The meaning of Maya is the uniqueness of the origin and the horoscope in time


The main secret woman with the name of Maya is a changeable character. What else hides the meaning of the names? After all, the surrounding emphasis seems principled. However, a cute girl with a spring name is not an easy character, there is a constant change of principles focused on momentary benefits.


Uniqueness of origin

The Maja names, which causes the spring associations, can be called a record holder in the number of theories of origin:
  • In the Greek version, the name personifies the Greek goddess, correlates with the word Mother;
  • According to Latin roots, the word is associated with the Spring Month May, the goddess of fertility;
  • In accordance with the philosophy of Hinduism, the word is interpreted as an illusion, a leadership of a world order.

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According to the Jewish version, the value of the names is translated as water. In the Slavic mythology, Maya Zlatogorku was called the daughter of the Siberiana. In the light of the Mother's cult in the pagan mythology, Maya was called the Golden Mother, Golden Baba. I was identified with the mother of the world.

Characteristics of spring names-forming

The goddess of spring is not so many brief and affectionate forms of name. The girl can be called Tag, Mayuna, Mayusha, in a softer form, the name is pronounced as May. In the countries of Northern Europe, the name is considered an abbreviated version of the female name Maria or Marianna, Manfia, Main.


  • The name belongs to the zodiacal sign;
  • The Patron Planet is the moon;
  • The color value corresponds to a lemon yellow shade;
  • Magic plants are called magnolia and calendula;
  • The patron saint of the name is considered a bee;
  • Topaz chosen talisman chose.
All the signs and rites of the spring month Mai refer to the name of Maya, but there are no names for carrier, since the name does not mean in the Catholic saints or in the Orthodox nameslo.

Themes of Character:

  • The positive values ​​include mobility and sociability of a temperamental woman filled with energy;
  • Among the negative traits are ambition, the desire to be the center of attention, if not succeeded, the lady becomes envious, does not restrain the malice.

The coquetful carrier has a strong and volitional character, the meaning of the name is manifested in the desire to lead in everything. The stubborn Maya will not help offend himself, but the jealous of the recession of the emotions, which sometimes complicates her life. The namesman is suitable for girls who are born under the sign of Taurus, he fieces the meaning of negative features, making Mesheka more peaceful and patient.


Meaning of the Maya name in the stages of life

The movable and active child prefers the boys peers. School years are surprised by a tendency to literature and languages, but the meaning of the name shows a bad behavior. Adult woman over the years will learn to control his explosive character.

Combat childhood

Since childhood, a cute girl seeks to manage the surrounding, in games with boys skillfully doubting them. Due to the indomitable nature of the Tag, it is difficult to upbringing, but the value of parental authority does not deny. An amateur permanent change in life easily overcomes problems, although not friendly with discipline. How birth time affects the character:

  • Born in winter the girl will grow emotional, but stubborn;
  • Autumn Mayusha fate will give a decisive character, hardly working;
  • Born in summer a girl will be sociable, but very proud;
  • From the Spring Mauni it is worth expecting care, sensuality.

Particularly seriously given by T-shirts of school years due to the need to obey. The blow to pride turns into the development of such a feature of character, like a trick, but no meanness and capriciousness.

Character of adult lady

In an adult Maya, the characteristics of the character change little, overpriced vitality against the background of impulsion adds vital problems. The coat of offense and the unwillingness to lose brings strongly experiences to volitional Maya. A cold woman with a bright appearance fate does not reward an abundance of friends because of the overestimated requirements for others and waiting for admiration. With those who are attempted on the pride of the carrier name, it is ready to even quarrel.

Professional inclinations

Inability to make work qualitatively does not allow Maye to achieve career take-off on time. However, in the second half of life, due to the originality of thinking, a woman can be a good manager who seek from subordinate results. Despotism is not peculiar to the responsible leader, the business woman learned how to restrain the storm of emotions.

Value of personal relationships and family

  • Neither one man does not stand before the elegant coquette of the attractive appearance, fate gives the girl a lot of fans. The carrier of the spring name is not capable of long-term relationships, but it is in search of an ideal man. Passion will be connected with Viktor, Arseny, Kuzma. Good compatibility fate will present with Yaroslav, Vladimir, suitable George, Peter and Leonid. With Valery, Nikon, Adrian relationships will be complex.
  • To create a family, the demanding lady chooses a non-conflict partner who will obey it in everything. Finding your ideal, Maya will never let such a man. Operating a spouse, a special love for him, Maya does not demonstrate, but it can be called a decent mistress at home. A welcoming woman is peculiar to concern for relatives, it responsibly refers to the upbringing of children.

Interestingly, the lack of high sensual heat in the relationship of Maya and his spouse do not lead to the destruction of the family. The preservation of marriage is the attachment of spouses to their own children, especially if the husband respects the principles of his wife.


Famous Maja Name

  • About Plisetskaya talented ballerina (1925), the Bolshoi Theater knows the whole world.
  • Georgian chess player Chiburdanidze (1961) was lucky enough to receive the title of world champion.
  • Bulgakov (1932) Family lovers and theatrical performances know as a talented actress.
  • The pop singer Kristalinsky (1932) with a difficult destiny called the tenderness of Soviet times.
  • The specialization of the Russian archaeologist Maya Abramova (1932) was Sarmati.

Horoscope of spring names-forming

  1. Aries - balanced girl with a calm character of a lonely lover.
  2. Taurus - suffering from misunderstanding the surrounding business ladies, devoid of close friends.
  3. Gemini - mysterious nature, but closed and timid, distinguished by the inconstancy of views.
  4. Cancer is extremely serious special, stealing without initiative, but with generosity.
  5. The lion is limitlessly devoted to work a woman who does not know how to arrange a personal life.
  6. Virgo is a multifaceted person, prone to pedanticity, as well as entrepreneurship.
  7. Scales - the meaning of the name rewards with a restrained and calm character, openness.
  8. Scorpio - Fate gave a hot-tempered character with notes of aggression, even peeling.
  9. Sagittarius - concerned about his health man without bad habits, but with ideals.
  10. Capricorn - under the mask of ice tranquility hiding the waters of the soul, deprived of tenderness.
  11. Aquarius - fate gave a friendly character, does not tolerate cruelty and height.
  12. Fish is an unnecessarily critical nature, arrogantly holds up with people, hiding a vulnerable soul.

In childhood, Mayun often sick infectious and skin diseases, the hypothermia ends with bronchitis. Matured Maya need to take care of the nervous system, follow the health of the heart, do not ignore the recommendations of the doctors. In the light of the name of the woman, the immunity should be strengthened due to the tendency to allergies.

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