Meaning of the name Leo stages destiny facets of


The man's name - is not just a common word, repeated many times in a lifetime. Imenoforma certain way programs the fate and character of the media, so the selection procedure should be given some attention, learn the history of the selected name. For example, a beautiful name Leo has a certain value, as well as ancient origin, although currently not a special demand.


Origin imenoformy

The origins of the emergence of the name should look for ancient Greek culture in the world, where I came from an association with the king of beasts. If we turn to the Jewish imenoslovu, word form translation means "heart." Carrier pleasant-sounding male name has a valid and heroic character, even with traits of heroism, which is quite corresponds to the value-oriented animals king.

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Among the synonyms of the name can be found such options imenoformy Leon or Lyon, Levon, Love, Lacey, Lion, or even Levko Loew. Boy in childhood can affectionately call Lovushkoy and Levunya or Levusya, Lovonka or Lovochka, Llona, ​​Lovchik, Leone, Levko. Within the meaning of the name of Lovochki increase mandatory, but persistent and diligent man.

If we look at the Latin root of the word, the name sounds like a Leo, giving the carrier a difficult character with interesting features and destiny. An example can be called who lived in the 8th century, Bishop Leo Katanskogo, the power of prayer to heal people.

The nature of the stages of growing up

Positive, good child turns into an eloquent young man, the favorite not only their peers, but also the adult environment. Association name value with the king of beasts gives adult male balanced but ambitious.

Early childhood

Lovushka quiet, thoughtful boy does not age. Fate bestows purposeful talented boy, but persistent character with high responsibility. Natured baby is not crying for no reason, but do not indulge the demands of the child, so it does not become a tyrant. With the proper education of the parents will be proud of neat child, shall communicate to the end of the begun business, but a leader within the meaning of the name Lovochka will not.

adolescence stage

In adolescence, a total transformation of character may occur due to the strong energy, which fate gives the name media. Levea is easily given a school program, but more of his active recreation and communication. Loves of the environment can turn into a leader, which will turn into a lot of popularity among the peers, although he can not be interested in them at all. Fate manifests oratory from the carrier, which helps the formation of a future unique personality.

Coloring adult life

The matured lion becomes a man with a capital letter. He has a bunch of friends, respecting his opinion, thanks to the best human qualities against the background of the desire to rise above the others, the lion will be able to become an excellent leader. What features a carrier is possessed according to the name of the name:

  • humorous and optimism;
  • Communicability, as well as friendliness;
  • Calm, kindness, justice.

Do not forget that Leon can chain, then he becomes uncompromising, does not forgive the shortcomings around them, especially its partners. The main negative feature of the character of the lion can be called incontinence of promises because of the inspired cargo taken.

Lion winter

Birthday character traits:

  • Born in winter Leo Fate gives a complex character, but an honest and fair boy can be quick-tempered;
  • Birth in the spring shows ambitiousness with notes of calculation, emphasizes a frivolous, unpredictable character;
  • Summer Lion name bestows kindness, responsiveness, sincere person will never betray, protects from enemies;
  • In autumn, a man is faithful to his principles, the energetic knight will be on the protection of the interests of the family.

Relationship with the opposite sex

In adolescence, the radiating warmth of Lyon is famous for lovingness, giving preference to sincere, but sexy girls. He is a supporter of a long-term relationship, in which he tries to bring harmony, deifying love. Therefore, fleeting inputers or random sexual relations are rejected. The freedom-loving nature of the lion does not accept attempts to subjected to him. The carrier is not inclined to the scandals, but by the will of fate often his companion becomes an impulsive person, although the lion is looking for an passionate and loving partner.

Career questions

Thanks to excellent organizational abilities, a man is born to be the leader. Its patient and restraint in relation to subordinates should not be abused, after all, equilibrium can change the frank conflict. Businessmen with the royal name are honest, punctual, of the same demand from others. Among the well-known names of the name, such strong personalities can be called such as the head of Russian literature Lion Tolstoy, the legendary football player, the goalkeeper Yashin, the famous Soviet singer with a cult repertoire Lion Leshchenko.

Health for lion

The fate ended the carriers of the name of enviable health. However, neglect of physical activity leads to diseases of the joints, problems with the spine can be discovered, as well as the nervous system. In addition, Leonam must be followed by the stomach and work of the heart.

From a psychological point of view, the names of the name deny suffering, avoid unrest and difficult situations. Knowing about its exclusivity, seek to show it, subordinating others, surprising surprising.

Name compatibility conditions

  • For a happy marriage, Lev should choose Anna or Angelica, Victoria or Valery, Diana, Irina or Isabella, as well as Carolina, Tamaru, even Eleonora.
  • The complexity in relationships expect a lion if he decides to the Union with Agnes or Valentina, Eve, Susanne, should not expect interest in Oksana and Oles, Marina.

When Levushka grows and learn, in accordance with the meaning of the name, he is able to become an attentive doctor, a professional aircraft designer, a well-known journalist or writer. In the business of Lion is awaiting success, it can be called an egoist, but not at all stingy.


Horoscope tsarist named

  • Aries - novels of a loving adventurist with a sense of humor will not be stable.
  • Taurus - the demandingness of character risks to grow into a sharp straightness.
  • Gemini - the incredible charm of his female Balagar deprives him of constancy in relationships.
  • Cancer - straightforward, but unsure of the person, without tenderness and care becomes aggressive.
  • Lion - the same sign emphasizes high self-esteem, conviction in its right.
  • Virgo is a modest lonely lovers fighting his weak sides of character.
  • Scales - an emotional carrier with a complex character prefers to be the center of attention.
  • Scorpio - fate gives an ambitious character, unresponsive criticism.
  • Sagittarius - the sharpness of the rectilinear carrier wounds not only around, but also his own soul.
  • Capricorn - the career growth of the disciplined lion will be rapid.
  • Aquarius - the fate of sincere and gullible Leva hurts the betrayal of friends.
  • Fish - impressionable nature just need reliable friend and adviser.

Day Angel

Church name: a lion

Meaning of the name: king of beasts (Read the full name of the Lion)

Nearest name of Lev: November 31

Name day

strong>Lion. in 2021 for the church calendar
  • January 12.

    Lion, Archimandrite

  • February 2

    Leo Great Mackell, King

  • March, 3rd

    Lion Patar, Martyr

  • 5th of March

    Lion Katan, bishop

  • May 31

    Lion, Martyr

  • June 20.

    Lion Ershov, Sacred, Ieria

  • the 14 th of July

    Lion, Rev.

  • July 24.

    Lion, Rev.

  • August 31

    Lion, Martyr

  • September 20

    Lev Egorov, Rev. Martyr, Archimandrite

  • September 24

    Lion, Martyr

  • October 24.

    Lev Optina, Rev.

  • November 25

    Lion I Roman, Dad

  • December 20

    a lion

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