Meaning name Eldar: character, fate, compatibility with names, career


Many this name is associated with the famous Soviet director, so far from all parents hurry to give His son, immediately representing a funny fatman from the "Irony of Fate" or "Garage". However, the carriers of this name are also successful athletes, musicians, singers. And besides, this name very much like esoterics and astrologers. And that's what they can tell about him ...


Etymology of this name

  1. Scandinavian version of origin (main). If you believe that the root of this name was two words - "warrior" ("arr") and "fire" ("ELDR"), then it means "warrior from fire" or "Fire Warrior".
  2. Greek version. This name is an option of ancient Greek Illyodor ("Dar of Sun"). By the way, it is Christian, so it is he who receives most of the Eldarians when baptism.
  3. Turkic version. This is the option of Ildar popular in the eastern peoples. It is Persian, created from the symbiosis of the words "country" ("Il") and the "master" ("Dar"). That is, you need to understand it as a "owner in his own country", "Ruler". And if the word "il" is understood as "Illa", that is, "Allah", the name gets deciphering the "Dar of the Lord".
The name gives patronymic: Eldarovich (Elderych), Eldarovna.

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For friends and relatives, this guy: Edik, Elix, Darik, ile.

In other cultures, it may sound like: Ellar (Denmark), Ildar (Tatarstan, Bashkiria).

What character does it give up its owner?

Positive sides: this is a sensitive person, with a strongly developed intuition. He has an independent, strong temper. He is not in a hurry to command the rest, but he does not lead over himself.

He was never a whin, he does not like to bother friends with his own problems, not conflict. He has a calm temper. It is quite self-sufficient, that is, this man does not need a company - he is happy and alone with himself.

Weaknesses: Eldar idealist, so often can not evaluate the tasks set in front of him as much as possible. Through the "pink glasses" he looks at his strength. For example, it can promise something in full confidence that it will cope, and then will bring everyone.

Despite the showful coldness, this guy gives the opinion of other people. And if everything in the classroom or the working team will begin to criticize his new pants, he will stop being worn.

Natives can offend the fact that their son, a spouse or father does not miss them when parting. Therefore, the name carrier should not speak of their feelings.

This is how the fate of Eldar

  • Early childhood. It is very (some say that even too) a serious karapuz. He does not like to argue with her mother, defending his opinion, but if he does not want to wear a hat, it just won't make it. He loves to praise him, hugged, so trying over crafts, helps mom ... However, if you need to choose between the guaranteed praise parents or educators and personal principles, will choose the principles.
  • School. In the leaders (despite the strong temper) this boy does not break. He gets excellent marks, but only on condition that it is like that. Elix can succeed in technical sciences, but also to draw or sing it is also not bad.
  • Youth. He can surprise the peers in an interesting change of character: only yesterday he was persistent and active, and today nothing is bothering about anything, belonging to life with light Lenza.
  • Mature years. Despite the seriousness and self-sufficiency, one hundred percent introvert is impossible to name this man. He has excellent manners, a pleasant sense of humor. He gladly visits noisy companies, meets new people and supports old relationships. However, truly close friends he has only a few, "natural selection" of friends makes time.

Astrology, Esoterica

Purple stone

  • The best sign of the zodiac: Capricorn. Of course, Eldar can be called a baby who appeared in other months, but if this is the name to give a crumb that born from December 22 to January 20, the stars will promote him in everything since childhood to deep old age.
  • Color name: purple.
  • Planet, providing special patronage: Jupiter.
  • Stone, in the hands of Edica turning into a talisman: Amethyst (it is you can see it in the photo above).
  • Plants: From the trees is cypress, and from flowers - tulip.
  • Totem animal: Lan.

Angel's Day: It is not, since this name is not in the sacred books of Catholics or Orthodox. However, if you, when baptized, received the name or formore, can celebrate the name day four times a year. Namely: June 22, September 2, October 11, December 2 (Orthodox sacraticles).

This is how this guy arrives in different life pipes:

  • Relationship. It often happens that the first wife of this man turns out to be "driving" woman. After parting with her, he creates a marriage for the second time, this time is more successful.
  • A family. This is not a goal in the life of Eldar. He puts on his finger ring when an active woman marries him, and it may even be unexpectedly for Eldar (not to mention his relatives and friends). After visiting the registry office it turns out that this man is a real household. He will gladly mess around at home, improving the comfort of his family.
  • Children. With the baby, he will also try to manage ... True, Eldar is not a nanny, but the teacher from God. Therefore, truly even relations with children are coming when the latter will grow up. Dad becomes the best friend for them and remains for them for life.
  • Job. This is a hardworking person, and its motivation is not only money - it is important for him that labor brings pleasure. Good directions for him can be technique, literature, pedagogy.
  • Disease. As a child, this boy is very susceptible to allergies, so the parents are forced to monitor its nutrition, violating the dormitory grandmothers to do not feed the crumb to the chocolate on the site.

What kind of woman is to meet, and what will break the heart?

Excellent compatibility: Ariadne, Diana (Dina), Jeanne, Camilla, Zarema, Roxana, Susanna, Sati.

The spouse needs to be morally ready for the fact that she will have to share Eldar with another "opponent" - his career. His happy can make a woman with a soft temper (do not forget that a man does not tolerate pressure on himself, and also painfully transfers a quarrel).

Unsuccessful marriage: Gell, Bella, Marionella, Christina, Elvira.

Theses that glorify the name to the whole country


  1. Eldar Ryazanov (1927-2015) is a Soviet director who would be called cult in our time. It became famous for his comedies "Beware of the car", "the incredible adventures of Italians ...", "old men-robberry". However, the melodramas ("Station for Two") was not less successfully removed, and Drama ("Dear Elena Sergeyevna", "Cruel Romance").
  2. Eldar Shengeliya (1933) - actor, screenwriter and director from Georgia. He worked in different genres: a fairy tale, comedy, tragicomedy, drama.
  3. Salaev, Eldar Unice Ogly (1933) - an outstanding physicist from Azerbaijan.
  4. Eldar Ahadov (1960) is a poet and writer from Russia. Missed dozens of poetic collections.
  5. Eldar Nearsin (1974) is a pianist from Russia. Born in Tashkent.
  6. Eldar Dzhangirov (1987) is a jazz pianist. Born in Kyrgyzstan, by nationality, Tatar, acts in the United States, where emigrated.
  7. Eldar Dalgatov is a modern Russian pop artist. Born in Makhachkala.
  8. Eldar Jarakhov (1994) is a young performer rep and hip-hop compositions, video block meter from Russia. Became famous thanks to the project "Successful Group".

More information about the character and life of Eldar you can get from this video:

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