Meaning name Martin: fate, character, good luck and failure


In the older generation, this name is firmly associated with Soviet cartoons. First, let me remember the "Martynko" of 1987, Edward Nazarova, and secondly, the "enchanted boy", the cartoon of 1955 about Niels and geese (Martin called one of the key characters). But if you approach this name more seriously: what does it give to its owner in esoteric, fateful terms?


Meaning and etymology

The Romans had a generic name "Martinus". It was very militant, meant "God belonging to God, Mars." It was it that he gave rise to this name, and not only it. "Brothers" of this name are Marcel, Mark, Markian.

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It gives patronymic: Martinovich (Martynch), Martinovna.

For friends and relatives, he: March, Martik, Martyn, Martynko, Martynchik, Marik, Martyish, Martyusha, Mark, Marchik.

In other cultures, it sounds like: Martin (writes the same, but it sounds almost like Martyn, the emphasis falls on the last syllable - Ukraine), Marcin (writhe Martsyn, Belarus), Marty (Finland), Morten (Denmark), Martin (France), Martino (Italy).

What character gives his owner

Strengths: This is an independent opinion, a manifold person who simply sprinkles with vital energy. He is a born leader - a purposeful, who knows how to light others with its inner fire.

This man has a strong intuition to which he listens (and does it right). He has an analytical mind. In the soul he is a pedant.

Weak: He is an egoist, and also touchy. Loves when everyone comes only by his desire. To change the opinion of another person, March is sometimes ready to even rush to him with fists. From equilibrium it can withdraw other morals.

Sometimes on the way to goal, this man does not understand the methods so much that instead of reaching the conceived makes a lot of annoying mistakes. At such moments it dishes and closes in himself.

This is how the fate of Martin is changing as they grow

  • Childhood. This is a society, which runs a lot, but is not overcpending. He is very independent. Parent's authority for him is often nothing. And if mom needs to convince him to be convicted into something, she is not worth a belt, but a few dozens of convincing arguments and great patience.
  • School. In school, it reaches good results, and all thanks to the perfection and congenital referees. He practices loves accurate sciences. Literature also "pulls", but most likely, in order not to spoil the certificate. He loves sports (any), although riding on competitions and chasing the medal is not very configured. However, if it starts to train from childhood and makes a lot of effort, it can achieve world-class in sports.
  • Youth. This sociable guy is still in no hurry to take a leading place in the company. It does not complex, just a little shy. For this (as well as for the calm nature and reluctance to "show out" and exhibit) and love friends.
  • Mature years. This man is a sample of domestic dignity. He is an excellent worker, sometimes forgetting to go on vacation (he even may take a "homework").

Astrology and esoterica


  • The perfect zodiac sign: Scales (birth time - from September 23 to October 23).
  • Color name: brown.
  • Planet, providing patronage: Mars.
  • Stone, in Hands or Martha House, turning into a talisman: Avenue (in the photo).
  • The plants are overlap: Luki and Mirt.
  • Animal name: Antelope.

Name Day:

  • April 27 in Orthodox, April 14, Catholics. This day is honored with St. Martin, Roman dad.
  • October 25, the Orthodox, October 12, Catholics. The holy of this day is Martin gracious, living in France in the 4th century. He became famous thanks to the support of the poor and healing prayers.

This is how this guy will go in different situations:

  • Love. Martin can change the girlfriends, sincerely afraid of marriage, until it falls in love with a truly.
  • A family. He is a spouse, what to search: reliable, gentle, caring. And besides, he also becomes excellent. The only thing: it is very demanding. Yes, he will never make a spouse, a child or even subordinate to other people's people, but, remaining with them alone, be sure to express than unhappy. However, in relation to himself, he also never lowers the planks, so you are hardly throwing him "whose would be so cow".
  • Job. Entrepreneur or leader from God. He rarely trusts comrades in service or partners, only to themselves. And grief subordinates if they become the sleeves later!
  • Health. Everything is just fine here. The only one: an active guy (especially engaged in sports) can take a truly Olympic load on himself, and this is fraught with injuries or simply "wear" of the body.

What kind of woman everything will be formed, and which only "eats" in life and leave

An ideal pair for Martin: Amalia, Victoria, Elena, Inga, Nina, Maria, Martha (this name, by the way, is not at all relevant to the Roman God of War), Svetlana, Polina, Ulyana.

The spouse of this person needs to be remembered: he often acts as a real "Othello", even if the wife behaves like a sample of decency.

Not bad compatibility (although not without some "jambs" and work on errors): Alina, Albina, Violetta, Jeanne, Irina, Irma, Natalia, Carolina.

It would be a bad idea with this lady with this lady: Angelica, Bella, Barbara, Vasilisa, Isolde, Christina, Stephanie, Julia, Yana.

Famous media of this name


  1. Martin Rabelle (1925-1998) - a scientist from America, for the opening in medicine and physiology received the Nobel Prize.
  2. Martin Cooper (1928) - Engineer from America, a successful mobile phone developer.
  3. Marton Chokash (1966) - Actor from New Zealand, is also shot in the United States. Famous films: "Three Iks", "Lord of the Rings", "Eon Flaks". By nationality, Hungarian.
  4. Martin Pierre Broder (1972) - Hockey Goalkeeper from Canada. Olympic champion.
  5. Martin Koch (1982) - skier, jumper from a springboard, champion of the world and the Olympiad. Austrian.
  6. Martin Freeman (1971) - a British actor, is also filmed in the United States. Star Roles: Films "Real Love", "Armagedes", "Hobbit", TV series "Sherlock", "Fargo".
  7. Martin Ford (1982) - British actor cinema, bodybuilder.
  8. Martin Vucich (1982) - Pop singer from Macedonia. Represented his country on Eurovision in 2005.
  9. Martin Mkrtchyan (1984) - pop singer from Armenia.
  10. Martin Harrix (1996) - DJ from the Netherlands. In 2017, he was recognized as the best in his profession.
  11. Martyn Kravziv (1990) is a Ukrainian grandmaster, a world-famous chess player.

In addition, it is impossible not to remember the names of Martin's surname:

  1. Ricky Martin (1971) - Pop singer from Puerto Rico. It has 95 platinum songs.
  2. George Martin (1948) is a writer from the USA, genres - fantasy, fantasy. It was by his works that the Saga "Game of Thrones" was lifted.
  3. Din Martin (1917-1955) - actor, jazz singer from the United States.

More information Media of this name or parents choosing a name for the future (just born) Son, can draw in this cognitive video:

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