The value of the creative name of Ilyas is fate, character and health


The Arab name of Ilyas, an analogue of the Orthodox name Ilya, means "Lord - my God" or "who came to the rescue." In each country, its own form of pronunciation of this name: Bulgaria - Elijah, Hungary - Ilia, Greece - Ilia, Georgia - Ilia, Spain - Elias, Poland - Elias, France - Eli, Japan - Ery.

The diminutive form of the name: Ilyusha, Ilik, Ilyasha, Il, Ilichik, Ilyusha, Ilyush.

In the Orthodox calendar of the Islamic name Ilyas, there is His analogue Ilya.



Pros: Fair, kind, compassionate, smart, romantic, decisive.

Cons: selfish, despotic, cruel, closed.


Ilyas is growing straightforward and sharp in communication with a boy than often repels from themselves around. With brothers, sisters and friends, it prefers to share exactly in half, comes by justice. It requires that they threw their affairs and pay him time for a long time cannot understand that people have their own duties, affairs, their own life.

Trying to command his surroundings, to dive them under him, which he rarely succeeds. Due to the refusal of people to submit to Ilyas often manifests unreasonable aggression in their respect, spreading and breaking things. Little Ilyas is inclined to envy, he does not know how to rejoice in someone else's success, joy.

Fortunately, in the adolescence, Ilyasa managed to get rid of this despotic character feature. In school, it is well studying for those subjects that they are understandable and interesting, but the rest is not very trying, even if they are basic. From school items, Ilyas is best succeeded in foreign languages ​​due to its unique memory. It is important that the school is talented teachers who can fall in love with Ilyas in their subject. In such an case, Ilyas, who has hard work and prerequisite, there are all chances to become an excellent student.

Ilyas, growing, changing for the better, becoming more restrained, knows how to compromise, negotiate. Also striving to be the center of attention, but not with such selfish zeal, as in childhood. I am pleased to spend time with friends, leaves with them in nature, in clubs. He has no close friends, as he seriously refers to friendship, preferring to be friends superficially.


Ilyas has medium health, suffering colds is not so often. Throughout life experiences problems with the digestive system, he needs to carefully choose his meal, stick to the diet.



In the work for Ilyas, the first is the financial party, so it does not matter where to work, just to pay more. Can perform any work, but the pleasure of it almost does not receive. With colleagues supports working relationships, no more. Throughout the career, seeks in any way to take the place of the head, which will give him an increased status and financial stability.


Changed in love, can easily break one and fall in love with another. Nothing promises girls, they need them for a pleasant time. It is not solved to create a family because of its uncertainty, until it finds the wrong girl, after which no will seem more beautiful and better.

A family

He marries after coming down, firmly stand on his feet, will accumulate capital. The family puts in the first place, it will get a reliable husband out of it. Only in the family, he can be himself, romantic, gentle and attentive in relation to his wife. He loves their children and spends all his free time with them.

Compatibility with female names


  • Excellent: Elizabeth, Alice, Alesya, Irina, Svetlana, Christina, Zlata, Veronica, Daria, Olesya.
  • Bad: Julia, Natalia, Amina, Elina, Yana, Hope, Kira, Taisiya, Anna, Ksenia, Ulyana.



  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • The color of the name is brown.
  • The season is summer.
  • Happy week of week - Friday.
  • Happy number - 6.
  • Metal - copper.
  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • Element - water.
  • Totem animal - Eagle.
  • Plant - Vasilek.
  • Tree - cedar.
  • Mineral Talisman - Agat.

Famous people with the name Ilyas

  • Ilyas Umakhanov - Russian politician.
  • Ilyas Shurpayev is a Russian correspondent.
  • Ilyas Mercury is a Russian writer.
  • Ilyas Esenberlin is a Kazakh writer.

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