Number of name Mark - character, fate and health


The popular theory of the origin of the male name Mark is from the Latin word "hammer", symbolizing resistance and hardness of character. The name Mark is very common worldwide, in some countries it is pronounced differently: Portugal - Marcos, Denmark - Markus, Italy - Marco, Latvia - Marx, Lithuania - Marcas, Poland - Marek, Finland - Marcca.

The diminutive form of name: Markush, Maca, Marcuha, Marik, Masya.

Mark Angel's Day according to the Orthodox calendar celebrates 25 times a year, each month, except December.



Pros: endurance, warning, caring, hardworking.

Cons: despotism, egoism, secrecy.


The Child Mark is growing difficult in communicating, until the latter defends his opinion, even the wrong thing, and does not explain why so decided. Often compensates, stubborn, demands from native attention to himself. Does not want to play alone. Able to manipulate people, well knowing their weaknesses. With it undesirable to go shopping, without a toy purchased for him, it will not leave there. Energy in the brand is at least debugging, does not get tired of playing moving games, be sure to company.

School years, brand because of natural nonsense is given hard, if he still copes with the exact sciences due to its intelligence, then in the humanitarian sciences frankly floats. But shows incredible successes in sports due to their endurance and activity. In addition, Mark loves to go to various circles, especially on vocals, possessing nature with a great voice. It has excellent intuition, if it is able to develop them, he can become a stab. If some science will hooked at the Institute of Mark, he can devote all his life to her.

Many negative features of character take place for adult age, some of them like selfishness, he can mask for politeness and goodwill. After careful work on himself, Mark can become an excellent diplomat who can convince people in their rightness and make compromises.

With age, the secrecy brand will only increase, even close will not know about his thoughts. Friends only with those who can bring to him in life and work. With age, it appears a desire to collect art objects. Just travels, where it prefers to go alone, enjoying familiarcing with new countries, their custom, architecture.


Health in Mark Bogatyrskoe, a cold bypass by side. There is a tendency to Handra, nervous breakdowns. Mark is not from those who avoid hospitals, with the slightest sign of malaise, he immediately appeals to the doctor. Thanks to this, Mark keeps excellent health to the oldest.



Work at Mark occupies an important place in life, it is important for him to achieve success in it, show its significance. It can become an excellent leader in the team thanks to the talent of diplomacy. It can become an excellent politician, traveler. Monotonous work will not stand for a long time. Finance is trembling, does not like to give in debt. If you give, it will soon require them back. Mark usually reaches financial well-being.


From an early age, success in women, which changes easily, not remembering the previous one. But marrying them and does not think they are for him - a means of entertainment.

A family

The wife will choose an obedient and quiet woman who will never reach her husband to download their rights. For him, the main thing is the order and comfort in the house, for the sake of this it will contain the seven properly. He loves his children, but because of the workload at work it gives a little time. Usually, the children are engaged in the children.

Compatibility with female names


  • Excellent: Veronica, Larisa, Anastasia, Anna, Varvara.
  • Bad: Yana, Ksenia, Alice, Victoria, Svetlana.


Days of Angel Mark.

[Namena Name = "Mark"]

Horoscope named Marc

  1. Aries - persistent, unbalanced. Defends his opinion to the last. From conflicts does not get out, but not malicious. It can become a wonderful husband and father, but life will not be difficult with him.
  2. Taurus - reasonable, volitional. Calm, all things do not rush, innovations are not welcomed, it is hard to adapt to them. It will work out a great family man who knows how to provide his family.
  3. Gemini - secretly, restless. He likes when he is praised, a weakwall, puffy, unreasonable. In communication is a pleasant, light-rise, can quickly assemble a suitcase and go on a journey. Family life with him will be difficult to build, can change a few wives.
  4. Cancer - sensitive, touchy. Slowly goes to his goal, avoids the responsibility. Loves to dig in your feelings. With difficulty, adapts to everything new, marry once and for all.
  5. Lion - decisive, selfish. He has a chic lifestyle, because of which it is often experiencing material difficulties. Jealous, does not tolerate when they are wrapped. He marries a modest, calm woman who does not give him a reason for jealousy.
  6. Virgo - hardworking, decent. Lives according to laws, moral standards, tries not to break them, love to criticize. At work, always achieves goals. His wife will be able to become an economical, responsible woman who is not accustomed to live on a wide leg.
  7. Scales - positive, non-conflict. It has a gift of diplomacy, strives for internal harmony, is lazy, selfish. He marries the calculation, for the sake of prosperous life, from his wife and children will not require a lot.
  8. Scorpio - passionate, energetic. Able to manipulate people for the sake of personal gain. Everything in life is achieved by his work, never gives up, goes to the end. He marries a submissive woman who does not mind him.
  9. Sagittarius - idealist, optimistic. For the sake of loved ones will go to everyone, sacrifice the last money. He loves compliments and praise, they increase confidence in it. Family man will be bad because of non-visibility to everyday life, but the father will be wonderful.
  10. Capricorn is a purposeful, discreet. Sees life in real tone, hides his feelings and emotions, pleased with small. Will be able to achieve financial well-being. Family for him in the first place will be a great husband and father.
  11. Aquarius is unpredictable, insecure. Dreams of stability in life, which he does not happen. With all the forces avoid any responsibility. It throws from extreme to extreme. Women love and change them as gloves, it will not be faithful to their wife.
  12. Fish - compliant, romantic. Heavy resentment for the years. Because of the impressionability and vary from the side may seem a strange person. Love, until it finds that the most, can change women until the oldest.


  • Planet - Venus.
  • The name of the name is red.
  • Time of year - Spring.
  • Happy week of week - Friday.
  • Happy number - 9.
  • Metal - platinum.
  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Element - water.
  • Totem animal - Yak.
  • Plant - Portulak.
  • Tree - Aralia.
  • Mineral Talisman - Porfire.

Famous people named Mark

  • Mark Anticoline - Russian sculptor.
  • Mark Alan Webber is an Australian race car driver.
  • Mark Ayzer is a Soviet scientist.
  • Mark Bernstein - Soviet Doctor of Physical Sciences.
  • Mark Sable - Soviet poet.

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