Meaning of the name Guzel - features of character and options for fate


The name Gusel has Turkic-Tatar roots and means "beautiful", "charming", "beautiful." Since this is the name of Muslim, Gusel notes the day of the angel and is not among the Orthodox calendar holidays.

Childhood and Youth Gusel - how the character is manifested and talents are revealed

Guzel - spoiled and fighting baby, accustomed to the fact that parents fulfill all her desires. It is not surprising, because the owner of the name is often the late and long-awaited child in the family.


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Often, the image of the Guzel fully corresponds to the name of the name. This girl has a bright and expressive appearance, correct and refined features of the face, graceful and plastic figure.

Guly, since childhood, gets used to the positive reaction of adults on its appearance. She enchants her charm, sociability and goodwill. Its accustomed to the role of universal favorite, she understands that it can easily use it for their own mercenary purposes.

Gusel is an easily susceptible and emotional girl. She just hide the true intentions with his charming smile or bitter tears, manipulating others and achieving goals.

In school years, the Guly is very popular among peers. She is loved for the beautiful sense of humor, artistry, fiction and resourcefulness. But this girl is not so simple, as it seems. She is a cunning, mustache and know what she wants to in this life. She has few friends among the peers, as classmates see it, rather, a dangerous rival than a faithful comrade.

Possessing a wide outlook, competent speech and visual memory, it easily absorbs the material passed. But the Guzel lacks the perpetuity and patience to perform scrupulous and monotonous labor.

This beautiful person is inclined to study humanitarian objects, is interested in literature, art, loves the theater and visiting exhibitions. The older this girl becomes, the more publicity want her. She enjoys the attention of men, the circle of her close friends mainly consists of guys.

Student years Gusel

Gulya loves to flirt and flirting, but it is rather part of its grand plan for the conquest of space, and not a tendency to immoral behavior. Gulya - even though the spoiled child, she is well brought up, knows how to keep and honor the traditions of his people.

Gusel has good organizational abilities, easily converges with people, always friendly and immediately has to pleasant communication. In the student, this energetic girl can take on social work and deftly cope with the duties.

Gulya can surprise his sympathy and will to victory. Thanks to this quality, the owner named after Guzel can achieve a lot, rising high by the career ladder. What it is feared - excessive scrupuls and anxiety. The girl is inclined to bring himself to the state of the nervous breakdown in the event that her work will be in fiasco.

Gulya is a real innovator and a generator of ideas. But for her idea to have a logical completion and embodied in life, she must work in a team that will complement the qualities necessary to implement a successful project.

In many ways, the external data helps its external data. She deftly uses this advantage in adulthood, causing many pain men. The girl is able to quickly fall in love with a young man, encouraging in the reciprocity of feelings, but after a short time to disappoint his insincerity.

Young woman

The older it becomes a guly, the more it appreciates his own independence, independence and stops all sorts of encroachment on her freedom, opinion, lifestyle. The moment when she wishes to assert and find their way for self-realization.

Professional implementation, love, health

After thirty years, Gusel is a self-sufficient and independent woman. Any field of activity of Guli can be a great way to express yourself, show the potential, opportunities and ensure a stable source of income.

This lady will most likely not become a narrow specialist in the sphere where the maximum accuracy, discipline and compliance with strictly regulations is required. But the Guly can surprise with his business qualities and skills of the head. It has an entrance, energy and that force that can move the masses in the right direction, solving the tasks set.

Its good organizational abilities, a sense of measure, exquisite taste can be useful in many areas related to the field of hospitality, leisure, trade or technology introduction.

Personal life Gusel may experience both ups and falls. This sensual nature is ready to love and be true, but often it is too demanding to the partner both in sexual terms and in the organization of life.

Gulya will not tolerate a number of man leading a celebrating lifestyle, not aspiring to earn and provide his family. But if there is a weak oligarch nearby - this is also not its option. For this East woman, regular intimate proximity is a very important point of marriage agreement.

Gusel may be in search of a lover or enter the marriage relationship. But her first marriage is most likely not the only one. She though adheres to Eastern traditions, but it is not inclined to wait for the life of mercy on its own and quickly decides on divorce.

If this girl is lucky enough to meet that the only thing, Gul surpasses all the expectations of his man. Love is able to make her tender, devoted, sincere, faithful and caring. It lies the perfect mistress and affectionate mother.


The ideal compatibility of Gusel is possible with men named: Ivan, Alexander, Andrei, Timofey, Sergey, Grigory, Makar, Timur, Evgeny, Roman, Daniel, Leonid, Vladimir. Avoid serious relationships with Artem, Ilya, Nikita, Vladislav, Alexei, Mikhail.

For a while, this woman is ready to plunge exclusively in home care and deeds, drawing up their home, creating comfort and comfort. In her house, it is always nice to be relatives and friends, knowing that in a pleasant and relaxed conversation they taste luxurious homemade.

But the spouse of this charming parties will have to be a little nervous, because there are always a lot of fans around the hum. Over the years, this woman only flourishes, glad the eye of the male half of colleagues, friends or acquaintances.

Gusel is not ready to exchange prestigious and highly paid job on the family. She always tries to abide by the balance between work affairs and homemade houses. Sometimes the career will prevail in her life, which will cause a spouse discontent.

In the upbringing of children, Gulya relies on her husband, considering her main duty so that the children would always be neglected, fed and healthy.

Money for hums are of great importance. She was not accustomed to refuse, and she always has big expenses for their own needs. She teaches her offspring, why they can become mediocre to early independence, preferring to live for a parental account.

The health of the Gusel throughout the life will not always be stable. She often exhausts themselves with diets or starvation. This can lead to a failure of metabolism or diseases of the nervous system. At an older age, problems with vision or hearing problems can be disturbed.

Famous women named Guzel

  • Gusel Mustafina - actress of cinema and theater of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Guzel Manyurova - an athlete of the Russian team of freestyle wrestling, the Olympic champion;
  • Gusel Shakirzyanova - Honored Actress Tatarstan, Artist of the Theater of the Young Spectator.

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