The meaning of Alik - options for fate and character features


Alik's name has Armenian roots and translates as a "wave". This name is widespread in different countries among Muslims, Christians, so it is attributed to the different meaning. It can mean "noble", "sublime", "generous", "Higher class".

Alik does not mark the day of the angel, as it is not listed among the calendar names of the Orthodox sacraments. Women's form name - Alia or Alik.

General characteristic name and horoscope

  • Sign of the zodiac corresponding to the name - lion.
  • Stone-charm - diamond.
  • Tree, giving power and energy, - sequoia.
Alik is a serious, thoughtful person. It has degradability, insight, becomes independent early and strives for self-development. This person is able to put for himself a fairly high bar and methodically go to the goal. Even if the baby is born in a disadvantaged family, he is able to choose the right path and achieve a high position in society.

Childhood and Youth Alik - Talents and Preferences

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Alik is a very open and friendly kid. He calmly goes on contact with other people's people, not frightening and hiding for his parents. This positive guy is ready to captivate any adult with its tricky questions, outstanding games or just conversation.


The boy has been striving for a surrounding from an early age, where he will be comfortable, interesting, informative and fun. Alik's parents are quite adequate, not capricious. Relatives easily educate this guy, because he tries not to create them problems, but on the contrary, help and maintain in everything.

Alik always responsive, grateful to those who make him good. But the evil and the cunning of people can answer the same. It seems very balanced, a calm young man can easily get involved in a fight and take revenge on the offender. But this behavior is characterized only when the situation comes out from under control.

The older is Ali, the more often he tries to solve issues without the use of physical strength. This boy is a born speaker and master of eloquence. He can not only speak beautifully and competently, but also has his own clear position.

This young man is very difficult to convince anything, its judgments are not built on simple speculations, but on the knowledge and experience of wise people. He likes to read, he has good memory, a wide range. In school, it does not focus on high estimates on subjects, paying more attention to those sciences that are more interest.

The boy is able to learn very well, but does not show high ambitions or thirst for vanity. In high school, his practicality, love for power and secured life begins to manifest. It can easily use someone from the peers, wrapped the situation in a favorable side.

Ali safely finishes school and enters the higher educational institution. By this time it is already determined with a future profession. Such people are successful in many areas related to communications.

Alik is able to reveal its potential in the field of journalism, jurisprudence, pedagogy. Not surprisingly, if this young man finds himself in a completely different sphere, for example, in sports. After all, it has sufficient perseverance, perseverance and good physical data.

Professional implementation, family and health

At the middle age, Alik is already able to achieve good results in the career. This person is independent in views, actions, quite authority. He is able to influence the opinion and behavior of others, organize people and achieve high results in the team. Alik is a leader that can lead and manage, in another role it is likely to be less successful and effective.


Ali - Nature passionate, in addition to work, he surely seeks to acquire an interesting hobby. He likes to know everything new. He may be interested in painting, art, cooking or foreign languages. All that he masters and comprehends can easily turn into a new business and an additional source of income.

The owner of this name is one of those who can independently organize and successfully conduct a profitable business. And all because it is comprehensively developed, it is sensitive to all environmental changes, political, economic conditions, flexible to change and resourceful in making operational solutions.

Alik is often a secured and wealthy person. He perceives money, rather, not as a way to enrich, but the possibility of further development. He loves comfort, prosperity, and it is imperative that his family does not need anything.

In personal relations, Alik behaves very restrained and modestly, although it has great opportunities in choosing brides. He is not used to leading a celebratory lifestyle, bathing in female caresses and hugs. But, choosing a companion, of course, will give preference to the one that will be tender, loving and attentive to it.

Alik's family also exhibits authority, imposing his will and desire. He is accustomed to him to obey, and can easily intervene in the affairs of households, destroying their plans. From spouse and children, he is waiting for support and understanding. Speak and disagree with its rules means losing his love and patronage.

Ali adheres to high moral principles, usually devoted to the spouse, showing care and attention to it. Roman on the side it can only start if the feelings for his wife are completely dried. But this person is not able to weave intrigue and, rather, honestly confessed.

The ideal compatibility of Alik is possible with women named: Alla, Victoria, Hope, Daria, Tatiana, Anfisa, Elena. It is worth avoiding serious relationship with Alina, Anastasia, Elvira, Christina.

Alik's children prefers to raise strictly, not balusing unnecessary gifts or pocket money. He tries to teach them to independence, paying a lot of attention to their education.

Alik prefers to live below the city of urban space. With age, more and more time spends in the garden or greenhouse, where fruit trees, vegetables or flowers grown.

Alik has many friends, among which are good, simple and mental people. He is always ready to support parents, providing not only material assistance, but also gives them their own presence.

With age, even gaining high status and financial independence, this man is not able to lose human qualities that are so important in our cynical world. He feels very lies and hypocrisy, so it is difficult to mislead it. Even if Alik will be in a difficult situation, he will always find a reasonable way out of it.

Alik is not inclined to fall into depression, does not have addiction to harmful habits, inclinations. What he lacks - to be sometimes more delicate and restrained, not to interfere in someone else's life and affairs of friends, relatives, subordinates. He loves to give advice even in the case when he is absolutely asked about it.

Alik health is quite strong and stable. This active person is not able to lose heart and complain about malaise, preferring to lead an active lifestyle. But if the pain is not retreating, it will fight and believe in a quick recovery.

Famous people named Alik

  • Alik Baldwin - actor Hollywood, representative of the talented dynasty of actors, director, screenwriter, film actor comedy and dramatic genre.


  • Alik Granovsky - the creator of the group "Aria", Rock musician, bassist.
  • Alik Gershon is a talented chess player, grandmaster, immigrated to Israel.
  • Alik Sargsyan is a state and politician from Armenia.
  • Alik Rivin is the Russian poet of the twentieth century.

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