships, here the man-scales do not tolerate stretched ties. It is very important for him to present real spiritual proximity and mutual understanding.

The male scales love to indulge his girlfriend with various pleasant presents, as well as small holidays that organize his beloved wife often. He is able to charm a life companion with the help of his fascinating smile, as well as generous readiness to help.

The wife appears for him, above all, the faithful and devoted girlfriend, who helps him to cope with concerns and sadness, and also gives his warmth and love. It is to such a position of things in the family and a man-scale seeks: to as much as possible relationships as possible, a warm spiritual atmosphere and mutual understanding.

Scales dream about harmonious relationship

But the wife may not count on the fact that her spouse would try to penetrate into the depths of her personality, it deeply sympathizes to it, constantly interested in what happens to her that it worries or sadness, although the representative of this sign is distinguished by a high ability to listen to Other people, and also distributes their advice to the right and left. These are the features of the personality of the scales - they may not notice the problems of the closest people.

Most likely, this is due to a special attitude towards representatives of a beautiful sex. So, a man-scale does not see her "I", her personality. For him, the lady acts for most of its own object to meet sexual desire.

What women do he like how to attract his attention

What are the fair sex representatives to attract the attention of men-scales? We will try to find out what a girl should be to like capricious weights.

  1. The first item is, of course, external data. Libra strive for excellence in everything and therefore will definitely pay attention to the hairstyle of the girl, and on how it dresses, as well as her behavior. Therefore, wanting to take a guy-scales into your networks, you need to stock up with a romantic dress, plus make a neat makeup and splash a couple of drops of exquisite spirits.
  2. The male-scales are distinguished by generosity and hospitality, so there will be no only beauty in their lives of life, but also an excellent host.
    Weighs need an ideal hostess
  3. By nature, a man-scale is not the most decisive person in the world, he often suffers from doubt for any reason, such a person is hard to decide on the first steps in relationships, and even more so - for love confessions (since it fears to be rejected). Therefore, the initiative shown by the girl in this case will not be superfluous.
  4. Scales need a reliable companion of life, which will be able to support them in a difficult situation that can give reasonable tips. For the most part, representatives of the constellation of scales prefer equal relationships in a pair.
  5. Scales are able to adapt to any life situations, humble with any society, but they will not be able to withstand the nervous and aggressive lady.
  6. Such men vitally need harmony in all, and especially in love. The guy scales will suffer greatly from quarrels, reproes, anger and other clarification of relationships. Therefore, if you dream of long-term relationships with such a man, more patience should be taken, as well as learn to make it frequent sentiment changes. Scales dreams to be a balanced, soft and calm girl next to him.
  7. Libra dreams of his girl in all with him agreed. Therefore, she needs to try not to join him in disputes. Try not to show directly that any situation is not satisfied with you, but, on the contrary, agree with your faithful.
  8. Refuse to criticize your beloved person born under the constellation of the scales. Instead, praise it as much as possible. Remember that absolutely any remark on your address such a man will be perceived as a tragedy.
  9. Another advantage will be a sympathy for your person from his friends and relatives. Such a man is experiencing greatly, whether his entourage will approve of his entourage.
  10. And in order to satisfy the beloved man-scale sex, you need to wear beautiful underwear, as well as show tenderness and delicacy. Then you can count on constant attention and affection on his part.

What will pushing the male scales from you?

Pay attention to the following items, because they describe everything that will make your chances of love with men-scales zero:

  • untidy appearance;
  • bad taste;
  • Too bright make-up and causing manner dress;
  • aggression, sharp and coarse behavior manner;
  • tendency to criticize;
  • When a girl does not show his natural attraction and mystery;
  • stiffness in bed;
  • consumption in speech of mothers;
  • The desire to constantly control it.

Remember also to cause interest and sympathy in men-scales - it is only half of the success. But to keep such a person - the task is more comprehensive, serving with whole art. To do this, you need to show your femininity, softness, causality and sincere admiration for a man. In no case, do not press the belief, and also do not require it to fulfill any obligations.

A positive effect will be achieved only if you are very soft, tender and caring. Give your favorite constant attention. A strong approaching factor will perform joint travel, rest, gatherings with relatives and loved ones.

At the end of the topic, look at the interesting stock footage about the man-scale:

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