Name of Mila: Fate, Life and Women's Character Formation


The sonorous female name Mila has ambiguous interpretation. Some argue that the word came from the ancient Slavs and then "sweet, like honey." Others point to the value "cute" (gentle, pleasant to the eyes). In both cases - positive energy. It is often found, considered independent, although there is a version that this is a truncated form of ancient Russian Lyudmila. Most often, they were filled with girls who were still struck by their beauty from the diaper.


Names name

Church is not considered, but when baptized, a child is given consonant:
  • Melania;
  • Militsa;
  • Lyudmila.


  • Milushka;
  • Milash;
  • Milka;
  • Milka;
  • Milan.
Interesting! To a man, you can also contact a sweet, if he: Dobroil, Milong, vibrary, Milan.

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There are many synonymous closens in semantic content:

  • Miloslava;
  • MILL;
  • Milovor;
  • Milomir;
  • Milolyak;
  • Camila;
  • Radmila.

Some of them are considered to be outdated almost not used. In other languages:

  • 米拉 - Kit.
  • 巳 等 - Japanese. (Mira sounds).
  • Mildred (USA).
  • Mila - English.
  • Mil - Ukr., Belarus.
  • Mila - Rus, Bulge.
  • Míla-Czech.

Mila - Writing for a passport.

Character, the main features of the carrier named of Mila

The girl is famous for kindness, defenseless. She is honest, always trust those surrounding. Her loyalty to the chosen one is comparable to Swan. Often, angelic qualities bring sadness, misfortune. Milk loves to live beautifully, it is even somewhere considered non-serious. Very read, but absorbs all the books without a specific system.

As an adult special acquires a good grip in affairs. Puts a clear goal, it seems to be methodically. Despite the hardness of character, even becoming a solid woman, can give in to feelings. Adheres to the principles laid off from youth. Always operates in its own plan, not allowing other people's opinions, comments.

Character features, external data takes from the Father. Dreams are most often embodied due to sincere faith in them, an active desire. A good interlocutor is capable of locating. For native people, forgets about their difficult character and often manifests patience and condescension. Do not refuse it in insight into a more mature lifetime. She sees liars, fraudsters well.


For the name, Malka Fortuna always breaks his arms. The girl in incomprehensible way is simply lucky where others expand their foreheads. Even if the minimum forces were spent, a mad success or award could fall on it.

Loves people, but if a trustee suddenly deceives her expectations, there will be hypocritical, breaking with him all the connection once and for all. Nearby in life, only the most reliable, proven remaining. They love with its authority and even sharpness.

High performance allows you to take a comfortable niche in any field. Maybe several marriages. The house is usually welcoming, cozy. Healthy children.

Other characteristics, mystery

  • Zodiac - Lev, Virgo, Scales.
  • Happy stone - chrysoprase, sapphire (yellow).
  • Planet patron - Venus.
  • Color - Beige.
  • Plant - Chrysanthemum, Leschina.
  • Totem - Persian cat.
The main mystery is the construction of your own person to the pedestal.

Name Day - Angel Day

None of the Christian calendars are miles. This is due to the ancient origin of the word. Sometimes he is identified with the Holy Milita. Being prince, righteously the rule is its own possessions before the adhering of the heir. Then he rushed into a nun, and after the death of her grave, wonders who helped people took place.


Different sides of life

Not everything will just fold for young Milashi, although luck in many ways accompanies.

Love and family

Unfortunately, young Milash is waiting for disappointment in the first real feeling. Sex life begins hastily and early. However, it even happens with time thanks to the former lover for excellent memories and experience. Marriage occurs in love. Loneliness is not a lot of her. As a spouse, she keeps loyalty like a mistress - sensual and passionate. Even if it breaks up, does not swear, but continues to search, in her opinion, more worthy.

Maternity is very important. Almost an ideal wife, without tired, watches and landslide his nest. Very economic, but with unreasonable claims of family members will rebel, right up to parting. Love with your children, always ready for them to stand, sometimes even up to quarrels with other guys.


Milan is reasonable and will never risk financially. Very afraid of all sorts of litigation and problems with the law. Sometimes for this reason misses an excellent chance to get rich or take off through the career ladder.

The team, if necessary, will go on the heads of employees. Status is always of great importance. Even if the funds are complained, it will not be possible to engage in the affairs of it. Changes with complex work. Executive. It seeks noticeable success in art and as a business woman. The most interesting profession for her:

  • journalist;
  • Writer;
  • teacher;
  • advertising.

Name Mila

Health status

A woman is physically well developed, but her weak place is head. Pain in the back of the head, migraines - permanent ladies satellites. Often suffers with an exhausting insomnia, which affects its character not for the better.

As combined the name of a mila in relations with other names

The marriage of the girl with a young man may form differently, it is believed that in some cases it depends on the name of the chosen one:

Successful Unsuccessful
Albert. Plato
Andrey Ludwig
Adam Yuri.
Anatoly Gennady
Valery Boris.
Georgy. Kim.
Daniel Apollo
Zakhar. Zakhar
Oscar Niko

People who glorified the name

  • Mila Vellerson - musician, Cello (USA).
  • Mila Yovovich - actress cinema, model (USA).
  • Mila Kunis - Actress (Ukraine, USA).
  • Mila Nutich - Singer (Ukraine).

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