The meaning of Gulnara is fate and character


According to linguists, the female name Gulnara - Arabic origin. Literary specialists translate this name as a "like flower". The literal translation is "Pomegranate Flower". It consists of two roots: Gul - "Flower" and Anar - "fruit of a pomegranate tree."

The greatest distribution in the Russian Federation is the name in Tatarstan and Bashkiria. Gulnara also has widespread in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan.

Young woman

One of the main features of the carrier of this name is the ability from early childhood to build thoughtful plans and strategies, to show the originality of thinking and resourcefulness, look at things under a non-standard angle.

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At the same time, Gulnara names are inherent in such qualities as an inner cold, even cold-rod, fertility, a clear mind and understanding of clear behavior restrictions.

The owner of this name is always superimposed by methods and means to achieve their goals. Also inherent in the cheerfulness, emotionality, bright and sophisticated sense of humor, but they are able to express these qualities, they are far from all - for this requires sincere sympathy on their part.

Various variations and form names

Gulnara's female name has its abbreviated, diminity, derivatives, and synonyms. Abbreviated Gulnara can be called as follows: Gulya, Nara, Narik, gel.

A series of synonyms names: Gulnaria, Gulnar, Gelnar, Gulnarid, Gulianar, Gulnar.

Reductantly-gusty forms: Gulnar, Gulechok, Gleenka, Gulnarkchik, Gulnar, Gulnar.

Mystery of the character of Gulnara

The surrounding people often celebrate honesty, reliability, responsibility, conscientiousness, as well as the stability of this woman. In emergency situations, it quickly takes faithful solutions, knows how to rebuilt under new circumstances and quickly adapt to them.

It is in such circumstances that its most outstanding character traits appear - the resourcefulness, creativity of thinking and ingenuity. One of the main talents of Guli is the ability to create ideas and embody them into reality. However, this girl is simply necessary to set large goals in front of them and pour their own plank, otherwise it will not reach success.

With flowers

Another distinctive feature of this girl is her talents. It is endowed with good memory, which allows it to successfully learn and receive good grades, teach tongues, history and other humanitarian items. Also, a creative start is pronounced in it - she knows how to write poems, dance or sing.

Often becomes a soul of the company thanks to his acute sense of humor. Can capture the mood of the collective and adjust it. If someone in her presence burned, will certainly comfort and cheer this person.

Fate awaiting Gulnara

From an early age, the girl named Gulnara is characterized by activity and mobility. During this period of life, any work related to the abatibility is not suitable for it. Adults often mark her cheerfulness, activity and not children's sharp sense of humor - already since childhood she can laugh his parents with its jokes.

This girl is very emotional, however, with age, its quality will almost completely disappear. The child is very sociable and easily comes into contact with new acquaintances. It is hard and painfully tolerate loneliness, almost always needs the company of peers.


In school years, learning will be given to her with variable successes, since, on the one hand, it is superbly remembered by a listened and read material, and on the other, it does not always listen and reads it, preferring to turn in the clouds and think about how the change will begin soon And she will be able to re-entertain with classmates. This innocent activity is to blame.

Becoming an adult, this girl will gain the prerequisitiveness, which she always lacked. It will become more serious and responsible. However, painstaking work still scares and pushes it. From the advantages, it can be noted that over the years it does not go through its society.

Esoteric characteristics and name

For the surrounding people, its principle is often becoming a surprise. Nobody expects an unshakable position and spirituality of the girl from light and enjoyable in communication between the girl, however, if some question for Gulnara is truly principled, it can go for any measures to be decided fair, in her opinion, way.
  • Planet patron - Moon.
  • Animal talisman - duck.
  • Plant-talisman - water lily.
  • Stone Talisman - Marcazit.
  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • The name of the name is pale yellow.

The name of the owner of this name is not noted, because it is missing in the lists of Orthodox sacraments.

Gulnara in love, family and career

Gulnara almost never remains lonely. In her life, one after another appear new workers, partners and fans. According to former partners, it does not bored and does not suffer, since the fans of its originality and attractiveness are always. However, not everyone can withstand her character.

This girl is extremely demanding for its partners. In romantic relationships often becomes the leader. Can roll a large scandal if at least for a second doubt the loyalty of his chosen one.

Marry, as a rule, it turns out quite late. She needs to be well to make sure of its choice. However, like its partner, since not every man is able to live with this emotional and temperamental woman for a long time. From the age ceases to keep the ideal husband in the head and becomes less demanding towards the beloved.

In the field of professional activity, it will never ever know the problems. These women, as a rule, necessarily find work in the soul and are engaged in the chosen case with pleasure. If the employer does not limit its framework, it can create a truly brilliant and fundamentally new project.

Relationship Compatibility

The union of the middle fortress, the duration and power of feelings of this girl will arise in relations with such men, like: Alexander, Ruslan, Dmitry, Semyon, Mikhail, Nikolai, Daniel, Kirill, Anton, Lev, Ivan, Yaroslav, Andrei, Konstantin and Paul.

An unfavorable Union will be with men whose name is: Nikita, Artyom, Ilya, Alexey, Makar, Gregory, Denis, Evgeny, Vladislav and Roman.

Famous carriers name

Among the owner of this name there are such well-known women as Gulnara Abichev - Kazakh film critic, Gulnara Zairova - a journalist, Gulnara Karimov - daughter of the President of Uzbekistan.

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